Fish Fillets Remake: Puzzle game, graphics could be used for Lix

Started by glitchapp, May 17, 2022, 08:45:42 AM

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Hello, I'm the main developer of the remake of an old great puzzle game called fish fillets. Recently someone told me that the level designs and graphics of my game reminds very much lemmings. Just in case someone could be interested in using any of the assets or level designs of my game to create levels for lix here is the link to the project:

I hope someone find the graphics and assets useful and I'll be happy to know if someone decides to create any levels with the assets.

Thanks for reading!



Hello Simon,

yes, good idea, here there are some links to some level designs:

The levels are a combination of open backgrounds, original graphics and textured foregrounds. If you want to know more about them I suggest reading the credits in the assets repository.

I attached another recent one that is not above. Please be aware that many levels are being redesigned so they may change in the future.

Please also be aware that the resolution of the provided links is reduced to make the files smaller, if you want to use any of the graphics I suggest to go directly to the source in the repository.

If you use any of the assets please use the credits I attached to this post.

Thank you!


As there are so much creativity here I just want to say that creating levels for my project is also possible!

There is no built-in level editor but I found one that fits almost perfectly this task:

Just in case anyone is interested feel free to ask me and I'll be happy to tell how to create levels and if I like them I may eventually add them to the main branch of the game in future releases.



Hi, the last time I posted here about the game there was no level editor, now there is, so just in case anyone is interested on testing it here there are the links:

Standalone editor:

Click on the attached file to see it in action.

I think it's worth mentioning that the level editor is still int a beta phase and there are things that do not work like the creation of objects, but around 90% of the functions needed to automate the process of creating a level are completed and the only missing parts can be done on the exported file easily by tweaking numbers (the coordinates of objects and values).

The tool will has a graphical aspect:  you would be able to export as image and create pixel art with it and I'm also working on letting you add tiles and background to it (althouth none of that can be exported yet).

I hope you find it useful and feel free to post or submit any creations with it.

* advice: since there will be many updates in both the game and the editor, I suggest you to install git, with just "git pull" you can update the tools and game without having to download it over and over.


A pair of updates and tips about the level editor:

I published the tool before it's finished because feedback and betatesting will help me improve it, if you prefer to wait till everything is in place please have patience, I'm sure the pair of missing parts of the puzzle will be solved.
If you feel adventorous and you can handle a pair of missings features and some glitches go ahead and use it, feel free to provide feedback if there's something you want me to prioritize.

Right now almost everything works including the exit areas, what's missing is the object creation but you can create one object and then manually edit the exported file (trust me it is not difficult to do).

Loading levels do not work yet either, what that means is that you can not load a custom level to the grid, but you can play it, so be sure you finish the custom level and export it becuase till the loading function properly works and populate the grid, only the agents are loaded and you can't see the grid you created (this will be solved soon).

There are no proper site to showcase custom levels but I created this static site as a preliminary showcase for remarkable levels, it actually filters them by dificulty:

Thanks for reading and hope you find the tool useful!