call for level packs

Started by Mindless, August 17, 2005, 04:45:09 AM

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I'm pretty close to finishing TWbestof.dat basically modifying some of the levels slightly and doing some testing

EDIT: I've finished TWbestof.dat


I'll have to rewrite my levelpack.php script to add TWbestof.dat to the list, so it may be a while before it is added.

Don't ask why, because it's just bad coding habbits. X_X


Quote from: Mindless  link=1124253909/15#17 date=1124397364I'll have to rewrite my levelpack.php script to add TWbestof.dat to the list, so it may be a while before it is added.

Don't ask why, because it's just bad coding habbits. X_X
Wow, must be really bad if you have to rewrite the script just to handle what it normally is supposed to do!  ;P


It's meant for packs that contain:
a) the author name (shortened)
b) the pack number

eg TWpack01.dat

I could modify it to handle these, but the script is pretty ugly as it is.


Quote from: Mindless  link=1124253909/0#10 date=1124321294- object id' which exceed the maximum of 15
Definitely a good warning, and I'm sure LemEdit will probably throw a fit.  However, I think you can actually get CustLemm to accept higher object IDs.  You can do this on a custom graphics set by using some of the bytes in groundXo normally reserved for terrain metadata to instead hold the extra objects' metadata.

Quote- (to be implemented) check for non-displayable characters in level name
This might be a good warning, but dare I suggest that once in a blue moon maybe a level designer would want garbled characters in the title?  As far as I know, while you will get garbage, non-displayable characters does not crash neither CustLemm nor LemEdit.

Quote- (to be implemented) check for objects with the y coordinates below 0
I think what you really want to check is to see whether the object's activation area is outside the level boundaries.  Oh, the same goes for steel areas too.

Quote- (to be implemented) check for incorrect terrain and object modifers
Is there such a thing for terrain modifiers?  If I recall all bits are used.

And as for interactive objects, I can tell you that although LemEdit doesn't support all of it, almost every bit in the modifier byte of the object is actually handled by the game (most aren't very interesting in case you're wondering), while the remaining are ignored and have no effect.  I would suggest not doing the check.

Quote- (to be implemented) check for graphics sets above 9
Don't, in case it becomes possible to create your own graphics sets in the future.  Well, at most a warning, only because LemEdit might choke on it (haven't tested).  CustLemm doesn't care.


It also turns out that CustLemm has trouble if the terrain section of the LVL uses up all 400 slots.  This might be something you want to check.

And then of course there are things like no working exits and # to save > # out.  Oh yeah, and # out > 80 also tends to hang CustLemm.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1124253909/15#20 date=1124409423Don't, in case it becomes possible to create your own graphics sets in the future.  Well, at most a warning, only because LemEdit might choke on it (haven't tested).  CustLemm doesn't care.
LemEdit chops anything above 9 down to a number between 0 and 9, so 10 becomes 0, 22 becomes 2.

CustLemm handles extra graphics sets nicely... you can have groundAo.dat and vgagrA.dat by specifying the correct ASCII code in relation to the ASCII codes for 0 to 9, which would be 17. 18 for groundBo.dat and vgagrB.dat and so on.

In any case, my validator will issue a warning, which of course you can ignore.


My level packs


PACK1 TYPE THING - These levels aren't very good at all.
PACK2 TYPE THING - These ones are a big improvement
PACK3 TYPE THING - These levels are good.
PACK4 TYPE THING - Probably my best pack so far.

NOTE: &#A0;Pack 4 is missing the final version of the level 'Another one o' them line levels?'. &#A0;The final version is the same as the current one only it fixes a backroute. &#A0;I will put the finished pack up when I can get the final version which is at my dad's house.



All the levels except the extended graphics level have the wrong terrain set


Yeah, that has been discussed on this thread.

Either copy/rename the VGAGR and GROUND files as explained, or just manually change the levels' graphics set numbers in LemEdit.

I do think that since almost the entire rest of the world uses CustLemm, it would be nice if Tim can modify the levels at release time to use CustLemm's graphics set numbers instead.


Sorry.  It never occured to me that it might screw up in the first place.


The levels in pack 4 aren't bad I would say they were some of your best levels.


Quote from: Mindless  link=1124253909/0#10 date=1124321294hmm...perhaps i should make a dedicated level verifier...  :D
finally got around to this...


bug fix: steel width incorrect

(I've also update my DAT compressor and decompressor ->