Can't set release rate higher than 60

Started by siergiej, December 18, 2007, 10:19:24 PM

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Hi, I made a level in Lemedit3 and the highest release rate I can set for this level is 60. When I set a higher rate, it's decreased in game, for example, when I set 90 in editor and save the level, I get 10 in the game (nocdlem2).

Have you got any ideas?


LemEdit normally has problems with these types of issues. What I recommend is trying out another Lemmings editing program called "Lemmix", created by EricLang who is in fact a member of these forums. The site with detailed information and program download is located here:

Good luck with it, it shouldn't be too hard to master, but if you have questions about it, ask Eric and it should be fixed up for you.


Lemmix helped  :thumbsup: - I could play that level with release rate 99 and with no problems. But I still reckon that LemEdit is more comfortable when placing terrain pieces, objects and steel...


True, but depending on your operating system and PC ability, the performance of LemEdit can vary. With WinXP there can generally be a mouse malfunction, which leads to Lemmix being the only alternative for XP, as using the program without the mouse can be very difficult.

Your PC type may just be causing the program to have a few small glitches. EricLang, the creator of Lemmix has been frequently updating Lemmix and fixing any problems the program may encounter. It has been very useful to everyone so far  :)


I didn't say that Lemmix isn't useful... maybe after some time I'll get used to it, as many of the Lemmings levels designers...

And I don't start LemEdit in DOSBox or Windows, but in DOS. :)