There's no harm in posting the problem here; as the saying goes, two (or more) heads can be better than one. But I also think you are actually already the person on the forum who's most well-versed in the theory and practice of software design and architecture. So ideally you'd want to get advice from someone who's even better at this, and hence a more programming-oriented forum or channel is probably the way to go.
But even if you end up solving the problem through purely outside advice, I certainly wouldn't mind hearing about the solution here.
[aside: your previous post about keeping sentences terser has made me actually took the time to review and edit my writing above accordingly]
But even if you end up solving the problem through purely outside advice, I certainly wouldn't mind hearing about the solution here.

[aside: your previous post about keeping sentences terser has made me actually took the time to review and edit my writing above accordingly]