Official Lemmings Levels

Started by Luis, April 30, 2013, 08:02:18 AM

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I sometimes like to go back and play these levels, for nostalgia. I wish I can erase my memory of the solution to these levels and playthough it again, like it was new, because I regret using a faqs on some of the levels." alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" /> Anyone else still like to play these levels, even though you have already beaten them? I think I must have played Just Dig, over 200+ times.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


I think I've played Lemmings through like 5 times now, two times being at the beginning of last decade when our computer still supported DOS. The third time was in autumn 2010, when I installed DOSBox in my computer. Last year, when I got a huge Lemmings itch, I played L1 through twice: at first I played it authentically in DOSBox, and my last playthrough is using LemmixPlayer (so it's the only time I've played L1 with fast forward, replaying, Amiga music etc.). I don't know when I'll play L1 through the next time, but I haven't played it in Lemmini yet for example, as the levels might be a little different to solve in this case.
I'm pretty sure I played ONML always through right after L1, so I've played that game also about 5 times and in the same way, last playthrough being in LemmixPlayer and all the earlier ones in DOS(/Box).

I remember that I never looked the solutions up from anywhere when beating all the Lemmings games, and I'm extremely happy for that. "No Added Colours or Lemmings" was one level which got me NEARLY look up the solution, but the moment I solved it myself without any help, was one of the best Lemmings moments in my life, that was euphoric.
A little off topic since this is seemingly only for L1, but I have still to beat official levels: Sports 10 - "Take up Archery!" (getting gold) from Lemmings 2 and Lemmings Revolution levels "Turn on! Tune in! Switch on!" and "My finest moment". I guess I wouldn't forgive myself if I'll look up the solutions for those, I have to nail them myself, since I haven't done that yet!

The idea of erasing memory of the solutions seems interesting. Though maybe there would be only few levels which would take time to solve now when thinking afterwards, with all the experience in Lemmings gained through these months and years. But, I played only L1 and ONML before getting DOSBox - I hadn't played other games except Lemmings Revolution to some extent. When I last year played for my first time through Lemmings 2, Lemmings 3, all the Holiday Lemmings levels, Official Companion demo, Genesis/MegaDrive levels and PSP Special levels remade by you, I could "pretend" that I had forgotten the solutions from my childhood (because I hadn't ever played those!), and thus try them "without any memories" and solve them these days when I was an adult already!" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> Are these too far-fetched thoughts?" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

Of course, it is also possible, that in some levels you simply forget the solution! I remember when I played for my second time "No Added Colours or Lemmings", I was struggling quite a long time because I just simply didn't remember how it went exactly." alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> Of course, when a level is played multiple times, it's highly unlikely that the solution could be forgotten anymore.


I changed the title, for the levels from other games. L1 is the only one I played through. I would pick a random level and either play it for fun, or come up with a challenge. The latest challenge I came up with is trying to beat "The Fast Food Kitchen" with 100% and do it under 2 minutes with no pausing, in the PSP. That challenge was nearly impossible. So many restarts. Another challenge I tried to do is beat all the Fun levels in one setting and without messing up. If you mess up, you'll have to start over to Just Dig. I almost lost in "Take good care of my Lemmings" because I placed a blocker on a thin terrain at the beginning and when I blow him up, the Lemmings got stuck. It took all builders to get them out.

I did the same thing on Tricky, but failed on "Ozone friendly Lemmings"" alt=">:(" title="Angry" class="smiley" /> I don't recommend this challenge. It's long and will hurt your eyes.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Yep of course, when it comes to challenges, people play these levels over and over again trying to find those new, neverseen solutions. That's probably one of the most important reasons for hardcore Lemmings players to play these levels yet again.

But I believe there are still people who play official Lemmings games still through just for fun. As I said earlier, I might also have a Lemmings marathon some day when enough time has elapsed from the last playthrough, for nostalgia purposes, but also for the reason, that Lemmings games are simply so utterly fun.

A couple of previous times when I've played Lemmings marathons, I have thought about that "mess up as late in the game as possible" challenge." alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> Ozone Friendly Lemmings certainly is a risky level! I remember that I solved with my first try all the levels up to the late Tricky," class="bbc_link" target="_blank">until From the Boundary Line came up... (though I could swear that that level couldn't stop me anymore!)
It's still quite interesting to try how far a player reaches in the game before restarting, though it might turn out to be tedious to just try to pass the whole game like this. Ahaha that feeling when you'd fail in the late Mayhem" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />


A mayhem level that I can think of, that will end a perfect Lemmings run is "Time to get up!" Congratulation for making it up here! Now can you time the bombs right?" alt=":evil:" title="Evil" class="smiley" />

These challenges are endless. I came up with another one, I think a week ago. I made a Lemming reach the steels, that's on the far left in Cascade. Back in the SNES Lemmings days, I use to try to reach these outer terrains. It took 9 builders.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Another level that could be a real killer for the perfect run is "All or Nothing", unless you know how to make sure the bashers go the right way every time.

I personally have never tried a challenge of that nature, primarily because I'm usually trying for the maximum percentage.  I'll give up on a level prematurely if I've messed it up such that I'm forced to lose a lemming unnecessarily, even if the minimum percentage is still salvageable.

As for reaching the outer parts of levels, I imagine you can have a whole lot of fun with a level like "Lemming Drops" with all of the decorative terrain on the sides.  I'm a really big fan of challenges that require the use of seemingly extraneous and/or decorative terrain.  One of my favorites in that regard is Tricky 4, in which you can use the left side of the level to delay the crowd while the work is being done.


I use to like looking at those terrains in "Lemmings Drops". I'm not sure if I went there. I have you ever went to the pillar in the far right of Tricky 7? I actually went there and destroyed it, to see what's in it, in the PSP. You'll never know they have added an exit there. There's was nothing.

I thought of a cool trick, for "Time to get up". At the end, where you have to blow up the wall, you can delay a badly timed bomber, when he's near the wall, with builders.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Apparently Taxing 15 in old Lems is possible with no builders:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank"> What makes it better is that he's playing the SNES version. My favorite version of the old Lemmings.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


I didn't know "Ozone friendly Lemmings" was this easy. All you really need to do is give the four Lemmings the bomber, as soon as he appears from the entrance. It's like a button mash solution.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Upsidedown World has a Graveyard on the bottom. Those are probably dead Lemmings.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Apparently Taxing 15 in old Lems is possible with no builders:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank"> What makes it better is that he's playing the SNES version. My favorite version of the old Lemmings.

We have a topic in the challenges board called "Skills You Can't Live Without". Basically, it's about finding the skills that are required for *EVERY* possible solution to the level - for example, if a level does not list diggers, there is at least one solution to that level without using diggers. Likewise, if a level says 2 diggers, there is at least one solution that uses no more than two diggers, but there are no known solutions that use zero or one digger.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I'm gonna try that with the special levels.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.