Quote from: mobius on February 23, 2023, 01:13:49 AM
ah yes now I remember vaguely, this freeze time function.... One has to wonder; why not just make pause behave this way? Why have essentially two different types of pause buttons?? Can't it do everything freeze time can, including incurring the penalty, without *failing to pause*?
No they can't be merged [edit: well maybe see below], because the two pauses serve different functions. The original pause was for actual legit pausing which shouldn't incur any penalty (initial level overview, phone ringing, bathroom break, dinner burning, etc) but we found this could be abused to get higher leaderboard scores, especially on larger (wider) levels by eliminating scrolling time and morph-click accuracy, which would ultimately lead to all high-level players being forced to abuse pause just to have a chance to get the #1 spot, because it would certainly be exploited. I didn't think that was a good direction for competitive play, so we added a few seconds of "recharge" to that pause which shouldn't be an issue for regular pause use and would prevent "cheating".
However I did appreciate that exploiting pause can make the level easier and perhaps more fun for non-competitive players, and so we added "Freeze Time" to encourage that and even allowed giving morphs while time was frozen to lean into that use case.
Although.... in thinking about it just now I wonder if we could have auto-transitioned from one to the other silently behind the scenes.. so that pausing a few seconds apart would not incur a penalty but pausing any quicker than that would. But giving morphs while paused was only allowed in one not the other so not sure.. hmm..
Quote from: mobius on February 23, 2023, 01:13:49 AM
The other major roadblock was how you assign skills. NeoLemmix has a similar "follow lemming" feature, but as a side option. Selecting a skill then selecting the target lemming just seems to work better most of the time. Especially if you're new to the game and clones may often be spilling out in different directions suddenly you didn't intend, you want to click quickly to get them under control. From being a lemmings player this just felt totally backwards.
Yes Simon had the same thought during beta (gamma?) testing and we implemented a "Morph On Click" option in the Options menu that allows for this. In that mode you select a morph first (keyboard or click) and then click on a clone to give the action right away. The reason we reversed this by default was because Clones started as a multiplayer game and in that use case it's more common to want to select a single clone and then issue a bunch of morphs in quick succession, i.e. a sabotage or pathfinding clone lone wolf, possibly wearing a cool decoration Also by selecting the clone first you can be sure which clone you are going to give the action to, which can be important due to there being dark clones and light clones, "fistfight" game mode, or clones with 2x speed, or tiny/large clones or clones at different gravities (4 ways). I feel selecting the clone first enables better multiplayer success, but the option is there so everyone can choose their preference.
Quote from: mobius on February 23, 2023, 01:13:49 AM
The other issue I can't recall very well but had something to do with physics and how clones moved around. Maybe it was just another issue of differences from being a Lemming player.
Yes the clones are a bit bulky. Originally they started out as thin grey aliens but they chubbed up when the graphics was outsourced. The Light clones are directly controllable like a mario character, but due to the pixel-perfect nature of clones/lemmings they walk a bit odd sometimes. It did take great programming effort to get them to walk on rotating/moving land but I was satisfied with the result and the flexibility of the level editor in general. Moving land can give momentum to clones or crush them allowing for a lot of level design possibilities. I think it was CCX that created a working minesweeper mini game level, which really impressed me!
Light clone: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zta4JI3T0xQJN8QFVA6n-n-VzP3FWRDg/view
I was just watching my step-son play Quantum Connection the other day and we saw the leaderboards had a 5 morph solution which seemed impossible, but after some thinking we figured out how they were doing it! It's an exploit of the entangled clones where you give a morph to a falling clone that they can't do so they queue it up, but meanwhile the entangled clone performs the morph, then you cancel the morph on the first clone before they hit the ground so they never actually use the morph so it doesn't get counted. Not sure how the top 3 players on that map figured that out but kudos to them!
The leaderboards have never been reset so it's gotten increasingly difficult over the years to get #1 on any level.