[FIXED][Suggestion][EXP-Editor] Bringing back X/Y coordinates and piece sizes

Started by IchoTolot, September 30, 2017, 10:18:28 AM

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So yesterday I found out that the new editor doesn't display the current (manualy changeable) X/Y coordinates and the size of the currently selected pieces anymore.

I found this very critical, as it's one of my most used features to be honest. After asking Nepster he explained me that he wasn't using it really and therefore left it out.

Now I want to know if I am a special snowflake here and the only one heavily using changable X/Y coordinates and the piece size information. Please, if you are using this features and want them to stay write in here.

Some words about usage:

It starts with the first piece placement. I usually choose a multiplyer of 8 for the first pieces to start a grid. I type in let's say 240/80 for the hatch and go further from that. Without the feature I would need to place pieces I know by memory they are 16x16 pixels and use them to create a grid, as the piece size isn't displayed, too.

Creating precise gaps is much easier. A builder can build 24 pixels further --- add 24 pixels to the next piece in the X-coordinate for a precise gap. Even better with long gaps -- I want a 96 pixel long gap --- just add 96 to the next piece. No measuring by placing other pices (which we now even don't know the size of anymore) or slow constant playtesting.

Also adjusting the height of gaps and nearly everything is easier check both pieces Y coordinate and adjust. Being sure everything is at the same height is so much easier. A gap should be the same height / have a 37 height difference on the sides, one quick edit in the Y-coordinate and you're fine!

Crating complex structures is way easier if you know the size of your pieces. If I know my piece is 57 pixels long I can better calculate how many pieces of another tile I can fit under it, or parallel 48 pixels under it to extend this.

Using the size information and being able to manually change the current X/Y coordinates saves you a ton of time and nerves when you want to make exact, symmetrical or nearly every structure in the game!

Really I am using it extremely often and I would even consider it as one of the core and most important features of the editor. So it would be sad to let it go. That's why I ask if I am the only one who is using them! ;P


I use coordinates (mouse x/y, selection rectangle x/y/xlength/ylength) all the time in pixel art and general image manipulation.

I added it naturally to the Lix editor early during development, and look at it occasionally. I'd probably notice were it missing in Lix.

-- Simon


I agree; Lix also has visible piece coordinates and I use it all the time to calculate where new pieces should go. Another common example is finding the exact midpoint of a structure.

Colorful Arty

Yes please. I use xy coordinates and check width and height quite frequently in my level designing. (Both in NeoLemmix and Lix)
My Youtube channel where I let's play games with family-friendly commentary:

My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/colorfularty

My levelpack: SubLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4942.0
For Old formats NeoLemmix: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2787.0
For SuperLemmini: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2704.0

My levelpack: ArtLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4583.0


Yes I would very much like X, Y co-ordinates as well, I'm more of a numerical person myself and it was something which was very useful to me.

Also I used Piece sizes to measure splat height more than anything to make sure I wasn't making drops too high.


I've used this a number of times in the old editor, this comes in handy when I need to be extremely precise.
I second this notion


Even if I am running in danger of being annoying with this and I know that other things are still on the to-do list:

Any chance that "simply" displaying piece sizes will make an appearance soon? ;)     

I noticed that from editable X/Y coordinates and that  - seing the actual piece size of the piece selected I would value even more.


Quote from: IchoTolot on January 22, 2018, 08:58:24 PM
Any chance that "simply" displaying piece sizes will make an appearance soon? ;)     
Soon? No, because I am glad if I get to do all bug-fixes and implement the auto-download feature for styles.
Still on the to-do list? Yes, but as I said, it's not (by far) top-priority.