Fall and no life part two

Started by segagamer, May 14, 2005, 06:03:31 PM

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Without being pedantic, a Genesis/Mega Drive emulator and Lemmings ROM. =P

And some of them are pretty hard yeah, but you might not find them quite so hard yourself. Certainly the Present and Sunsoft difficulties range from being stupidly easy to stupidly hard, you need to think outside the box for some of them. Like on one level you need to get one, and only one, Lemming out of a line of Lemmings coming at a RR of 99, but you don't have any climbers or blockers to block the rest in. But then at the other end there's one level called "Everyone turn left" where you have only one blocker skill and an uninterrupted stretch of land, so it doesn't take a genius to work out how to do that one.


Could you recommend where I should get an emulator and a ROM? All I've managed is to get a ROM that was compressed in some crazy format, I couldn't decompress it. There were also some ads along the way that I don't care to see again...


There are links near the end of the Lemmings Level List Game.


Ummm.....It's "working". As in, it's running. I can't use the mouse or change the selected skill or assign a skill....
I'm using GENS, how can I get it to really work?


OK, I figured it out. I'm pretty sure it isn't possible to use a mouse. I really don't know anything about genesis but I suspect it never had anything like a mouse.


No it didn't, you'll need to use whatever keys are assigned to up, down, left and right to move the cursor around.

The Genesis/Mega Drive is well over 10 years old now, it was a gaming console so it didn't have a mouse. ^^