[NeoLemmix] Raylems Refurbished

Started by Ryemanni, April 30, 2017, 03:02:22 PM

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Hello! I have finally converted Raylems into new format. I guess better late than never, right? Man, I can't believe it's been like 7 years. :8:()[:
I now call it "Raylems refurbished" as I also changed some of the levels up, tried to block backroutes and overall just tweaked everything.
I also took the opportunity to remake some of my old tiles, as they weren't really up to my current standards. I made sure to not change any tile silhouettes though, to not potentially break other levels that use them. Also, even though ive since changed my username to not start with "ray", I will keep using this prefix in the context of neolemmix to not break any old or future assets I may make.

Download from here:
The zip includes all the levels, remade styles, music and sound effects the pack uses! :thumbsup:

--Original post--

Hello everyone!

This is my first levelpack ever so it's not that big, only 30 levels. The puzzles might not be that mind boggling, but I still hope someone will get enjoyment out of them. :D
I made 6 new tilesest for this pack and I'm planning to make more in the future.

Download here:
Link dead

Criticism, comments, replays and backrouting is always welcom! Especially I have only tested these levels myself. :D


Haven't tried the pack yet, but from the previews, the tilesets look VERY impressive! :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Quote from: namida on April 30, 2017, 03:15:06 PM
Haven't tried the pack yet, but from the previews, the tilesets look VERY impressive! :)
Thanks! I had fun making them. :D


I solved them all.


That's great! I'm glad to see that there weren't any major backroutes, but some tricks made me facepalm. How didn't I see them myself? :D


It's always so nice seeing very detailed tilesets, I'm trying this!


This looks very nice :thumbsup:

Quite a few things happened while I was away! After testing through Lemmings Evolution (at least the current test version) it seems like I've got another thing to play through. ;)


Played through the levels, some good stuff there :thumbsup:

Some general things I noticed:

It seems like you forgot to set the color of the minimap in (all) of your tilesets in the GraphicSetTool. My minimap (set on low quality) is only showing a black void with green lemming dots :P

Sometimes I don't get why you chose to have a locked RR on some levels (the one with all the gliders especially), as it often don't really add or prevent anything and even draggs the level out a bit when you solved it and there are still lemmings spawning. Did you simply forgot it was turned on in the editor?

Some comments:

1 02: If my solution is intended then this level can throw you off big time with trying to go another route. I found it quite difficult to the other levels around it's place.
1 08: A bit too much Walker assignments for my taste. Maybe consider lowering the RR.
1 11: Not a hidden trap fan and the clear physics mode makes this level kinda pointless.
1 12: That was quite a taskt! Consider moving this up a bit. Good level otherwise :thumbsup:
2 02: Stacking up only 1 time would have mage the trick as well. 2 times was a bit streched out for my taste.
2 03: Ok, here I must say assigning all the gliders manually was very annoying :devil: I would 1.) Lower the overall lemming cound and 2.) Make the hatch a glider spawning hatch in the first place as they must get assigned at the start anyways. 3.) Remove the locked RR as it draggs the level out to eternity in its current state.
2 05: Liked this one a lot :thumbsup:
2 08: Getting the terrain trick here is very hard to see ;)
2 11: Loved that one (probably my favorite)! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
2 13: This felt kinda easy.
2 14: The el dorado levels turned out to be the best ones ;)
2 15: This was also quite easy and I would also suggest to make it a bit smaller as it feels a bit too much streched out for what it contains.


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the levels. :D
I indeed did forgot to set the color of the minimap, I'll remember to do that in my future projects!
I sometimes might have forgotten to unlock the RR, but sometimes it was intended. Sometimes I thought "Gee, maybe increasing the RR at this point might ruin the puzzle?", maybe I was overthinking. :P


1 02: Using 2 miners was indeed the correct solution. :D
1 08: Spamming walkers was the intention of that level, though it might have been a bit pointless.
1 11: Heh, yup. :P
2 02: It seems that you used a funky backroute. The "intended" solution was to make a horizontal bridge with the stackers, but making stairs seems to work too.
2 03: After watching your replay I'm starting to understand why the locked RR is a drag. ;) I'll remember that!
2 05: Another funky backroute. :P How did I never consider stopping the stacker with a walker to create a pillar that the Lemmings can still walk over?
2 08: Sneaky ;)
2 11: Backroute-ish, but the essential idea was there. :D The floaters were supposed to be for the teleported lemmings, but it seems the drop to the bridge wasn't actually splash-height. lol... :-[
2 13: The ultimate backroute righ there... I really need to start thinking outside the box when testing. :D
2 14: It also turned out to be my favourite tileset to work with. ;)
2 15: That's also backroute-ish, the second drop should have also been splash-height. The intended "save over 40 Lemmings" -solution was to use the first teleport to save all the lemmings. ;)

