Random Rage Thread

Started by Clam, August 21, 2011, 08:30:40 AM

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Feeling the RAGE? Don't just keep it in, let us know!

What's raging me right now:
- Rabble box is down
- geoo's Lix maps cause me untold rage for reasons I can't quite put my finger on (besides the fact he always wins on them)
- No one updates the Wiki, besides spambots
- One of my favourite old games crashes at random, and no one on the internet seems to know why.

Rage away! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/angry.gif" alt=">:(" title="Angry" class="smiley" />


Yes. This is a GOOD QUALITY thread.

Youtube links inside normal posts turn into embedded videos, even if the poster doesn't want it at all! It bloats the page, slows it down, and rips the well-thought-out formatting in half! "Jazz 1 has one of [HUGE FRICKEN BUTT VERTICAL SPACE] the best [HUGE-BUTT VERTICAL SPACE] soundtracks [RRRRRAAAAAGE I WANT TO READ THE FRICKEN TEXT] ever."

-- Simon


Funnily enough, I actually like that effect http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />. I'm sure it's terrible from a usability perspective, but I find it amusing somehow. It's probably just the novelty of it, which means it'll wear off in a while and I'll start raging about it as well.

That reminds me of another thing, underline is gone and now I have to mouse over every http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=479.msg10366#msg10366" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">word in every post just in case it links to something.


WTF, I see this only now. Why take the single optional feature away that ACTUALLY made the links usable? EITHER make the links stand out colorwise (which they still don't enough. I'm an old person.) or UNDERLINE them, or put random small icon in front of them.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Hystrix_leucura_fg01.JPG" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">We should use bold AND italics to make the link stand out in the meantime!

-- Simon


^ Eh? It shows up in a different color for me.

For some reason, middle-clicking on posts in the Recent Posts box on the main page to open them in a new tab doesn't work.


Is this just an Adam bashing thread?

Mr. K

Guys, the links are very obvious.  It must be your computer.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11388083/wut.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />


The screenshot looks exactly like my own rendering (of course), and I have the same problems.
  • The bold-and-italic turquoise indeed stands out against both white bg and black text.
  • The regular turquoise is too hard to read on the blue-turquoise background. It stands out against the text mainly because the text can be read properly.
  • The regular turquoise stands out fine against white bg, but too little against the text.
If really nobody else sees a problem (or is just tired of bringing this up all the time, I'm not sure),  I'll hunt around the web whether I can use a custom CSS with the site. It's just one class that needs change. I don't care for links outside of what users post, I've memorized what is a link and what is not.

I'd actually make the blueish background (i.e. the bg of every 2nd post) much lighter, probably a light grey, and the make all links plain blue.

(But enough off-topic constructive criticism, this is the RAGE thread after all. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />)

-- Simon


http://i.imgur.com/REy1S.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

This is more like it. http://asdfasdf.ethz.ch/~simon/etc/smiley-lixnormal.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

  • visible, outstanding links,
  • a different link color for visited links,
  • only in-post links are altered, everything else keeps its blue-greyish link color.
Does NOT feature the following alterations I personally use for the forum:
  • no signatures -- use account settings if you really don't want them,
  • cropped rank/karma/custom line -- done with browser addon, this is only useful if signatures are switched off anyway.
If someone wants to use this -- the following description is how one does it in Firefox/Iceweasel 3.x, but the CSS is the same for any browser. For Fx 3.x, edit/create (profile-path)/chrome/userContent.css and add the following:

Code: [Select]
@-moz-document domain(www.lemmingsforums.com) {
    /* make every 2nd post light grey instead of blue */
    .windowbg, #preview_body {
        background:         #E8E8E8 ! important;
    /* make every other post bg completely white instead of light grey */
    .windowbg2, #preview_body {
        background:         #FFFFFF ! important;

    /* use sane link highlighting */
    a.bbc_link:link {
        text-decoration:    underline ! important;
        color:              #2020FF ! important;
    a.bbc_link:visited {
        text-decoration:    underline ! important;
        color:              #800080 ! important;

EVEN MORE RAGE! The site's post script mangles the CSS source and adds [ url] tags to the URL. You should remove everything between square brackets, RRRRRRRRRRRR.

Edit: While we're at it, if someone wants a larger font size, add this to the CSS (after the line starting with @). Play with first number if too big or small, but I like 100% for its readability.

Code: [Select]
    /* raise the font size and disable in-single-post scrolling that
     * appears due to the larger font size */
        font:               100%/150% sans-serif ! important;
    div.windowbg2, div.post_wrapper, div.poster, div.postarea {
        overflow:           hidden  ! important;

-- Simon