Neochrome Lemmings

Started by DragonsLover, January 22, 2008, 05:10:44 AM

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When we got the Atari ST (it's been a while), we also got Neochrome, a powerful painting program. My brother David and I had made some kind of "Lemmings" levels. My brother kept the classical Lemmings, but I created new little characters called : "Petits bonhommes blancs" (Little white sticks). I found back the floppy disks which contained those pictures and I want to show them to you. Here are they :

Those of David :

And mines :

About some pictures

Second picture of David :
It is written at the top "Welcome to Lemmings 2". At that time, the REAL Lemmings 2 wasn't out yet. :P

First picture of mine : Translation
Little White Sticks are twins of Lemmings. They're doing the same skills than them (on the left). In the next levels, some may have a X. This means that the whole landscape is undiggable. The colors where LWS die are (red, green, blue) depending of the landscape.

Splatting distance limit is 50 pixels. There are 7 steps for each stairs. Trapdoor : 24 X 14. Sky : 16 X 5. End : Anything.

(As for the skills on the left, they're quite recognisable excepted maybe the last 3 ones. Those are : SPLATTER, WALKER and EXITTER :P).

Last picture of mine
This one isn't finished, as you can see.

That's all! Hope you like them! :laugh:

Any questions?
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...

Mr Kiwi

Those are awesome!

You really should make some of those in the level editor... The pyramid one for sure! :thumbsup:



Hehe, thanks! :laugh: I think I did these when I was around 10 years old.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...