Amiga MODs in Cheapo? Now you can!

Started by ccexplore, November 04, 2005, 08:42:18 AM

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Quote from: Happy_Feet link=1131093740/15#29 date=1145270488(note: back when i was jasonxv, i was rather rude. i apologise sincerely. this new nick wasnt meant to hide me. i just wanted a new nick. lol.)
That's alright, you are better this time around. &#A0;I just thought I recognize someone who likes using their smilies. ;)

As for the style, if the music still not working after you use your style to create a new level...I dunno. &#A0;I'm not at my home computer until after work hours, I'll take a stab tonight at the style you PMed. &#A0;(Looking at it, I didn't see a problem.)


Quote from: Mr. Ksoft link=1131093740/15#25 date=1145183577Crap, not another person to fall to the corrupt file bug... something's really up with my server; many people who download ZIPs from it get corrupted files. &#A0;You using IE? &#A0;That's known to be a cause. &#A0;And the download works OK for me.
Um, well if you're not e-mailing them (guestlevel@yahoo) I'm not going work on anything. &#A0;Or try something besides ZIP like RAR.

[edit: oops, typo with the e-mail address, it should be guestlevels@yahoo]


Quote from: ccexplore link=1131093740/30#30 date=1145292451As for the style, if the music still not working after you use your style to create a new level...I dunno. &#A0;I'm not at my home computer until after work hours, I'll take a stab tonight at the style you PMed. &#A0;(Looking at it, I didn't see a problem.)[/color]
@Happy_Feet: Ok I found the problem in your STT. &#A0;You forgot to put "End" for the "Lemmings" section, and since the "Music" section follows, the editor read your entire Music section as part of the "Lemmings" section instead, which is why no music gets incorporated into your style.

Just add a single line with the word "End" before the "Music:" section and that should fix it.


@Happy_Feet:  another thing I notice is that Cheapo might sometimes have trouble finding the files the style references if they are not somewhere under the "Styles" folder or one of its subfolders.

So I recommend putting all materials under the Styles folder, possibly in a subfolder.  For example, you can make a subfolder named "MyFirstStyle" inside Styles, then put all the bitmaps, MODs, etc. for your style inside that subfolder.  Then to reference the files in your STT, you would use a path like "MyFirstStyle\cancan.mod" instead of just "cancan.mod".  Put the STT directly under the Styles folder just in case.


thanks that helped! say ccexplore, will you ever get around to GYM? genesis lemmings sounds way better than snes lemmings :P have a listen for yourself ^_^ how about VGM? hehe just askin', not expectin'..


Quote from: Mr. Ksoft link=1131093740/15#20 date=1145139130But meh. &#A0;See for yourself on the mods I'm trying so far: &#A0;These are the ones that refuse to play in the editor/game.
I just tried out the 3 MODs you e-mailed me and they all worked fine in the editor and in the game. &#A0;So I think you probably just made a simple careless mistake like the one Happy_Feet made (eg. forgot to put "End" in the section before "Music:").

Read some of my answers/suggestions on this thread, and make sure you created a new level with the style first (or open an existing level that uses the style) before using the playtest function. &#A0;If it still doesn't work then PM me your STT.

I also e-mailed you back the style I generated using your MODs. &#A0;See if you can hear the music in that style, in case it's somehow a problem specific to your machine.


So, here's a general tip to those who encountered troubles while creating a style with MODs and other non-MIDI music:

To see whether the problem lies with your style or with my non-MIDI music support, create a copy of your STT but change it to use only MIDI music. &#A0;Then generate the style and see whether the music works. &#A0;If it doesn't work even with MIDI music, then it's most likely a problem in your STT.

Mr. K

Aha, it was sort of a dumb mistake, but NOT an obvious one.

I remembered having BASS.DLL in my Windows/System folder for my game development, and Windows looks there before trying the one in the MusicSupport folder.  Turns out the one in Windows/System was a really, really old version (modified date said... 2000!?) and replacing it instantly fixed the problem! Yay!


Quote from: Mr. Ksoft link=1131093740/30#37 date=1145399106I remembered having BASS.DLL in my Windows/System folder for my game development, and Windows looks there before trying the one in the MusicSupport folder.
Wow, interesting, I'm glad you brought that to my attention.  This would definitely not be easy for an average end user to diagnose (even with my help on the forums) if one of their random games decided to install an old BASS.DLL in the windows system folder.  It also appears this unexpected behavior is due to a change they made in Windows XP SP1 presumably as a security measure.

I'll have to see whether I can change my code to look for DLLs in the MusicSupport folder first.  I believe that should be possible (specify a full path to the DLL), and I'll upload and announce a newer version of my stuff when that's done.