Lemmings two the Tribes Favourite tribe

Started by grams88, June 18, 2012, 10:25:57 PM

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What's your favourite and Least favourite tribe in Lemmings 2 the tribes and a reason why you picked this.

My favourite tribe is the Egyptian tribe and the reason would be the way the levels are design and I also think it looks true to its tribe.

My least favourite would probably be the cave tribes as I find some of the levels slightly annoying specially the hidden beasts that grab and eat your lemmings.


Least favorite tribe is definitely the Outdoor tribe. Horrible uneven terrain, levels that require precise execution far more than actual puzzle solving... ugh, never liked that tribe at all.

Favorite is a bit harder. Probably a toss-up between Circus and Shadow, with Egyptian not far behind, for the opposite reasons I don't care for Outdoor: Nice, even terrain that does what you expect it to and levels that (mostly) require some thought to pass.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Favourite is Circus Tribe (not Beach, surprise! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />), lots of fun stuff to play with, and generally pretty quick and fun. It's a close thing though, every tribe has its share of mediocre levels and none really stands out as a clear winner. Ask me again later and I'll likely change my mind http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

Least favourite, probably not gonna be a popular choice, but Classic. It may well be the best puzzle-wise, but lacks the novelty factor which is the real draw of the game IMHO. Also, some of the levels are obscenely long, which is a pet hate of mine. *Confession Time*: I never played 'So close but so far away', I simply couldn't stand it. Didn't help that the game never told you how many lemmings you're allowed to lose, which is particularly problematic in this tribe with the relative abundance of exploders.


Best tribe is probably Sports; it has the best soundtrack, fitting the overall feel of loneliness and stillness in the levels.

Medieval has very nice, absorbing music, and there is http://www.remix64.com/track/amigamer/lemmingstribes_medieval_lemmings_remix/" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Amigamer's Medieval remix (Link). Circus has a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3mclnkvAjo" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">much better music on the Genesis version (Link). This piece seems to be a personal favorite of geoo, and it's great music to wash dishes to.

Highland is the oddest set with regard to puzzle design, the levels are hard early on, and only get more confusing instead of harder. Worst tribe is hard to pick, the level design in other tribes doesn't stand out as awfully bad anywhere. Outdoor pixel precision gets countered to an extent by beautiful visuals and usually short levels with low retrial times. However, some other tribes have really annoying soundtracks.

-- Simon


My favorite tribe is probably Classic.  I love the remix of the classic tunes from the original game, and there are several great puzzles.  The Polar, Highland, Circus, and Sports tribes are also very good.

For my least favorite, I'd have to go with CaveLems.  Those bogeyman traps are evil, plus many of the levels seem short and uninspired.


It's cool how virtually everyone has picked a different tribe for favourite and least favourite.

The classic tribes are a bit of a pain to be honest.  I seen someone on you tube save all the lemmings on so close but so far away even though it was a sort of glitch he used.

Here's the you tube video here.   

Quite Impressive

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhxTdnFf-n4&feature=relmfu" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhxTdnFf-n4&feature=relmfu


While I'm usually not a big fan of bumpy terrain, and the grass is pretty annoying, my favourite tribe is Outdoor, mostly for the amazing looks though. And the music is fun too. The levels are about average, some really good, some merely ok.

Least favourite is probably beach. Don't like the color scheme, a jumbled mess of mostly primary colors, very saturated. And the levels are pretty uninspired too, comparatively, usually just brute-forcing yourself through the level. The one good thing about this tribe is the clams.

In general though, funny skills and fast forward make even bad levels mildly entertaining. And the levels still bear more a challenge than most of L1. L2 is probably my favourite game in the series, even if it has a lot of useless skills, they are fun and the tribes have nice themes and art.


One of my favourite levels in The Outdoor tribe is The Friday walk which I think that's the name of it.    The reason I like it is there is so many different ways you can complete this level even some that I've not tried yet.

The level even has that feel of being a practice level where you can just play around and explore different areas of the level.


Hmm, I don't know if I have a favorite/least favorite tribes per se, but I kinda taken a liking to Space and Egyptian for some reason.  Outdoor, Shadow, Medieval, Sports, and Classic are not bad too I guess.  Beach, Cavelem, Circus, Polar, and Highland are meh; I don't hate any of those but I just don't remember anything about them that I particularly like.  Actually, Highland does annoy me a bit because it's such a pain to create custom levels with.