Custlemm/nocdlem2 troubles

Started by Jazzem, November 03, 2005, 09:17:22 PM

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Quote from: DragonsLover link=1131052643/0#13 date=1131146709Just select the .dat file format into the list and click Delete. That's all!

The list is in alphabetical order, so it should in the extensions beginning with "D". Then, you'll see ".dat" and it will show you that this file is associated with Windows Media Player. Click on Delete and on OK, and you're done!

Thank you :). They're no longer "sounds" anymore!

Oh, and speaking of my levels JM, could you email me back the one I sent you? I renamed my copy outside of lemedit without realising that Lemedit would be unable to read it :-[


Thank you. Just to my hotmail please.


How strange... I still can't load it at all.

Doesn't matter, it didn't take me too long to do, and it wasn't perticularly brilliant.


You've been able to load it now have you?


Yeah, just as well too-It was impossible to complete!


I've been testing that level and I pretty much like the level  :)

Not managed to pass it yet


That's because it's impossible with five miners :P

I've changed it to six and I've changed the ledges for the bottom two lemmings.


May I try your level too? You can send it over MSN or to Or you can upload it. When will you upload it?


Impossible levels usually interest me. Can you put it in the file portal?


Quote from: Jazzem link=1131052643/15#15 date=1131188108
Thank you :). They're no longer "sounds" anymore!

No problem! ^^
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Actually, it is possible with five miners. I'd rather not send it out to be honest, since I know for definate that it's the final version of the level, and it is going to be in my levelpak. (My debut!)

I apologize, but you'll see it when I release my new pak!


I can't wait till I see your levelpak  :P


I can only hope I don't disappoint then ;)

I've started work on another level too. And considering I have both tommorow and Thursday off thanks to my school flooding (Ironically, I was actually ill today!) I should really get stuck into this.