It seems that I have a lot to learn, but it was nice watching your replays and reading your comments! Thank you! :thumbsup:


From what I've played, some of the levels have me completely stumped
Some of them kinda feel like Nepsterlems levels in terms of difficulty

Here are my thoughts on each of the tilesets

Lovely and colorful all though im not really a fan of the exit, plus the steel reminds of Lix. Nice Touch

A really appetizing set, and user friendly too, a nice selection of condiments, dairy, fruits, and everything with the kitchen sink
Plus if in case of an alien attack, I'll just throw the cheeze.......none of you would get the reference wouldn't you? :XD:

For some reason I might have an affinity for snow levels, and this set is beautiful.
My only suggestions and or complaints
-The steel blends in with the snow, Can you darken it
-Think you can add a dithering effect to the trees?

Cool set (The exit is an awesome touch) but I think it may need more colors in terms of terrain my suggestions
-Terrain pieces and Water that is biased on binary code
-Can the locked exit have more frames of animation (Like it turning on and loading the Lemmings menu)
-and last since lemmings was made in that era, how about an alternate exit that's an old CRT Monitor with the classic beige color? because I'd be down for that

Nothing much I can say about this set but...COWABUNGAH! (Now that's a reference everyone would get)
What I suggest
-Proper Pipe endings and a water crank (like a Wheel seen on pipes)
-Add a waterfall (Example, Gronk's BeastII set, there's a water object the looks like a waterfall)

El Dorado
Pardon my Kalos region but, Damn it I wish I could quote "The Road to El Dorado" right now
this is an absolutely Glorious tileset, though I feel more details can be added :thumbsup:
But I do know a reference I can make
-kicks doors open- "HA! BOOM BABY!"

This leaves me with two questions
1.When will we be able to edit with these tilesets?
2.Do you consider editing your three lix sets so they can be used on Neolemmix? I've already converted your toys set as "Raymanni_Toys" If you want to touch that up I can send it to ya


Thanks Gigalem!

All of your suggestions are great, and that's actually the reason why I didn't release the tilesets yet, I wanted to hear opinions and suggestions about stuff I could change/fix. :D

Funny thing; I actually planned for the cyberspace exit to be an old monitor, but I changed it for some reason.
I also already made a red valve for the sewers, but I didnt use it in any of the levels.

Im going to make some tweaks and add some stuff to the tilesets before I release them to public. :D
I'm also going to release NeoLemmix versions of my lix tiles too, because I love making them! :lix-grin:
Please do send me the toy tiles you have worked on and I'll have a look at it tomorrow. :lix-wink:


Here are my replays. Cool tile sets!
My level pack Lemmings Stampede: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=3200.0


Here are my replays as well! I wasn't able to beat every level, though. Thank you very much for this pack and the graphic sets; as everyone else said, these are ASTOUNDING graphic sets! My favorite ones are the Food, Cyberspace and Sewers!


Tightrope Dope - didn't expect myself to get the talisman on my first try of this level! Nice builder trick to prevent splatting!
Big Apple - as Icho said, this level is WAY out of place and should be in later-Spicy. I haven't beaten this one yet.
Getting piped up - probably better in late-Tender, it took me a while to figure out the solution.
Revenge of the berg! - not sure if this is a backroute or not, I have one blocker left.
"I finally made it!" - unintended as I didn't use all the skills. Nice teleporter sound!
Lemming squared - VERY clever cloner level! Also really love the pickup skill monitors! :thumbsup:
Take a dip - while the constant walker assignment can be indeed kind of annoying (and I was worried I would end up running out of walkers), the solution is still very cool!
Fixing the leak - nice level where despite having 20 builders, you actually have to use them all!
Through the cold steel - another nice level, though as GigaLem said the steel needs to be darker.
The Lemsweeper - this one isn't a good level, as Icho said you can pretty much beat the level by Clear Physics Mode as a guide. Even without using Clear Physics, I don't see any hints that tell me what block is safe to dig through. If you ever update Raylems to remove backroutes, I would replace this level with a new one.
Curiosity killed the lemmings - whew, this one took me a while to figure out! Nice bomber trick!
Hello, Mr. Rigatoni - this one confused me at first, but I eventally figured it out. Very clever solution, especially how I used the climber at the end!
Popsiclem - backroute as I didn't use all the walkers and bombers.
Escaping reality - big backroute, I didn't use any of the cloners. LOVE the locked exit used here and the noise it makes when the exit is unlocked.

As cold as it can get - really clever usage of the single-use trap! I didn't use all the gliders and stoners though.
A creep from the deep - I think this can work in late-Tender. I got the horizontal-stacking bridge in this solution.
When life gives you lemmings - I didn't beat this one, it was too confusing, and as Icho said the locked release rate and the many gliders didn't make this fun at all. Love the blenders, that's VERY clever!
Infinite loop - If my solution is intended, it really belongs in Tender. I got the talisman for this one as well!
Snowday in Beastland - very clever usage of the tops of the trees to solve the level!
Cage of Doom - Nice level, and love the fencer-miner used here! Might be a backroute though, I didn't use all the skills.
Stinky Sewers - likely a backroute as I didn't use the climbers and gliders.
The Deadly Circuit - nice way to end the pack! Unfortunately, I didn't get the talisman for this one.

