Really stuck now (Genesis Version)

Started by Deathman48, October 05, 2005, 01:06:38 AM

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Quote from: Deathman48  link=1128474398/15#27 date=1128562266Lucky I had a saved state right at the crucial part. =P

You saved a state!? How!?

Here's my idea for I am A.T.
The first lemming (right entrance) digs down 7 pixels. The next one digs one pixel to the left of where the other lemming started. The other digger will be released. Keep going down and to the left until you hit steel, make sure the lemmings can get up. Make a lemming build by the 7 pixel hole.


Wow, you use an emulator and doesn't even know how to make savestates? :???: That's sad.

It depends on the emulator.  The best suggestion would be to simply look at the emulator window's menu bar.  Regardless of which emulator and whether it's SNES or Genesis, you are almost guaranteed to find something in one of the drop-down menus that relates to savestates, along with the shortcut keys for it.

And if you can't find it, I suggest you get another emulator. ;P


Without Save States I wouldn't have been able to do some of these levels without tearing my hair out. >_<

Quote from: guest  link=1128474398/30#30 date=1128574446The first lemming (right entrance) digs down 7 pixels. The next one digs one pixel to the left of where the other lemming started. The other digger will be released. Keep going down and to the left until you hit steel, make sure the lemmings can get up. Make a lemming build by the 7 pixel hole.

If you'd posted that about 2 hours earlier I'd have known how to do We All Fall Down with 2/3 diggers. =P

That's quite ingenious, but I see your point about how difficult it would be. You would definitely need save states unless you are a god at timing and can get every Lemming to dig at the exact spots you need them every single time. And based on how many Lemmings you would need to use to get down to the ground, that's a hell of a lot of accuracy. I might give it a try at some point though.


I don't quite follow that solution. Where is the digging done? Could you post a preliminary screenshot?


The way I solved Final Impediment (when I played the level the first time I found it out immediately and though it was the intended way) is completely different to your solutions:
First one floater, build over the gap at the right, built to get to the little island at the bottom-left. Mining & building to turn around, building up to the start platform while releasing the blocker using a digger and one or more bashers, digging down with the released blocker to save him. First lemming bashes into start platform and build to turn around. Building up to the block at the left and to the exit.
I wasted a couple of bashers at this try, as you can see:

Also, the 100% solution for I'm A.T. wasn't as hard as I expected (last screenshot is a bit dark since the screen was already fading out):


Or alternately, forget everything I just said and look at the post above me to see how it should be done. I must admit that's very impressive, I guess I've just not had enough practise at the method.

Oh and my solution to Final Impediment uses less builders, so there. =P


How is one digger able to stop another? I thought a digger only needed one pixel of terrain under him to keep digging.


According to what ccexplore told me, that is only true for the PC version and that's why the 2/3 digger solution for We All Fall Down on the PC fails, on the Genesis and others it's possible to stop diggers by removing most of the terrain from underneath them with another digger.


geoo89's 100% solution was a little different....but probably easier. I figured out how to save states. I thought that they would be part of the game, because ccexplore said that there weren't any in the DOS version.


I am a new member here. But I just need to bump this topic because this could be a helpful post =P

Here is a very simple way to beat Final Impediment. I've made a screenshot and uploaded it to my site(very bad site, and it goes about another old game. It's called Jazz Jackrabbit 2) but you will find a screenshot with how I did Final Impediment. I could do it simplier, but this is good enough ;)
Here a short explanation :
First Lemming starts building from the right side of the platform, till he builds against the wall(he won't get hit by the fire) when he walks down you should start building to the left when he is at the 12th brick he built. Then, after doing that, try to mine the blocker free but if that is unsafe, try to build over the blocker. Then let the last Lemming build to the left so he walks to the right. Let him mine the blocker free. You need to time well! And you have to change the miner into a builder. If done correctly, you will have the same as my screenshot, found here :

As for I am A.T. : I've completed it once but I had alot of bad luck already. It's hard to get that 80%. I have had 77 and 78 percent, but I completed it once with 80%.
Hopefully this post is helpful.