
Started by Prob Lem, January 31, 2013, 03:45:14 AM

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Prob Lem

Anyone who's familiar with the song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Rasputin, by Boney M, will now have it stuck in their head. (Those who aren't familiar with it are encouraged to go and listen to it. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />)

Anyway, I was browsing some sites just now in search of some Lemmings-related stuff (I was hoping to find scans of the two Lemmings Adventure Gamebooks, since I can't scan my own due to lack of a scanner, and wanted to see if they were out there before committing to photographing every single page http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />), and I ended up stumbling upon http://lifeinvideoland.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/lemmings.html" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">a rather entertaining blog post about someone's experience with the series. In it, a cheat-code for Lemmings 3D for MS-DOS was mentioned, which I had not only never heard of, but almost couldn't believe was real, because it looked and sounded so much like the far-fetched computer and video game hoaxes of Ye Olde Times™.

What do you have to do? Simply go into a level, and type rasputin - the mouse-pointer will change into crosshairs, and when you click, you'll hear a shotgun sound. If you click on a lemming it kills them (complete with a bit of blood), and if you mouse over them their status shows as "ASSASSINATED".

Of course, I had to see if this was true, so I immediately loaded the game up and tried it out - and believe it or not, it really is true. Not only is the above the case, there are also at least two unique success/failure messages when you complete a level (shooting the lemmings replaces getting them to the exit, by the way), though for all I know there could be more, as there are in the normal game. I also noticed what appeared to be a unique falling animation frame if you kill a lemming when they're mid-air (best seen if they're jumping on trampolines), though I could be wrong on it being unique, as I'm pretty sure that the rest of the frames from the dying sequence are the same as the "stunned" ones from when you're playing normally (though, I didn't zoom in to take a better look, admittedly).

Screenshots follow;

http://i.imgur.com/O4rju0V.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

http://i.imgur.com/eyXl29W.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

http://i.imgur.com/TgJOOQF.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

http://i.imgur.com/2wqTRSp.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

http://i.imgur.com/7DHTXUC.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

I don't know if it works in the various demos, or in the Lemmings 3D Winterland levels, though. I didn't try them out. I think it's safe to assume that this cheat may not be in the PlayStation version, but then again, I could be completely wrong on that - for all I know, there could well be a variant in it that doesn't require a keyboard. (EDIT: Yep, according to http://www.gamewinners.com/playstation/Lemmings3D.htm" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this page, the cheat does indeed exist in the PlayStation version.)

Lemmings 3D is probably my most-favourite game in the series, so discovering something new about it almost seventeen years after I first played it has weirded me out ever-so-slightly. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

I did a search but couldn't find anything about it posted here. Am I the only one who totally didn't know about this until today?


I remember doing this as well, although that didn't come to my head for a long time. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />

I also remember noticing that on the level select screen the colour of the title of the level where you slaughtered stays red, whereas if it's done properly it turns green.
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3


I'd heard of this, but I didn't know it was also in the PlayStation version of the game (the only version I have of 3D Lemmings at the moment). I wonder if the Sega Saturn version has it, too.
SEGA Master System version
100% on 110/120 levels (92%). Other levels [Lemmings lost]:
Fun 03 [3], 06 [2], 18 [5]   
Taxing 19 [5], 27 [1], 28 [3]
Tricky 15 [5], 17 [2]
Mayhem 19 [7], 26 [10]

Prob Lem

I remember doing this as well, although that didn't come to my head for a long time. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />

I also remember noticing that on the level select screen the colour of the title of the level where you slaughtered stays red, whereas if it's done properly it turns green.
Which version does this happen in? I've only messed with it in the practice levels in the MS-DOS version, as of right now, and not in the PlayStation release at all yet, so I've not seen the effect it has in the game proper. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

I'd heard of this, but I didn't know it was also in the PlayStation version of the game (the only version I have of 3D Lemmings at the moment). I wonder if the Sega Saturn version has it, too.
I can't find anything out there regarding its presence in the Saturn version. It was handled by a different company, so I'm also wondering if it's in there at all, now... All I can find out there are the level passwords (which are completely different to those in the MS-DOS and PlayStation versions), though since the console version of the cheat involves selecting skills, I wouldn't be too surprised if it is in there.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=728.msg15747#msg15747">Quote from: Prob Lem on 2013-02-01 11:00:03
I remember doing this as well, although that didn't come to my head for a long time. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />

I also remember noticing that on the level select screen the colour of the title of the level where you slaughtered stays red, whereas if it's done properly it turns green.
Which version does this happen in? I've only messed with it in the practice levels in the MS-DOS version, as of right now, and not in the PlayStation release at all yet, so I've not seen the effect it has in the game proper. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

I've played the PC CD-Rom version, and that was where I've proved my point.
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3