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Messages - Shockwaves

Help & Guides / Re: Help with Genesis Music
August 23, 2010, 03:22:47 AM
I didn't think links were allowed but if you wish:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">

the level has genesis music in the background yet it's played on lemmini. and I sent a message to the creator and asked him if I could have the music file he used for it and he sent me it. it was in mp3 format.
I assume that it may just be .mod files that can be played, but surely there is a way. many people have done it, yet there is actually no guide out there on how to.
Help & Guides / Re: Help with Genesis Music
August 23, 2010, 02:45:51 AM
1. yes. they are played on lemmini.
2. the music is not just added onto the video - I know this because the sound effects from the lemmings is playing on interaction. also, the creator of the video said it's possible to get your own music onto lemmini, so I'm sure it's not fake.

and also, they're mp3 files. the fact that they fade out in the end and are bigger in size (1mb-2mb) compared to the original amiga music files (20kb) may have something to do with why they're not playing.
Help & Guides / Help with Genesis Music
August 23, 2010, 12:31:49 AM
I'm pretty new here and haven't been using lemmini for long, and I found some lemmings genesis music (my favourite type of lemmings music) and downloaded them and tried to have them play while on lemmini. it's not working. it looks like it works with other people (looked on youtube videos) but not for me... what is it that I have to do to get levels to play the genesis music?