Lemmings (SNES) max-%

Started by MASTER-88, March 28, 2008, 08:47:20 AM

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Quote from: MASTER-88 on April 13, 2008, 02:40:24 PMI just still wonder some Tseug MAX-% levels:
Taxing 16 Umbrela land is absolutely impossible beat 100% on SNES versio of the game.
Mayhem 29 Save me. There is absolutely no way get 98%. I think 97% is impossible too.

MAyhem 2 Boiler room. Glitch doesn,t work very well on SNES IMO. Actually builders only can survivor alive through the roof.

Tricky 23 From the boundary line. I don,t find way get any more than 71%.
Taxing 28: My MAX-% is 83%. I think 84% can be possible if everythink went perfectly. 87% is IMO impossible on SNES.

There must be some versio differences between DOS and SNES versio of the game.
Well I can tell you for certain that I got 90% on taxing 28 because I did it on the SNES before DOS.
Taxing 16 and mayhem 2 should work, I can test them if you want though.
Tricky 23 and mayhem 29 are hard...


Thats interesting.

I just wonder. There is no enought items get 100% in taxing 16. You cannot break blocker, because there is no bashers, diggers and miners. There is only couple floters and pretty fast releaserate. It sound just totally impossible. I just don,t have any theory how this can work.

As well mayhem 29. You need some very specials. This just looks totally impossible.
Tricky 23. I have one theory but it doesn,t work. Still i never ever can find theory how i can save almost all.

Tricky 23
Taxing 16
Mayhem 29
There is too limited amount items. This is just one, because taxing 16 there is no way break blocker and you really need that.

Can you enlighten me bit? or can you make some videos in youtube? I just want know your theorys. My opinion these levels are impossible even TAS conditions.

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For taxing 16 you can block the lemmings with builders, no glitches. Tricky 23 doesn't use any glitches either but it's very difficult to do on SNES. Mayhem 29 makes heavy use of the various steel glitches.


Thanks Tseug.
I need try that taxing 16 builder lock method next time when i have chance play that game.

How about tricky 23. Is there releaserate 99 on DOS versio too.? I hear releaserate is smaller other versios of the game?

I just don,t know how this can work. Only way how i can save last lemmings up in the shaft. I need use builder, climber, digger and basher. Alternate i can use climber, digger, builder and miner. Problem is: There is very limited amount items. It is just hard time block lemmings.

I already have idea. I command first turner lemming miner and this turn most lemmings back. Somereason this don,t never working. I cannot command any turner lemmings. Weird.

I just check DOS versio video in youtube:

I see there is some versio difference.
1: Releaserate 99 is much slower DOS than SNES versio.
2: I see you can build vertical your builder. SNES versio you build most horizontal than vertical.
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For tricky 23 you need to have a miner heading left. Getting that to work without losing any other lemmings is the tricky part....

Realease rate is the same on DOS and SNES. Builders are also the same.
That video is mayhem 2 in the amiga version. I know the mayhem 2 100% solution works on genesis as well as DOS. RR isn't a problem.


Is there a vid on the 98 on Save Me? Im kinda curius how that is done.


Quote from: BulletRide on April 14, 2008, 10:49:38 PM
Is there a vid on the 98 on Save Me? Im kinda curius how that is done.

Me too. I check yotube page couple days ago almost all lemmings videos. I don,t see that yet. Hopefully it come somedays. Still i don,t belive this working on Snes. Still it is very intersting see that.

Yeah i just mean that what you say Tseug. I trying get miner head left, but always i hit wrong lemming and miner started miner right side.  Probably it is just very hard to hit turner lemmings or it is impossible on SNES versio. I trying that almost 20 times, but it never working, probably it is just hard. Even if it is possible get miner head left i still belive some lemmings will be died. Miner started miner very slowly. 
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Some of you may remember me from the old forums; I'm back after a long hiatus (see the welcome thread for more details).

Anyway, since it has become a hot topic of discussion as of late, I figured I'd address the lose 2 solution to Mayhem 29.  I solved it on the PC-DOS version a couple of years ago and mentioned it on the old forums.  That is where the record on this site came from.

