Research Project

Started by Liebatron, March 27, 2006, 03:04:16 PM

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I have this research project I need to do for school, so I have a request. If you find any sites or articles regarding alternative energy, Ethanol, Soy bean pwered cars or something like that please post the site's URL here. Danke.


When I was in school, helped me out with that kinda stuff. Don't know if you've checked that site yet or not.


In addition to wikipedia, there is also Google in case you forgotten.

But I think sooner or later you should hit the school or town library.  As useful as the web is, it can often be hard to assess the accuracy and reliability of information obtained from the web.  For a school research project I personally believe that at least half (preferably more) of your sources should be non-electronic.  (Though maybe I'm just old fashioned, and I'm less concerned with webpages which also are also published on paper, like websites of magazines.)  The librarian might also help direct you to relevant and trustworthy websites on the subject.  Good luck.


Actually, your school should provide you with access to an (online) archive of periodicals, and if not, then your local library should.  I know that mine does, I just have to put in my library card number or, in some cases, my driver's license.


Quote from: ccexplore link=1143471857/0#2 date=1143512492 (Though maybe I'm just old fashioned, and I'm less concerned with webpages which also are also published on paper, like websites of magazines.)
No, you're right. When I was in college last year, an embarrassing amount of students ended their essays with bibliographies that contained nothing but Wikipedia URLs. I felt ashamed and started using the college library instead. It definitely reflected on me better to cite actual books in my essays than to rely soley on the internet. The information from books is often a lot more accurate, in-depth and valuable than information from electronic sources.


the school does provide those although I did use google a tad. The things the schools have search through avariety of internet articles and scanned newspaper/magazine articles. Thanks for the advice, I have all the articles I need now so this topic is available for deletion for anyone here who's a moderator and thinks it should be or someone objects or if aliens attack or something. Something that confuses me though is that we have to use articles. No books have been mentioned or anything, only articles which are the only thing the school web browsers search for. :P