2 glitches discovered

Started by Leviathan (at school), October 17, 2005, 09:32:22 AM

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Quote from: Leviathan  link=1129541546/15#29 date=1130246151I was wondering another thing...is it possible to save a lemming while he's drowning?
I've seen that when a lem is drowning,he's still counted as a walker untill the moment he disapears.

Now what happens if you put an exit in the water with the trigger area right in the middle where a lem would drown?
I've tried this but it doesn't work so far,hence my question if it's possible.
I doubt it'll work.  One way to confirm that it won't work is to see if the number of Lemmings OUT is reduced when the Lemming hits the water.


You can save Lemmings if they splat right on top of the exit, though. I've seen that.


Quote from: Mindless  link=1129541546/30#30 date=1130250774
I doubt it'll work. &#A0;One way to confirm that it won't work is to see if the number of Lemmings OUT is reduced when the Lemming hits the water.
It isn't.  As Leviathan stated already, the Lemming is not removed from the game until it totally disappears.  The OUT is not decremented while the drowning animation is in progress.

That of course doesn't say anything about whether the Lemming can exit while drowning.  You can always try putting all manners of exits and other triggerable objects all over the water so that very little water is actually left past the point where the Lemming made contact with the water.  If nothing happens then the answer is probably no.


Quote from: Mindless  link=1129541546/30#30 date=1130250774One way to confirm that it won't work is to see if the number of Lemmings OUT is reduced when the Lemming hits the water.
In fact, let me extend this by pointing out that the number OUT is never decremented until the Lemming is removed (ie. disappears, particularly from the mini-map at the bottom right) from the game.  The only cases where this happens immediately, as far as I can remember, are:

1) falling off bottom of level
2) hits a non-constant trap (ie. those traps where other lemmings can past by harmlessly while the trap is already operating on a victim)

Regarding case #2, note that the lemming you see in the trap animation is actually part of the trap animation.  The "real" lemming is removed the very instant the trap is triggered.

Exploders are also interesting because, despite the fact that the lemming turns into a puff of confetti immediately at the moment of explosion, the game doesn't remove the lemming (doesn't decrement OUT) until the explosion is over.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/30#33 date=1130265245Exploders are also interesting because, despite the fact that the lemming turns into a puff of confetti immediately at the moment of explosion, the game doesn't remove the lemming (doesn't decrement OUT) until the explosion is over.
I noticed another glitch with the exploder (or bomber, whichever you prefer).  If a bomber goes off at the moment he goes into the exit, he'll go into the exit, then you'll hear the "oh no" sound effect.  Suddenly, he reappears and goes into the exit again.  I think it only counts as 1 lemming, though.

I don't think this glitch can be used to improve the score on any levels, though.  It seems to be useless, other than for its visual effects.

You can make this happen on any level, but I suggest trying it out on Wild 9 in ONML.  This glitch occured a lot while I was testing out the no-skill solution to that level.


Yeah I've seen this too every so often.  I think it's because the explosion timer countdown is still active while you are exiting.  So when the countdown reaches 0, the game transitions the lemming into an "oh-no-er", which interrupts the ongoing exiting animation.  Then the game does the interactive object check and (re)discovers the exit, so the "oh-no-er" transitions back to the exiting animation again.

Notice that this results in the exiting animation starting twice, but it still only completes once (since it was interrupted the first time).  So you can't gain an extra lemming saved by this, because the IN counter is not updated until the exiting animation is fully completed, at which point the game will immediately remove the lemming (and therefore it's not available for further transitioning into any other form that might end up exiting a second time).


I just discovered a new, IMO quite interesting glitch. I suppose not even ccexplore knows it for now.
Actually this glitch is based on another glitch known by at least one person apart from me (I think you know who's meant ;))
Experimenting with this glitch, I got a follow-up of ideas (I actually didn't expected to work) and finally ended up with that new glitch, the main move is still the same.
This discovery gave me some new knownledge of the game mechanics, at least my thoughts are not contradictionary to all the things I noticed before.
I'll make a level using this glitch, actually I'm going to release it with my second pack, but since it will take some time until the release, I'm going to give it away already now on request.
Expect it to be ready in a few days, maybe already tomorrow.


Quote from: geoo89  link=1129541546/30#36 date=1130355173I just discovered a new, IMO quite interesting glitch. I suppose not even ccexplore knows it for now.
Well now, if you put it that way, then I have no choice but to an advance private release of the level to me. ;P

It is quite likely for there to be tons of glitches out there that I don't know about, since a "glitch" in one sense always involves some combination of moves, and I could hardly pretend to have considered the myriad of all possible combinations.

However, I'm willing to bet that whatever the manifestation is, I probably already know the principles behind the glitch.  Or maybe not, we'll see.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/30#37 date=1130356544
Well now, if you put it that way, then I have no choice but to an advance private release of the level to me. ;P
Well, somehow I was going to cause this reaction with the way I was writing my reply. ;)

QuoteIt is quite likely for there to be tons of glitches out there that I don't know about, since a "glitch" in one sense always involves some combination of moves, and I could hardly pretend to have considered the myriad of all possible combinations.

However, I'm willing to bet that whatever the manifestation is, I probably already know the principles behind the glitch.  Or maybe not, we'll see.
Due to your knownledge of the game mechanics, I think you do. However, this glitch does not only...well...I don't want to give away too much...see the level when it is ready. I already have a plan for it in mind. ;)


Ok, the level is ready now. PM sent to ccexplore.


I haven't bothered with actually solving the level, but do take a look at your PM. ;)


Ok then, nothing new for you. Check PM for more detailled reply.


Yes, I'm afraid nothing new, but it'll be sure to leave everyone else's heads scratching when you release your second set! ;P :thumbsup:
