Here comes ye newbie!

Started by Jazzem, August 07, 2005, 09:26:01 PM

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Hiya, you've got a newcomer on the forums here. The place doesn't seem to active, and combined with my overwhelming love for Lemmings, I decided to reduce the amount of tumbleweeds.

As a kid, I grew up with green haired creatures walking aimlessly. With an Acorn Archemedies, Lemmings was played far too much for my own good. I loved every single thing about it, the simple yet entirely intruiging gameplay, the excellent presentation, the voice of the littler critters, even the elevator music!

My love hasn't died for the game. Far from it. I've been playing it regularly on both the Mega Drive and the PC version which came free with Lemmings Paintball. And I'm considering getting the SNES, NES, Game Boy and Game Gear versions.

And I just couldn't let the forum pass me by. Apologies if these threads seem annoying to some, but just to avoid confusion on the new guy, I decided to do a quick intro.

So, well, hello everyone!


Welcome to ye.  Good to see another member.


Quote from: Jazzem  link=1123449961/0#0 date=1123449961...I decided to reduce the amount of tumbleweeds.
...TumbleWeed is a nice, um, why are you trying to kill him? :P


This forum is active. There's just not a whole lot of members.

And welcome!  :party:


Quote from: Mindless  link=1123449961/0#3 date=1123470283
...TumbleWeed is a nice, um, why are you trying to kill him? :P


...and welcome to the forum  :D


Quote from: Mindless  link=1123449961/0#3 date=1123470283
...TumbleWeed is a nice, um, why are you trying to kill him? :P
What I think he meant by that was the fact that in cartoons, a tumble weed blows across an area to show that it is deserted. I don't think he meant Tumble Weed personally.

Ooh, I am so knowledgeful and pleasant. I must be like a God here! [/Sarcasm] ;P


Quote from: Isu  link=1123449961/0#6 date=1123521049What I think he meant by that was the fact that in cartoons, a tumble weed blows across an area to show that it is deserted. I don't think he meant Tumble Weed personally.
I understood... that's why I added the ":P"


I   s e e.

Sorry, I must of misunderstood your post (and probably TumbleWeed's too).


Criminy, there's actually a member called Tumble Weed!?!

Sorry, didn't mean to offend ;P

Good to see the devotion of the members here, I can see this coming one of my regularly visited forums.

Oh, and who did the emoticons? They're awesome!



I like seeing new members of this forum.