Post short stories here

Started by Liebatron, May 19, 2006, 12:23:49 AM

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My short stories, none of which are finished or probably will ever be finished.
Weird story Idea

Dillon had been feeling what some people would call under the weather for a few days, long enough to take a trip to the doctor he thought. So he did.
]Ugh, what\s wrong with me?^ he thought as he was subjected to a series of tests for different things, all of which he was sure had nothing to do with whatever he had but the one he found most pointless was the DNA test. How does your DNA just go change? Sunrays might affect it somewhat but how would he be getting too much sun, he lived in Michigan. His attitude changed from indignant irritation to a state of slightly worrying when doctor Silgan came back in wearing an odd, puzzled expression.
Once again annoyed, Dillon replied, ]It\s HAKI, haw, key. Why does no one pronounce my name right? Anyway, what was it that you wanted?^
I wanted to tell you why you aren\t feeling good, it\s your DNA.^
]What\s wrong with it? Did it unwind? Is some cell using it as a clothes line or something?^ Dillon said.
]No, not exactly,^
]Not exactly?^ Dillon thought. Doctor Silgan continued,
]You are familiar with the four chemical bases in DNA that make up the rungs, Thymine, Guanine, Adenine and Cytosine, right? How these are the only ones that work?^
]Yes I know about the whole A, T, G, and C thing in DNA, what about it?^
]You seem to have some E\s and D\s and a 4 in your DNA.^
An odd silence emerged from the conversation. It was broken by Dillon,
]Ok, seriously what\s wrong with me?^
]Exactly what I said was wrong. You have a wider range of letters in your DNA^ Doctor Silgan assured him.
]Ok, then what chemical bases do these letters represent? If we figure that out, maybe we can figure out what matches up with them on the RNA, and study what amino acid that would produce.^ Dillon was  a little worried about what this new DNA trend might cause and it compelled him to speak rather quickly and less articulately than he might have otherwise.
]We think that they\re just a bunch of E\s D\s and a 4 although no one has any clue as to how or why. As for the RNA thing, we think that following the alphabet, E would pair up with F and D would pair up with E but that makes no sense.^ It didn\t make sense and the whole affair was wearing on Dr. Silgan\s nerves slightly as he became aware that he was speaking to someone with a 4 in his DNA.
]Will I still live?^ asked Dillon hopefully.
]No, you\re scheduled to die in aboutU you\re about thirty and the average life expectancy is about eighty here so, I think that you only have fifty years left to live.^
At this Dillon came close to panicking as he realized that he only had a limited time to live.
]Well, thanks for warning me of thatUI think. What should I do? How can I make it go away?^ Dillon asked, at which point the doctor responded,
] You can get rid of the cold type feeling by drinking more orange juice but I don\t know about the DNA thing. Perhaps you shouldn\t eat as much alphabet soup and maybe letters won\t show up where they shouldn\t, like the E\s in your DNA. Do you like the E\s in alphabet soup?^
Dillon answered, ]Yes, they\re my favorite part of it, how\d you know I liked alphabet soup so much?^
]It\s really just a coincidence that you like the E\s but I was just curious.. I think it is anyway, you don\t like the D\s do you?^
]Nope, hate e\m. Well, uh thanks, I guess. Bye^, Dillon said. Then he left and went home. The prospect that he was running out of time to live caught him off guard and he was so nervous that he ran into a stop sign, rolled down his window and said ]sorry^ to it. Upon arriving home, Dillon drank a glass of orange juice. Then he reconsidered it and drank the whole carton of orange juice and threw away all the alphabet soup in the house.
Next Short story on next post, my next one has too many characters to fit in this post.


