Is there a way to change the default RR and screenstart in Lemmix?

Started by Dullstar, November 29, 2009, 09:33:19 PM

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See thread title.  In case you can't tell, I'm talking about the editor.  It gets so annoying having to change the screenstart to 632 most of the time I make a level.  Oh, and the defualt time would be nice as well.  Actually, would there be a way to change everything to the LemEdit defaults (except level name, of course)

In a nutshell this is what I want to do.
When I create a new level in Lemmix, this is what the default stats should be IMO:
Screenstart:  632 (makes it easy to see exactly where the center of the level is)
Release Rate:  50
Time:  5 minutes
Skills:  10 of each
Lemmings:  40
To save:  20


Erik's having some internet trouble at the moment, so I'm still waiting on some files from him before any changes to the editor can be made.

For now, one thing you can do is to create 9 "template levels" that are blank but with the desired default stats, one for each graphics set.  Then when you create a new level, instead of actually using the "new level" command, you open one of the template levels and start working from it.  Make sure to save the level with a new name though so you don't overwrite the template.