Looking forward to more of your levels and tilesets!
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


I played through the whole pack, too. Very nice new graphic sets :thumbsup:, even though you'll find a few complaints about them in the comments...

Some comments

Tender 2 (Big Apple): My solution looks very much like a backroute, but I don't see any other way to solve the level ???
Tender 4 (Revenge of the Berg): The bomber through the middle snow block has to be placed pixel-precise if I am not mistaken. And why is the RR locked? Otherwise a good level.
Tender 5 (I finally made it): Same trick as in "Big Apple" and I used only the red teleporter, not the blue one.
Tender 6 (Lemming squared): Much easier than the previous ones.
Tender 7 (Very cheesy level): Another very easy level.
Tender 8 (Take a dip): Sorry, but I have to rant about the water object here: First of all it looks very, very much like solid terrain, which was the reason I spent the first half an hour on this level. The all other water objects have a trigger area that reaches to the bottom of the object, but not this one. So I spent the next half an hour thinking no lemming may walk at the bottom platform... PS: Again a locked RR without any cause.
Tender 10 (Through the cold steel): Rather hard level which requires quite precise skill placements.
Tender 11 (Lemsweeper): I am very happy to have the clear physics mode and am even happier that one doesn't even need this :P
Tender 12 (Curiosity killed lemmings): I took the very fiddly bottom route, but saved a lot more than required.
Tender 13 (Hello, Mr Rigatoni): And why are the balloons not solid, when they look like normal terrain? Otherwise a good level.
Tender 15 (Escaping reality): Very easy level, with lots of unnecessary cloners.

Spicy 1 (As cold as it can get): Very good level, were it not for the one-trigger trap, which fits so well into the terrain that it is basically a trap hidden behind terrain. I HATE it when I skip 10 seconds and suddenly my worker lemming no longer lives for no appearant reason at all! :devil:
Spicy 2 (Creep from the deep): Many tender levels were harder than this one. And why is the RR locked, again?
Spicy 3 (When life gives you lemmings): Interesting level concept. But the fixed RR made me rage, because I had to assign the last 40 gliders without having to do anything else anymore, which was basically one minute just clicking once every second or so. So: First half was great, the second half was just boring.
Spicy 4 (Lemmings 2D): Very nice level.
Spicy 5 (12 trials): Nice level concept, but could you please color-code the rooms visited by the upper, middle and lower hatch using differently colored teleporters? Currently one never knows which hatch to work on, to pick up the next skills.
Spicy 6 (Infinite loop): Good level, but I automatically got the talisman and don't see any solution that doesn't get it. 
Spicy 9 (Piperambo): Excellent level :thumbsup:
Spicy 10 (Lemmings and Ketchup): I straight-forward built up the the exit. Very likely a backroute.
Spicy 11 (Golden Bridge): When starting with a stacker and then stretching the platformers, one can almost cover the lava pit, except for one single pixel! Very frustrating! And it's not obvious that there are 4 pick-up skills stacked over each other. And again the RR is locked. Otherwise a nice level.
Spicy 12 (Cage of Doom): I am fairly sure the intended solution is something much more elaborate.
Spicy 13 (Stinky Sewers): Another straight-forward solution. Backroute?
Spicy 14 (Return of the King): Building over the lava before the zombie-king returns is pretty fiddly, but doable. After that one still has lots of skills which makes the rest of the level trivial.
Spicy 15 (Deadly circuit): This must be a backroute, but at least I got the talisman. :P


Thank you for your comments Wafflem and Nepster, I really appreciate them! I've learned a lot about designing levels (especially about locked RR) and it's a good thing. :D

Using a blocker to block the lemmings from going to the green teleporter in "I finally made it!" is lthe most obvious thing on earth. I can only wonder why I didn't see that... :o
Your backroute to "Curiosity killed the lemmings" is amazing, nepster! I guess addig those small decorative bricks to the bottom was a mistake! :D
The 3 talismans were mostly just for testing, so the "Infinite Loop under 2 minutes" is super easy.
In "Lemmings and Ketchup" building straight up was the intended solution, but locking the Lemmings herd with a blocker and a bomber is the backroute-y bit. :D
Locking the zombie like that in "Revenge of the king" was a clear backroute, so was the "Stinky Sewers" replay. ;P

I'm making some adjustments to the tilesets right now to fix the things you mentioned. I have animated the balloons better so the player knows that they are not solid.
I'm not really sure what I could do to the pool though, maybe rounden the edges a bit?