[FEAT][DISC] Replay Manager

Started by WillLem, April 23, 2024, 12:43:56 PM

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First things first, the dialog is now larger and edited for readability. I've also added an option to append the replay file with a result tag (Passed, Talisman, Undetermined, etc...), and it works nicely:

Note that the tag is replaced for subsequent checks, even if "Keep Existing Filename" is checked (the first part of the filename will remain unchanged, as usual).

My question here is, should this option be checked by default? I would lean towards yes, but I can see reasons why people might not want this.


Further updates to what is now the "Replay Manager" (formerly the replay renaming dialog when performing a Mass Replay Check):

Note that the functions are more or less the same, with the only addition being the ability to append the replay result to the filename (this can be done per-replay-kind).

The only function of "Refresh Replays", AFAICT, is that it sets the replay version number to the current level version number iff the replay passed and the version number was older (or otherwise different), so it made sense to clarify this in the checkbox caption.

We now have an actions list, which updates per-replay-kind, per-option. This is to help keep track of which options have been selected, and to encourage use of the different options when performing a MRC.

At present, I'm thinking to have both checkboxes (Append Result and Update Version) checked by default.
Thoughts? Feedback? Suggestions?

Implemented in Commit 139913a68


I assume: When you click a radio button on the left, you don't affect the final result (summarized at bottom-right), but you make the program show a different set of controls at the top-right. Choices in the top-right affect the final result even after you click different radio buttons on the left, which hides the earlier top-right choices.

In this case, the Replay Kind radio buttons are action buttons with immediate effect, not choices, which violates Nielsen's guideline #12 on Checkboxes vs. radio buttons: "Use checkboxes and radio buttons only to change settings, not as action buttons that make something happen."

The column of radio buttons isn't the appropriate UI widget for Replay Kind. Instead, the dialog should have tabs, one tab per Replay Kind. The different Replay Kinds should be a row of tab handles, probably across the left because you'd need multiple rows if you put them across the top. Nielsen: Tabs Used Right, guidelines #10 and #11, are at odds with each other for us here.

I think you should keep the summary below the tabs, it's succinct and good. Although -- if we need the summary at all, keep in mind guideline #3 of Tabs Used Right and weigh the tabbing against a huge dialog that shows all Actions for all Replay Kinds at once. Most likely, tabs and summary are fine.

Having radio buttons for Replay Kind would be fine if, after confirm and exit the dialog, the Action for the single chosen Replay Kind were the only Action to happen, and nothing happened for other Replay Kinds. Then, the radio buttons for Replay Kind would be choices that affect the final result of the dialog (you'd un-violate guideline #12), and the immediate showing/hiding of Actions would be nice progressive disclosure of the appropriate sub-options for the single chosen Replay Kind.

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on June 02, 2024, 01:59:17 AM
In this case, the Replay Kind radio buttons are action buttons with immediate effect, not choices

In the context of the dialog itself, this is correct. In the context of the end result, they absolutely are choices, and take no action other than to make the top-right options available for each choice. They're kind of like pseudo-tabs.

A reminder of what the existing NL Replay Rename dialog looks like:

This is exactly why the summary text has been added: this, essentially, shows the "action" that will be taken based on the choices presented. So, the Replay Kind radio buttons in my version are fine: we can see that in actual fact, they don't take any immediate effect by themselves, and in fact choices need to be made for each replay kind.

I do see why tabs would be better, though. The radio buttons perhaps make the user feel like only the currently-selected Replay Kind choice will take effect. Again, this is why I added the summary text.

Quote from: Simon on June 02, 2024, 01:59:17 AM
The column of radio buttons isn't the appropriate UI widget for Replay Kind. Instead, the dialog should have tabs, one tab per Replay Kind

We'd still want the tabs to be in a widget; we want to be able to see the end result of all options at all times, that's the important thing for the UI. The new summary text takes care of this well enough, I think.

I see the sense in tabs though, for sure. If I get time, I suppose I can have a go at implementing it. 4 tabs: All, Passed, Failed, Error. The "All" tab simply presents the action options, done. The "Passed", "Failed" and "Error" tabs would need the options to be duplicated for each of the pass, fail and error types, perhaps with a "Do for all" checkbox which applies the changes to all types in that tab globally. Messy, perhaps? Or is that better?