Lemmings 2 & 3 Copy protection?

Started by Ezekiel000, October 22, 2009, 05:33:18 PM

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What copy protection does Lemmings 2 & 3 have? Will I need the manual or extras? As I'm trying to hunt down second hand copies of both but I don't want to end up with a useless CD or floppy if I don't get the manual or extras.


The retail versions I have of them (PC, Europe) aren't dongleware, no manual or extras needed. I assume it's the same for any PC version.

They are both on CD, and I believe you can even copy these CDs without restrictions. They came out at a time when CD burners weren't widespread.

L2 performs a complete install onto the hard disk and doesn't require an inserted CD to play. L3 writes only the save files onto the hard drive, wants the CD inserted and plays music tracks from it. You can manually copy the whole CD to a folder on the hard disk and install from there if you don't want to have the CD inserted.

-- Simon


That's good to know, I've managed to get Lemmings 2 with everything in the original box so no worries there. But Lemmings 3 is a bit harder to find at a good price with more than just the CD.

Mr. K

I would swear at least Lemmings 2 must have some kind of protection.

I've downloaded it online previously and it's always required a "fixed" executable file, which is worded more like a "crack".  Because without it you can only play like one level.


I'm pretty sure Lemmings 2 does have copy protection, and here's the unfortunate reason that I know why:

I first got the game about 14 years or so ago, and it came on two 3.5-inch floppy disks.  I installed it on my dad's computer and it worked fine.  Unfortunately, a couple of years later, my little sister (who was about 2 years old at the time) got into the disks and pretty much destroyed one of them.  The game was still functioning on the computer, but one of the disks was pretty much worthless.

After that happened, I tried making copies of all of the Lemmings 2 files on the hard drive for backup purposes, but the copied .exe file would not work.  So now I've still got the game on the hard drive of my dad's old computer (which is now sitting on a desk in my apartment) but I've got no way to back it up in case the computer crashes. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />

EDIT:  After taking another look at my problem, I happened to luck out.  Of the two disks I have for Lemmings 2, the one that is destroyed is NOT the one with the .exe file on it.  Therefore the original L2.exe file still works fine, and I can make backups of the other files quite easily.  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" class="smiley" />