Next..continued on next post, not enough room on this post either.
Short story            Alex

April Avenue was in the shadow of dusk as Shanon watched Survivor on TV.
]I should sign up for one of those game showsU^ he thought about his dorm and his school, Josiah University, where he had been studying for two years.
]It would be nice to get away from this for awhile.:^ he thought wistfully. Shanon was the type of person who will make up their mind and will never waver from that chosen path. This had brought him good things and bad things in the past. People knew him to be an honest person but it also caused him to do several things that a normal person wouldn\t do. His decisions to do things usually came on impulse, which is not usually the best way to make decisions. So the next day, he got his things together and E-mailed all his teachers asking them to forward his work and assignments to him (which they never did, having about 500 students to deal with). He watched TV to look for a game show to join. The one that caught his eye was called ]wilderness adventure, live off the land and do everything with no help from anyone. Find your own food, water and compete with the other contestants for water and food sources. Whoever ]survives^ longest wins our cash prize and set of professional bow-hunting equipment^.
]Sounds neat^ he thought to himself.
Upon arriving at the sign-up location he noticed a small group of people already there.
]Hi^ said the attendant at the desk, ] Are you here to sign up for the wilderness adventure game show?^
]Yeah, where do I sign up?^ Shanon answered.
The attendant pulled a wad of paper about 3 inches thick up from under the desk and said,
]These are insurance claims, they say that we hold no responsibility for any injuries you may receive after we set you loose on an island that\s uninhabited, has some dangerous predators on it, and has frequent volcanic eruptions in random places.^
He pulled another wad of paper up, this one was much thicker.
]to be eligible to win the prize, you have to pay this much money.^ The employee said.
]Why so much paper for something so simple? It only has to say a price and have a dotted line for me to sign.^ Shanon inquired.
]UmmmmU We usually hope that you don\t ask that and just sign where we tell you to but do you see that ten dollars way in the corner of the page?^
]Ok, all the pages after it except the last one are filled with 0\s, it looks like it costs ten dollars, but really, you sign this and agree to pay us over $0.1x109999999999999999999999999 .^
]Uwhat does that mean?^
]just sign here.^ said an excited and rather inarticulate employee. ],and here, quick^
So Shanon, flustered by the employee\s sudden briskness, signed the paper.
He pulled a third wad of paper out from under the desk.
]Now you need to sign these, it says that you have agreed to pay the $100 fee in order to play this game show and it also says some other stuff.^
So Shanon signed those too, this time reading carefully and with a dictionary close at hand.
]this verifies that you will not accept help from other players of this game. Good, sign it in ink please, and this one here, and here, and over there, you almost missed it. Good.^
So after much tedious paperwork, Shanon was finally on his way to the Island.
]So what does it mean by [find your own food\ does it mean we can\t go out to eat?^
The person next to him on the airplane said with a skeptical look on his face,
]Uhh, I don\t think he gets it^ Joe said to the other person next to him. ]Look, while in this game show, you go to a deserted island and live off of the land, nothing is pre-made, you can\t go to Krogers to get food.^
]So you have to go to Wal-mart? That\s ok I usually go there anyway. Also, is there a McDonalds or a Wendy\s close to where they\re staying, because I really like their fries?^ Shanon said, completely oblivious to the fact that a bird had just been sucked into the jet engine propelling the airplane
]There are no Wendy\s or any fast food where we\re going, don\t you get it?^ Joe said, exasperated.
]Whoa, no fast food? This place has got to be pretty small then. And when it said [do everything by hand and make everything from scratch\ does that mean we\re even going to have to change our own lightbulbs and do our own laundry? Isn\t there some Laundromat I could go to?^
Joe sat back and sighed. There was no evading this guy\s persistent questioning and seemingly no way to make him understand.
]Look, there is going to be NO CIVILIZATION where we\re going.^
]Darn, I love that game, do you have civilization 2 and 3 ? Trust me, they are way worth getting!^
]This is your pilot speaking, please fasten your seatbelts as we are about to land.^
Shanon put his seatbelt on and surveyed the land outside of the window.
]Frequent volcanic eruptions, dangerous predatorsUcan\t see any buildingsUWe must be in Georgia.^
When they landed, Shanon shielded his eyes from the suns rays as he stepped into the Wilderness.
]You will all go to different quadrants of the island and the game will begin. Although, you may injure people in this game, try not to kill them please, your insurance claims can only do so muchUU.^ Shanon sank into a stupor and stopped listening as he droned on with instructions. He thought vaguely that he would rather be in his college listening to his professor telling him about sociology and psychological things.
]UU..and you will report back here when the..


