Roleplay, anyone? -Profiles-

Started by Chmera, June 10, 2006, 03:04:27 PM

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Species 'n' such:
Lemmings preferred, but most other species and the like are mostly allowed - in moderation.

Basic Format(copy/paste if you're lazy):


Breed: (anthro critters only)
Tribe: (lemmings only)
Type: (for draconian lemmings or other creatures that come in different elemental flavours)
History: (optional)

You can make it more detailed if you want.


Name: Ch'mera Toryn
Species: Lemming, draconian
Type: Fire (western-stye dragon)
-Scale colour: Purple (she gets a bit of fun made of her thanks to this.)
Tribe: Classic/Egyptian
Height: 1.56 metres (tall for a lemming)
Weight: approx. 175lbs (and pudgy for one, too.)
Life: Relatively average. She works in a little food stall in a fairly rural village, though she's a a city girl at heart


What's Role play? I know what it is, but how do you roleplay on a forum? In a word, how exactly does this work? I think I might get it, but just checking.

Name: Jimmy McLemming
Gender: Male
Species: (I shouldn't have to type this :tongue:)Lemming
Tribe: Lemmings 95
Type: builder
History: After going through countless struggles in windows Lemmings 95, this lemming bought a house out in the country and lived there peacefully for a time. But in the end, duty called, and this lemming almost lost his life in the ketchup factory due to a careless clicker. After this, he moved out of the country to another one to escape having to serve any more time, but then he figured out that it was the cursor which kept rounding up lemmings and putting them in the trapdoor, so he fought and killed it. But the graphics card just kept making more and more, to the point that it had an army of them. Now Jimmy hides in a cave, trying always to escape that (in his point of view) evil which awaits him around every corner. But the other lemmings are unhappy too. They have decided to end their war on the cursors as speedily as possible, and begin their war on the graphics card. After all, if you destroy the source, then the enemies will die out inevitably.
Height: 7 pixels, also tall for a lemming
Weight: 3 bytes(He hides in a cave, he's thin)
Lifestyle: Bad, unhealthy, and without sunlight.

The Doctor

Name: Lemon
Gender: Male
Species: Lemming
Tribe: Classic
Type: Basher
History: This Lemming used to live in the Blue Area, before it was demolished and a Dull Pink Area was built instead. As a result, he constantly searches for fragments of his old home.
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Lifestyle: Traveller
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


I realize this topic is very old, but maybe something'll happen eventually, eh?  :laugh:

Name: Lem'ka.
Gender: Female.
Species: Lemming.
Tribe: Dunny Lemming (I made this character before I'd played anything but plain old Lemmings, so I didn't know about the tribes and made my own stuff up. Kinda... probably the closest to the Medieval tribe but living underground.)
Job: Head Lemming of the Dunny (again, see previous statement. I guess basically leader of the tribe, a position kind of like a king or maybe emperor.)
Height:: 4'. She's kinda short.
Weight: 76 lbs. A  bit thin, too.
Age: 23 years old, young for her type.
Description: Pale green hair and eyes, extremely light skin. Generally wears either armour or blue outfit with red runes, red cape on both.
Weapons: Katana and sai. (I forget why. I think I just had those weapons on hand and thought 'hey why not' or something.)
Lifestyle: Mostly fairly typical royalty style. She's fairly active, though, and gets in a lot of duels and battles and such.
Class: Fighter.
Level: 12 (going by AD&D v1, which was the last time I worked this stuff out for her).
Stats: STR 18/71, INT 15, WIS 9, DEX 16, CON 11, CHA 17.
History: Lem'ka was the daughter of two Dunny Lemming nobles, and trained extensively as a warrior in her youth. When she was ten years old, the entire city was overrun by Lemkoo's army and she was captured as a slave. Seven years later she managed to get out and organise a revolt, overthrowing and temporarily defeating the demon. Since then she has been ruling over the Dunny Lemmings. Her weapons instructor, Lemerek, survived and is now her advisor. The position of Head Lemming doesn't require much more than decision making, but she tends to take a more active role and also leads the forces into battle.

That's probably way more than necessary, isn't it? Oh well. :P


Name: Murtaugh
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Quote: "You should arrive at the lab, or somewhere nearby."
Job: Scientist
Weapons: Acidioxide
Lifestyle: He loves exploring the Submachine
History: He had once went on vacation to the waterfall of Kent, where he lost his arm in a freak accident. He currently resides in the lighthouse of Kent
Type: Filler
Tribe: Space


Due to stuff, Chim's changed... Rather a lot. Update.

Name: Ch'mera Toryn
Species: Lemming, draconian
Type: Fire (western-stye dragon)
-Scale colour: Purple (rather rare)
Tribe: Classic/Egyptian/possibly Medieval mixture
Height: 1.56 metres (quite tall)
Weight: approx. 185lbs (decidedly hefty, though a lot is muscle)
Life: Stranded on Earth after a ship crash that killed her parents and her younger brother, Morkan, when she was about 8 years old.
Personality: Though cheerful despite her past, the years she spent on the streets made her ruthlessly intelligent and quite exploititive. She is quick-tempered and fairly greedy, and thrives in luxury. She knows what she wants and can usually get it out of anyone. Ch'mera usually fights for 'the good guys' because they generally pay better.

And a newcomer as well...

Name: Mysaala Toryn
Species: Lemming, draconian
Type: Fire (western-stye dragon)
-Scale colour: Dark blue
Tribe: Classic/Shadow mixture(and though she'd be shocked and surprised to hear this, mixed with human on her father's side...)
Height: 1.65 (very tall)
Weight: approx. 130lbs (extremely thin for a female lemming)
Life: Stayed at home when the ship crashed. Convinced, when she heard the news, that Earth's defenses had been what killed her family, she joined Ke Alario, literally, 'The Elite' or 'The Protectors', an almost Nazi-like group that believes that lemmings are the most superior creatures in the Universe... Making humans and all other species no better than animals.
Personality: Surprisingly compassionate, Mysaala fights only for what she believes is the good of the Universe. She is also quite kind, even towards other species... Though more in a pet-like way. Smart and modest, she prefers to live quite spartanly. She's almost impossible to bribe, and is very honest. Unfortunately she's usually associated with 'the bad guys' because humans, unfortunately, are usually depicted as heroes.


And Lem'ka? No such thing as too much detail with these things. =P

Also I have a vague idea for a really really basic RP. Which I might actually get around to starting.

And with that, I shall.