Results of previous level design contests

Started by IchoTolot, September 17, 2022, 03:44:29 PM

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I've decided to go through all previous level design contests and LOTY contests and list the winners and 2nd placements.

3rd placements were often not documented or if they were are often a result of ties between two winners. LOTY often did document those though.

In a few cases persons also occupied also multiple placements - like levels from person A took 2nd and 3rd place.

I plan to update the list after future contests. Enjoy! :)

Official level design contests

                1st                          2nd                                3rd

#1        Crane                        IchoTolot (Lemmini)
#2        Nepster                    WaffLem
#3        WaffLem/IchoTolot   IchoTolot/Möbius           Möbius/WaffLem
#4        IchoTolot                  Nepster (Lix)
#5        Crane                        IchoTolot       
#6        Geoffster                  Crane
#7        GigaLem                   IchoTolot
#8        DRAW/CANCELED (IchoTolot/Nepster) - As no one really voted!
#9        Flopsy                       Apjjm                             IchoTolot
#10      BulletRide                 Apjjm                             Gronkling
#11      zanzindorf                Crane
#12      Colorful Arty            Namida
#13      Nessy                       IchoTolot
#14      Nessy                       Raymanni
#15      Colorful Arty            SQron188                      Gronkling
#16      Nessy                       Crane                             IchoTolot
#17      Crane                       Nessy                             Colorful Arty
#18      Namida                    Crane                             IchoTolot
#19      Flopsy+IchoTolot (Tie)  -                                Armani
#20      DireKrow                  Armani                           Nessy                 
#21      IchoTolot                  Armani                           Armani
#22      Armani                     Nessy                             Flopsy
#23      Kingshadow3           Armani                           IchoTolot
#24      IchoTolot+tan x dx (Tie) -                               Kingshadow3
#25      Armani                     IchoTolot                        Apjjm 
#26      NieSch                     NieSch                            Armani
#27      Simon (Lix)              Simon (Lix)                      NieSch
#28      Kingshadow3          Armani                            Simon (Lix)
#29      Armani                    kaywhyn                          IchoTolot
#30      Armani                    Armani                            ericderkovits
#31      Colorful Arty           kaywhyn                          Armani

Overall count of 1st placements: 

5: IchoTolot
4: Armani
3: Colorful Arty,Crane, Nessy
2: Flopsy, Kingshadow3
1: BulletRide, DireKrow, Geoffster, GigaLem, Namida, Nepster, NieSch, Simon, tan x dx, WaffLem, zanzindorf

Overall count of 2nd placements:

6: IchoTolot
5: Armani
4: Crane
2: Apjjm, kaywhyn, Nessy
1: Namida, Nepster, NieSch, Möbius, Raymanni, Simon, SQron188, WaffLem

Overall count of 3rd placements (if present):

5: IchoTolot
4: Armani
2: Gronkling
1: Apjjm, Colorful Arty, Flopsy, Kingshadow3, Nessy, NieSch, Möbius, Simon, WaffLem, ericderkovits


Official level of the year contests

                1st                          2nd                                  3rd

2015      IchoTolot                GigaLem                          Geoffster
2016      Nepster                  Gronkling                         Nepster
2017      Flopsy                    Flopsy                               Flopsy
2018      tan x dx                  Namida                            kieranmillar
2019      IchoTolot+Namida (Tie)  -                              Crane
2020      DireKrow                Armani                             IchoTolot
2021      Nessy                     IchoTolot                          IchoTolot 
2022      Armani+IchoTolot (Tie)  -                               IchoTolot
2023      Simon (Lix)             IchoTolot                          NieSch

Overall count of 1st placements: 

3: IchoTolot
1: Armani, DireKrow, Flopsy, Namida, Nepster, Nessy, Simon, tan x dx

Overall count of 2nd placements:

2: IchoTolot
1: Armani, Flopsy, GigaLem, Gronkling, Namida

Overall count of 3rd placements:

3: IchoTolot
1: Crane, Flopsy, Geoffster, kieranmillar, Nepster, NieSch


@Icho - Looks great! :thumbsup: One suggestion, and that is I wonder if right next to #3's that it should be specified that it was a tag team/collaboration contest in parenthesis ??? Then again, I think the slashes in the results kind of implies the tag team nature, although I think it could potentially be incorrectly interpreted as a tie. However, you do specify ties when they do happen, but even then I think to clear up all doubt there can be a note for #3's contest being a tag team one. I'm definitely being pedantic here, though, but I'm a very detail-oriented person, as you all know :P Speaking of which, maybe one of those collaborations can get started again sometime? It's been too long since the last one, and I think I will most definitely take part in it if so ;)

Also, by compiling the results, it does confirm my guess, which I never bothered to verify myself, that you currently lead the LDC's with the most first place wins :) I must say that's really amazing, 5 wins over 25 LDCs. That's 20%, for some more stats fun! ;) Also, missing 4 wins for first place and 5 wins for second place. Interesting :laugh:

Finally, during the voting phase, I think going forward I will keep track of the number of votes that each level gets for my own personal records, and then once the voting is over and the winner(s) have been determined, I will post my spreadsheet publicly to the site. In this way, I won't be doing it as each voting round closes ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


I updated the overall results table!

I dived as deep as I could into the documented voting rounds to get as many 3rd places as possible out of the data. This resulted in many new placings!
And from contest 15 onwards it was always possible to determined a 3rd rank!


As Icho is currently away, I have updated the table results to reflect the new standings due to voting for LDC #30 has ended earlier today. As a result, we finally have 4 counts of a 1st place finish, as well as 5 counts of a second place finish, and an additional member to the 1 count of a 3rd place finish. :laugh: ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: