Help with Genesis Music

Started by Shockwaves, August 23, 2010, 12:31:49 AM

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I'm pretty new here and haven't been using lemmini for long, and I found some lemmings genesis music (my favourite type of lemmings music) and downloaded them and tried to have them play while on lemmini. it's not working. it looks like it works with other people (looked on youtube videos) but not for me... what is it that I have to do to get levels to play the genesis music?


I haven't used Lemmini in a long time but I really doubt that it will work with Genesis music.  I believe it only supports the Amiga MOD format for music.  I would guess that your Genesis music either comes in an emulation format like .vgm or similar, or a digital recording of it in .mp3 or similar.  Neither would be supported by Lemmini AFAIK.

I don't know which youtube videos you are referring to, but keep this in mind:
  1) Are you sure those videos involve Lemmini, as opposed to people simply playing Genesis lemmings on an emulator (or even the real Genesis console)?
  2) Are you sure that the music isn't added to the video after the fact?  As in, they start off with a soundless video and then use a video editing software to put in a soundtrack?


1. yes. they are played on lemmini.
2. the music is not just added onto the video - I know this because the sound effects from the lemmings is playing on interaction. also, the creator of the video said it's possible to get your own music onto lemmini, so I'm sure it's not fake.

and also, they're mp3 files. the fact that they fade out in the end and are bigger in size (1mb-2mb) compared to the original amiga music files (20kb) may have something to do with why they're not playing.


Can you point me to the video you keep referring to?">Quote from: Shockwaves on 2010-08-22 20:45:51
also, the creator of the video said it's possible to get your own music onto lemmini

Sure, but the question still remains as to whether it's possible to get MP3 music onto lemmini, as opposed to MOD or other formats.  It's possible that Lemmini did add support for MP3s later on and I just don't remember.

I'm assuming you aren't able to contact the creator of that video?  Obviously if you can contact him/her, you should ask that person how it was done in the video.  Also you might want to make sure you have the latest version of Lemmini, although I think if you downloaded it within the past year or so it's probably the latest version (I don't think it has been in active development for over a year or two at least.)

Sorry can't be of more help, I don't think you'll find many Lemmini users on this particular forum unfortunately.  Maybe if you Google for Lemmini you might find other websites with more information.  Good luck!


I didn't think links were allowed but if you wish:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">

the level has genesis music in the background yet it's played on lemmini. and I sent a message to the creator and asked him if I could have the music file he used for it and he sent me it. it was in mp3 format.
I assume that it may just be .mod files that can be played, but surely there is a way. many people have done it, yet there is actually no guide out there on how to.