PlayStation Lemmings

Started by Happy_Feet, May 16, 2006, 01:20:41 AM

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i was just wondering what PlayStation Lemmings is like. I know it has Lem and Oh no levels, minus the special Psygnosis namesake levels. I was wondering what the music is most similar to. Was it re-done completely for this version? Is it similar to the Windows version released around about the same time? Was it based on the original Amiga music? And can you select a task while you're paused? I assume the save data is on a memory card.



Music seems the same as the windows 95 version

The controls are as follows: D-pad moves cursor, X assigns task to lemmings and can also be used to select a task/nuke/fast forward, L1/R1 scroll the level left/right, L2/R2 select previous/next skill, Start pauses. None of the other buttons are used.

You cannot select skills while the game is paused. Also while the game is paused the music stops playing. On the plus side it is the only version of the original Lemmings (other than the Windows 95 and recently released PSP version) and Oh No More Lemmings where you can actually save your progress.

All in all it is a pretty sloppy port, not worth checking out if you've played the other versions of Lemmings/ONML


Nobody, can you tell me which levels from the original Lemmings and ONML are included in the PSX port?

I've been trying to gather as much info as I could on all the known ports of Lemmings.  For the PSX port, I found a photo of the box on the internet, and the box says there are 209 levels total, but doesn't say how many are Lemmings and how many are ONML.

The original Amiga versions would yield 120+100 = 220 levels, so a total of 11 levels are apparently missing in the PSX port.

The Windows 95 version also had missing levels, namely the 4 special graphics levels in Lemmings, 4 Tame levels in ONML, and the "Introduce SuperLemming" level in ONML.  But that still leaves 2 unaccounted for in the PSX version, if the 209 number is correctly.  Also wondering if there are any levels in this port that are unique to this port (ie. levels that are not found in the original Amiga/DOS/etc. versions).  Thanks!


The 2 other missing levels were All the 6's and the Fun version of We All Fall Down. They were also missing from the Windows 95 version.