Conversion of Lemmini Mobillems V6 to Superlemmini

Started by ericderkovits, September 04, 2020, 05:45:19 PM

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ok again the climber issue. This one is Brouhaha 18 Fracture. After the miner mines back left toward the hatch to free crowd(he's also a climber), he climbs over little small barrier left of hatch.
So I just had to add a couple small square ones added on to ones there so he wont climb there.


ok, Brouhaha rank is finished. Now onto Heinous rank. Brouhaha had 2 climber issues in them, 1 of them didn't affect the solution(The Midas Touch-but I still fixed) and the other one was
Fracture which does affect the solution(because one would lose the climber, thus failing the level-so again I fixed).

As far as this rank goes, several of the levels had tight times. One level was finished right as it was approching 0. level 7 Going Down, Just beat the clock.


hey, Heinous level 10-Honey, I Shrunk the Levels II is 4 original minis of the original game. Top left is No added colours or lemmings; Top right is Poles Apart; bottom left is With a twist of
lemmings please; and bottom right is Stepping Stones. All 4 of these miniatures are in the Mayhem rank of the original game. This is kind of interesting level. Very easy one to do, since I already
knew the solution to this one.


Ok, This Heinous level 15 Eye of the Needle was super hard execution wise. finally I did it although just saving the 7 that was needed(icho saved 1 over). Maybe in regular lemmini it's easier to
save 8. Anyways, trying to get the blocker exploding at the extreme precise moment so the lemming behind will turn around and fall so he faces left. I couldn't do it with one, so what I did was
Increase the RR to 99. and send 2 climbers close together up following the 1st climber who builds and blocks. By sending up 2 one ends up falling and facing left while the other one faces right
but splats, therefore I could only save the 7. But at least I met the requirement. If this were NL, Maybe they could give a Talisman for saving 8.

By sending only 1 following lemming up, I could never get him to turn around and fall facing left when the blocker is bombed. Either he would fall but facing right or he would turn around but
not fall.

Edit: In NL's MobilLems 3 the replay I collected also saved only 7, as it also sent up 2 following climbers close together.


ok in level 19 TheLemming lies down on broadway, I had to use the blocker to solve it due to the stupid climber climbs past one of the lemmings builder steps that is supposed to stop the other climber lemming so he will turn around to build the bottom steps for the basher. I placed the blocker after the 1st lemming builds a small bridge over gap near exit and turns around. I placed the
blocker low enough on snow so basher will release him (although not mandatory since the requirement is 28 not 29. But I wanted to save 29 like Icho did-although he never used a blocker to solve
the level) But I had to use it due to climber issue. Only other way to fix the level would be to add a builder just to build him to turn him around so he will build bottom builder steps for basher.
But I decided since there was a blocker availiable I didn't need to add a builder.


ok level 22 of Heinous again I had to use the basher(icho didn't) due to lemmings get by a blocker when there in a crowd where in lemmini I think they don't.

To solve this one I dug the 1st lemming near left side, 2nd lemming gets past (He will be the lead lemming), now after he falls float him right before splatting. Now build him into block to turn
him around(make sure he only builds 1 step to turn him around to save time). Then immediatly climb him. Now after he is done climbing and heading right, mine him about 1/2 way on this
block(the miner will leave a small opening on above terrain. Now when the digger is just about to break thru, bash another lemming that's in the pit heading right (now all the lemmings currently
in the pit will go right(make sure basher will break thru where miner leaves opening. Now the digger will go left where you block him. Finally, set RR to 99 and that's it.
Edit:oh of course Nuke the blocker

This one I can't see being solved without this solution likes icho's regular lemmini youtube one because in lemmini no other lemmings will get past a blocker right away. (Watch this blocker part
on his youtube video, you can see even in a crowd no lemmings will get past a blocker once set.) That's why he didn't need the basher. So I had to come up with the solution for it to be solved.


Ok, the Heinous rank is finished, now just the OhNoMoreLevels and the pack will be done.

Notes on the Heinous rank:
2 of the levels had to be solved with the one skill added to solve that in Icho's Lemmini video didn't use.

1) TheLemmings lies Down on Broadway-level 19(had to use the blocker due to climber issue where a climber climbs past a builders steps where he doesn't in Lemmini). But I still managed to
    save 29(1 over requirement like Icho also did)
2) Put your back into it laddy...-level 22 (had to use the basher in this level due to the blocker won't stop all lemmings once set like lemmini's does)

and 1 other level (Eye of the Needle level 15) where I just solved with met requirement(Not 1 over like icho did as in Superlemmini it's very difficult to save 8; don't know if it's easier to save 8 in regular lemmini). Also in the replay I have for NL, it's also solved with just the met requirement(7/10) and with the same solution.


ok back to some more of Mobillems. I did the first five levels of the OhNoMore Levels. I have a feeling this is going to be quick, since this is starting off super easy.


ok, Guess what. Yes, you guessed it, another climber issue. This time it's OhNoMoreLevels level 12 Runaway lemming. The Climber wants to climb those stars(looks like plus signs (+))
I mean it really doesn't affect the solution, but still climbers shouldn't be dlimbing anything that it shouldn't. The reason the climber is climbing over those is because the stars are only 1 pixel thick.
so what I did is double stack the stars, so now the climber wont climb them. also the zappers trigger points were too high as they were'nt working so had to lower the zappers(now they work).

And now only 8 more levels to go till mobillems is finished.


hey mobilems level 15 in the OhNoMoreLevels rank is the level from Genesis' Present rank(level 19-Acrophobia). I wonder why mobius just used the Genesis Level for one in MobilLems instead of
just making an original level on his own.


ok level 18-OhNoMoreLevels(Occam's Razor). I don't like this level because the exit is invisible just left of hatch. Here I thought the level was impossible. Neolemmix wouldn't like this kind of trickery, but at least in NL, one can find it anyways by hitting the physics mode icon. Had to see Icho's solution to notice that the exit was invisible left of hatch.


Quote from: ericderkovits on September 24, 2020, 04:47:47 AM
hey mobilems level 15 in the OhNoMoreLevels rank is the level from Genesis' Present rank(level 19-Acrophobia).

O.o, you're right. I never ever noticed this.

ok level 18-OhNoMoreLevels(Occam's Razor). I don't like this level because the exit is invisible just left of hatch. Here I thought the level was impossible. Neolemmix wouldn't like this kind of trickery, but at least in NL, one can find it anyways by hitting the physics mode icon. Had to see Icho's solution to notice that the exit was invisible left of hatch.

Haha you clearly didn't spend enough time on this level. After a couple of attempts, it should had been very obvious that you will never solve the level by using the visible exit on the very far right. There's just not enough time and there's nothing you can do to speed up the lemmings to get there faster. Also, if you're aware that Occam's razor refers to the principle that when there's multiple explanations for the same thing, the simplest one is the most likely one to be right. However, in this level it is a bit ironic in that you have to apply some logic to deduce that something else must be going on besides the visible exit you see. Then you'll see that the level title is indeed appropriate after all, because the invisible exit to the left of the entrance is even simpler than the visible one.

As for the time I encountered this level years ago, I remember just setting a blocker and seeing what happens after maybe 2 attempts using the right exit and seeing that it will never work no matter what. I kind of vaguely remember thinking, wow, what a cheap trick with the invisible exit, and also I wasn't aware of the meaning of the level title at the time, as I had never heard of it. Then again, there is also another one in a Mazulems level, but the level title at least hints it (Phantom exit) and also you have a lot of skills to mess around in the level to find it, so that one isn't too bad.

In all fairness, at least this one is very short and very easy if you know how ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: