Lemmini custom tilesets

Started by IchoTolot, January 28, 2015, 07:44:35 AM

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I want to ask if somebody has some more custom tilesets for Lemmini. I am especially interested in Lacktardo's "Biolab"(Lemmings 3 classic) and "Adams Family" tilesets or more Lemmings 2 ones. ??? So far I've gathered: Christmas, Route88, Castle, Egyptian, Shadow, Sport, Sega and Epic (All standard ones combined).
So my hope for this topic is to get to know and even better to get my hands on some more tilesets for my custom levels.  ;)


What about the ones from Pingus?
I'm sure you could find these in the source code.


Yes, but I have no clue how to put them together for an Lemmini tileset (or how to extract them into the right format). It usually uses gif files of the terrain and objects and binds them together in a text document.


Me either, I'm afraid. Sorry.
Maybe one of the smart people on here could write an extractor/level convertor?

Did you get Oskar's Lemmings in HD pack?
That one is pretty cool !  :thumbsup:


Yeah it looks impressive, but for my upcomming Lemmini pack I don't want to use sth that kinda changes the whole hud and maybe more standard stuff, but I definetly must check it out sometime. I just want to inculde as many different different tilesets as possible to fesh things up a little.
