Lemmings 2 - FM Towns OST

Started by Ron_Stard, July 30, 2023, 04:06:20 PM

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Have you ever heard this soundtrack? It's radically different from the rest of the Lemmings 2 music of the other ports!




Here's a link to my FM-Towns Lemmings 2 soundtrack. This is formatted to work with NeoLemmix or Super Lemmix
and has the music.nxmi file for easy use.
...Jeremy Kapp


Quote from: Ron_Stard on July 30, 2023, 04:06:20 PM
radically different from the rest of the Lemmings 2 music of the other ports!

Lovely find, thanks!

Indeed radically different. Most L2 remixes are more similar to DOS L2 music than this FM-Towns L2 soundtrack is similar to DOS L2. Among all the non-L2 Lemmings soundtracks, the most similar to this might even be the Lomax soundtrack.

-- Simon