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Messages - NaOH

Forgive me for appearing out of nowhere to respond to this old thread, but I was thinking about this issue recently.

Quote from: Simon on April 11, 2016, 09:03:52 AM
The tagged union is faster. All lemmings occupy the same amount of space: job-independent fields, plus the maximum length among all jobs. You can allocate naively n lemmings, or put them in an array that allocates once. Similarly, all-fields-in-base-class allows to allocate once.

Could you perhaps leverage placement-new in order to store all the jobs in a contiguous memory region, which you could then copy all in one sweep with memcpy() in order to make savestates?
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Worst game ever?
March 21, 2018, 12:15:37 PM
Quote from: Dullstar on March 18, 2018, 07:50:00 AM
one crashes upon entering gameplay if nothing is plugged into the microphone jack

I'm dying to know, is this Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)? This is the only time I've ever seen this issue and until I encountered it with this game I would never have even considered this could be a possibility. I always leave headphones plugged into my desktop's microphone port for this reason. That game is haunted.
Forum Games / Re: Family Feud 2018
February 27, 2018, 06:02:27 PM
Quote from: ccexplore on February 27, 2018, 08:52:38 AM
Hmm, kind of wondering if there's some way to make it work for me and NaOH to come up with 5 questions each for the next round, if only to make it easier and faster to get the next round going.

This is loony. Let's do it!
Forum Games / Re: Family Feud 2018
February 27, 2018, 06:51:53 AM
Hehe, this was fun. I'm surprised about the perfect split for the punctuation mark question! Its really surprising, how punctuation can be abused; so many different ways.

I'd rather let ccx host the next one if that's okay.
wow, I wish I knew about those pixel art tutorials a few years ago when I made this tileset

Just look at all these clashing styles :lix-sick:
Forum Games / Re: The Matching Game
June 27, 2017, 08:39:05 AM
What would be the expected number of points if one guessed randomly?

I'm probably wrong but I think it's 1 point per question, 2 points if one guesses their own responses correctly. So that's 6 points or 12. Everybody should be commended for doing much better than that!
Sadly I have been very busy these past few weeks and have not lurked as I normally do. Oh well, I'd've loved to join.

Quote from: Raymanni on April 29, 2017, 07:30:21 PM
Aw I missed it. I would have wanted to see pros play lemmings live. :D

This reminds me of the first time I joined one of these sessions, back in 2013 I think? I put up one of my randomly-generated maps and was completely shocked by Simon's and geoo's use of staircases as defence against miners.
General Discussion / Re: Cute :3
May 02, 2017, 06:16:55 PM
Yes, this thread is very helpful, thank you! Here is my contribution, a cat I am looking after:

Lix Main / Re: Screen size slightly below level size
January 31, 2017, 10:19:59 PM
I like CCX's idea for a zoom-in transition. Every level (that is larger than the screen size) could start with a zoom-in. In worms (1995), every level starts with a zoom in: . I think it could be cool if you stylized it the right way.

Alternatively, levels could start by panning in.

Quote from: Simon on January 26, 2017, 02:45:33 PM

Minimap? Weird application of a minimap, because the minimap's main use is to overview huge levels. Minimap feels safe to ignore when 80 % of the level is on the screen anyway, thus doesn't help much. Minimap solves a different problem.

Minimap is something that is missing from Lix, and might be very helpful both in single player and multiplayer. With the added screen real-estate from supporting higher resolutions and different aspect ratios, it could make for a very good addition to the UI. However, it probably wouldn't help solve the problem; If I remember correctly, some levels of the original lemmings I couldn't solve when I was young because I didn't realize the level scrolled. The minimap didn't help. (Maybe I am misremembering, though.)
General Discussion / Re: Simon blogs
December 31, 2016, 05:59:33 AM
Quote from: Simon on December 30, 2016, 07:02:43 PM
Lasse (reallife friend from university) compared speedrunning to playing the piano.

I was just thinking this, too! When playing a very long and complicated piece, it's a game of "try to get to the end without messing up too badly," lasting several minutes without the ability to save state. Feels just like playing IWBTG.
Lix Main / Re: I've begun networking in D Lix
December 19, 2016, 05:51:09 PM
Wow, that solid chunk between December and the end of March is really something. :lem-shocked:
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Simon runs Jazz Jackrabbit 1
November 18, 2016, 02:23:47 AM
Congratulations! :tal-gold: This emoticon has never been put to better use!
General Discussion / Re: Lemmings Forums on Youtube
November 17, 2016, 07:35:08 PM
Ooh! Nice choice, Icho. I spent an awful lot of my childhood playing Command & Conquer / Red Alert games. I still have all those voice clips stuck in my head. Construction complete!

Have fun, maybe I'll watch some of your videos. :)
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Simon runs Jazz Jackrabbit 1
November 13, 2016, 08:44:52 PM
Congratulations on getting second place!

I just watched your first run while doing homework and then skimmed your second run. Very entertaining! I can see how the game physics looks fun to run and jump around in. To be honest, it wasn't at all clear how effective damage-boosting looked as an outside observer; it looked like you were already going top speed when you hit the enemies?

I like your commentary style. The (few) let's plays I've seen, they tend to talk about unrelated to the game. The way you gave your commentary it was like getting the secret low-down. :) Makes me feel like I should do one of these.