Below is a summary of how I did it.  It is extremely pixel-precise in several places, and it doesn't work in numerous versions (including the SNES version) because of the water, which does not exist in the PC-DOS version.

The first lemming blocks a short distance to the right of the entrance.  The next guy builds a bridge starting at the far left of the steel platform and digs after a couple of bricks.  He should be able to dig away the far left edge of the steel.  When he runs out of material to dig, make him build.  Meanwhile, block off the rest of the crowd; also place a third blocker to the left of the entrance, with one walker to his left.

The builder going left should "stretch" his bridges as much as possible to avoid hitting his head on the steel above (I think the solution still works if he hits his head just once, though).  Once he reaches the broken wood pillar thingy, he turns around and walks down the bridge.  Build at the right spot (about the third or fourth brick from the bottom) and bash.  He should take out some steel and free the leftmost blocker due to a glitch involving blockers messing up the game's steel detection algorithm.  As soon as the blocker is released, the basher stops.

Three lemmings are now walking up the bridge toward the pillar.  For simplicity, I will name them #1, #2, and #3.  The last one (#3) digs at the right spot almost immediately after turning back to the right.  He should take out the right edge of the pillar.  One of the other two (#1) bashes on the one-pixel "step" left by the first basher.  He should be high enough to keep going, releasing all of the blockers.  Use bridges to turn both him and the last blocker around, back to the left.  At the same time, watch the digger on the left; he must build when he runs out of material to dig through.  He will build to the right until hitting his head on the bridge made earlier.  Due to the location of the bridge and the design of the pillar, he should walk off the left side of his bridge and land on the bottom part of the pillar below.

If everything worked out right, lemmings #2 and #3 from the previous paragraph should be a few seconds ahead of the crowd walking toward the exit.  They each build (not very far) and block as normal to guide the path to the exit.  They should be the only ones lost in this solution.  Often times, there is not enough separation between them, and the solution loses a few more or fails completely.  It takes a considerable amount of luck to get it to work right.

I believe ccexplore from the old forums discovered a way of saving all but 3 in all versions of the level, including those with the water at the bottom.  I don't know how to do it, though.


It is possible to lose 3 by building right. I forgot about the water.... :XD:

It *might* be possible to lose 2 by building right, but it would be insanely hard.



I have much time working on lemmings in last week. I decide make large lemmings puzzle image gallery in imageshack:


sorry that link is sometimes annoying. You need always try couple times. TAGS doesn,t work yet. But hopefully soon. My lemmings puzzle tag is lemmings. But yeah it is not available yet.

I make many MAX-% completions. There is many alternate routes and speedtricks. It looks cool

All levels is done PAL-SNES versio of the game. Hardest one is definitely mayhem 5 only 4 lemmings die. This took me over 2 hours. My completion % was 95% because there is 80 lemmings max.

Enjoy my image gallery. Anyway
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

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Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


I started to try the "100% saved" challenge a few days ago and it's now completed!

Levels where I didn't get 100% because I had to kill some Lemmings :

Fun 3
Fun 6
Fun 18
Tricky 15
Tricky 16
Tricky 17
Tricky 18
Tricky 23
Taxing 6
Taxing 7
Taxing 19
Taxing 27
Taxing 28
Mayhem 2
Mayhem 5
Mayhem 7
Mayhem 10
Mayhem 19
Mayhem 26
Mayhem 29
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Unless I'm missing something, you can put a star by Tricky 18.  To my knowledge, the top score is 9/10 (90%).  A bomber is needed to clear a safe path to the exit.

Also, 100% is not possible on Tricky 23 in DOS/Windows.  I've heard that it is possible in another version, but I can't recall which one off hand.  I think it was one of the SEGA versions (SMS or Mega Drive/Genesis).

Good job so far, though.  Taxing 16 is hard and requires some fancy bridge work.  It was first presented by ccexplore back on the old forums.  Taxing 18 is pretty easy to execute once you find out the solution.


I updated my post.

Yeah, I almost got Taxing 16, there's simply a little problem of height, but I know it's possible.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Paradise Can Wait (we hope!) is not a level.

It's HEAVEN can wait (we hope!)