Lemmings 2 graphics as PNG

Started by geoo, January 26, 2024, 05:00:00 PM

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Given some recent (and not so recent) requests for various L2 graphics, I thought it'd be good to have all of them in one place, and hopefully easy to find.
All of this is more than a decade old, but I'm not sure I've ever posted an archive of all the L2 graphics that I managed to extract, so here we go.

Tribe specific graphics:

  • l2gfx: 16x8 pixel pieces that level maps are composed of (including palette in top row)
  • l2tiles: Arrangements of the above into sensible terrain pieces
  • l2obj: Object graphics and animation
  • l2ss: Special tribe specific animations

Other graphics:

  • vlemms: all lemmings graphics (using cavelem palette -- in the game, these are recolored according to tribe palette)
  • intern: additional universal animations
  • cutscenes: Graphics from various cutscenes

If there's interest, I can dig around some more and try to find some relevant code pieces that we used for extraction.


Thank you for the graphics. They are very helpful for animating the levels. I compared the sprite sequences for the water animation frame-by-frame with the in-game animations and they match exactly (and still my water animation looks strange ;) ).