continued from last post...
]UU..and you will report back here when the plane comes back.^ After that, the game show supervisor left, at the same time leaving it up to them to pick which quadrant of the Island to go to. The four contestants immediately started staking claims
]I call the one with the river^
]I heard the north one has a well dug that the last person who did this dug^
]I call the one to the east, I think there\s a lot of trees that are easy to cut down over there, Shanon, you can have the one by the swamp filled with alligators and mesquites^
]Ok, are we in Florida or Georgia? I think this is either Florida or we\re on the coast of Georgia, I was going to see if I can find a hotel to stay in with a tolerable rate.^
They all sat there and stared at him for awhile, then Joe said,
]I call his territory^
]Oh, you mean I get territory? Ok, where is it?^
They all pointed South and he started walking.
]Where do I start?^ he thought.
]Do I look for the hotel or the McDonalds first?^ His stomach growled and he picked the McDonalds. After walking for some time, he found that there was another piece of coastline, then another later. He looked behind him and yelled, ]Hey guys! I think they left us on some Island by mistake!^ He looked around him. No one was in sight save for Joe. Joe said,
]what are you doing in my territory? Get out.^ Rather than [get out\ Shanon went forward through the light forest and into a clearing where Joe\s halfway-built hut stood.
]Nice work, you found the McDonalds.^ He said ] Also, did you know, I think they left us on an island.^ At that point, he felt something pointy on his back.
]Go away! Please?^ Joe said to him. Shanon suddenly realized something and started getting away from Joe\s territory with all due speed.
He went back to his territory and looked around for a good place to sleep that night.
]What a completely useless piece of land! How am I going to do anything in a swamp? If there are no hotels or things here, this place must be as small as Joe said it is, and what\s with this territory thing they\re all talking about. If I can\t go in their territory then I guess I won\t let then in mine.^ Shanon thought. So he finally decided to find an alligator and have it cut down some trees for him. He found one, but not the way he expected to. A jet of muck and swamp-water threw an alligator about ten feet in the air next to him about ten seconds later in one of the frequent volcanic eruptions of the isle and through a geyser that was the cause of the swamp. Joe got an idea. He found a big rock and put it in the hole where the geyser was, then he found another, and another, and then he went to the beach. The tide was going out and it was getting dark so he ended up going to sleep on the beach.
The next morning, he awoke to find the water up around his arms. The tide had come in over night, and somehow, even though it advanced at about 10 feet per hour, took him by surprise. Him arms were sore from carrying the rocks, and his feet hurt from so much walking. He sighed, stretched and started drinking the water. It turned out to be a bad idea.
]Ugh! This is saltwater! WaitUduh, ugh, I must not be very awake right now.^ Shanon said. Then he realized that while not the healthiest choice, the swamp water was probably his best source of drinking water. So after an un-refreshing and disgusting drink, he began digging. He dug a tunnel in the beach towards the swamp. By now he had realized that Joe had not found the McDonalds but had instead built a hut. He still had hope that there was a McDonalds on the island but was discouraged to realize that it was probably not in his territory. The problem of food had confronted him and he knew he needed to find a solution fast, so he went back to the beach, and dug a pit, he threw some snails, a small crab and some other things into it and made a canal leading to the sea. Soon, several small fish had gathered in the hole to eat the bait. He closed off the canal quickly and let the water drain as the tide had gone out some since he started. The result was seven fish in a pit free for him to grab. He searched around until he found some rock that could produce a spark, when he did, he went back to the fish and found that putting a spark on the fish could not cook them. So he caught some wood on fire and roasted the fish over it. With his hunger sated, he went back to the tunnel-work only to be interrupted by Jim, the contestant to the North.
]Hey! Get out of my territory!^ Shanon said.
]I have a spear, don\t tell me what to do^ Jim said ]can I have a fish?^ he said looking at Shanons fish that he hadn\t yet eaten.
So Shanon let him have a fish and didn\t tell him what to do.
]Hey Jim, where do you get your drinking water from, and is the McDonalds in your territory?^
SO THEN...what do you guys think? Good? Bad? Horrible?... Nobel peace prize?