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Messages - MandelSoft

Contests / Re: The Level Solving Contest #1: Results
December 27, 2018, 03:19:09 PM
I've been checking the replays and I see a lot of things I didn't taken into consideration, or tricks I didn't know they exist. I've set my initial goal too low, probably, by just saving 100%, and I was not trying hard enough to save skills. But the replays have been quite a nice learning experience. I like some of the tricks I've seen; the way Simon & Forestidia saved the worker lemming from falling into the pit was a really clever trick :thumbsup:

I'm looking forward to the next competition and I hope I'll try harder next time ;)
Contests / Re: The Level Solving Contest #1
December 18, 2018, 08:44:40 PM
It's indeed a nicely designed challenge level! Kudos to Minim! :thumbsup:

I have given it a try and after one serious run, I managed to save a lot of lemmings. Something tells me there must be a better solution that saves even more. If I find a solution that saves them all, I probably consider the challenge to be finished for me. Let's see...
Contests / Re: Proposal: Level Solving Competition
December 11, 2018, 06:52:33 PM
Some proposals from a forum lurker...

Instead of taking just skills and time as a whole, why not take multiple factors into account and assign points to them?
For instance:

  • Each second on the clock is 1 point
  • Each skill you use is x points (possibly depending on the skill)
  • Every lemming that doesn't make it to the exit is 10 points.
So, in this case, the goal is to minimise the number of points, and that would be deemed the most efficient solution. One has to fiddle with the weights of the points, though, but you could do a few test runs on a few levels to see what the result is. But the system would provide a nice metric to compare the results and still make it easy to dertermine which solution is better. You could even say in public you've found a "300 point solution" without revealing a single bit of your solution

As for the level choice: I'd either go for a completely new level, to level the playing field (no pun intended), or use an existing level with a twist, so that the most common solutions don't work any more. For instance, by changing the skill set or adding a one-way wall or steel where there used to be none.

Just a couple of thoughts...
Hello again, everyone! Sorry for the late reply, as I'm involved in a modding project for another game and I do this as a side project ;)

Glad to see people liking the work I did. I do see some critiques about my adapdations. A few tracks I'd like to comment on from my point of view:

  • Orig_02 "Lemming2":  The soundscape of this one doesn't fit in that nicely with the rest of the tracks. The melody lines were not suitable enough for "classical" instruments, so I had to resort to electronic instruments.
  • Orig_05 "Twang": This is one of my favourite adaptations. I took something from the DOS version (mainly the main key and key change in the middle) and some from the MIDI version and some of my own (the instrumentation and the re-arranged percussion).
  • Orig_07 "Tim1": I prefer the more friendly sounding DOS version over the MIDI version, so I tried to replicate that.
  • Orig_08 "Tim2": Same as above
  • Orig_12 "Doggie": My least favourite adaptation, since I had little idea what to do with it. I tried to work with the DOS and MOD version of the track, and both are really weird. There is no MIDI version of this track. If you think it doesn't sound great, then it's you and me both...
  • Orig_15 "Dance of the Little Swans": The version in Lemmings sounds a lot darker than the original song, and I kept that darkness around. I actually like it that way. I mean, a game sending lemmings to their impending doom needs a more suitable dark soundtrack :P
  • Ohno_1:I used some of Minim's melody lines for supporting instruments, but I mainly stuck to my own melody line and song structure. But Minim's melody lines surely gave this track a richer soundscape.
  • Ohno_3: I mixed Minim's melody lines and my own in this one, and I cross-checked it with the DOS version. I'm happy with the result!
  • Ohno_5: I always wanted to have a good modern version of this one! I absolutely love this track and it deserved to have a better version. I mainly used the DOS version for my melody lines instead of the MOD version. I had an extra piano in there, but I actually removed it, because it was overkill. Less is more ;)

Now, I've completed the music from the special levels as well. Though I'm not completely happy with the Beast level music, I like the other two. For Menacing, I actually toned it down a bit, by adding more quiet parts in the percussion, because I don't want to tire my audience and it makes the piece more dynamic.

I also converted 5 Lemmings Paintball tracks: Marimba, Spdbass, SongX, Swingy and Nice1. Especially SongX feels like a track that could fit nicely in an older Lemmings game. Some of the other tracks of Paintball were not really suitable for conversion in my opinion. The biggest hurdle with these tracks is that the original versions are not looped, so I changed them up a bit so that they could play in a loop. Feel free to use these tracks in your custom level packs ;)

Download links:
Original Special levels:!6IQHHYLC!N6CwTb3hKFVDNwFbDvF_QgpOewTSOHjHPI1_6m0mpgg

Quote from: IchoTolot on July 19, 2018, 02:58:17 PM
I would also vote for (with your blessing of course) including them on the homepage:
By all means, I'd be honoured! :D

Quote from: Strato Incendus on July 19, 2018, 04:05:07 PM
Cool, it's always nice to have more versions of these iconic tracks available! :thumbsup: And certainly a great host gift from a new member. Welcome to the forums!

I'm going to upload my "handmade", band recordings of the Lemmings tracks soon as well - together with the Lemmings World Tour release. I guess I won't mind other people using them, just like you; I simply want to make sure I'm the first one who does so ^^.
I just went to check it out. I always love to hear different versions of tracks, and bonus points for playing it on actual instruments, now that's some dedication! :lem-mindblown: (It sounds like you went for the metal-flavoured versions of these tracks)

Have fun!
Hello everyone,

I've been busy with reworking the soundtrack from the first two Lemmings games, converting them from simple MIDI format into a richer sound environment in FL Studio. All tracks are in OGG format and ready to use for NeoLemmix. At the moment, I've made a conversion of all standard level tracks from both the Original Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings.

Most tracks from the Original Lemmings soundtrack were easy to convert, where I just had to assign instruments from my soundfont to each channel and mastering the mix. However, some tracks required re-arrangement (i.e. "Tenlems") and some had no proper MIDI arrangements to begin with (i.e. "Doggie", "Tim10" and all Oh No tracks). For these I had to make the composition myself and I hope you like these re-imagined versions. I have yet to make satisfying arrangements for the special level tracks and I think I have to modify the original compositions a lot for some of those. I may post them later when I'm happy with them.

The Original soundtrack may appear out of order, because I arranged them in the order they appeared in the DOS version of Lemmings, the version I'm most familiar with before any new ports of the game.

Special thanks to Minim his work on making MIDI versions of the Oh No! More Lemmings soundtrack. I haven't copied his tracks 1:1, but some melody lines were certainly helpful to complement the ones I created myself, and credit needs to be given were credit is due. ;)
And of course, the original port of Lemmings for Windows provided most of the Original soundtrack, so that was also greatly appreciated.

Anyway, here are the links to the new tracks
Original Lemmings:!PVJSwAqa!le0XH8nV5dOw3owNr66WOEEGnYv2fQGLpjpeIjxqdO0
Oh No! More Lemmings:!yJR2UaLB!N8OJHyWa6TxWxuclGxe_XXx4GfZLk0mPiCVJvfYIGrs

Feel free to use them in your level packs (with credits of course) or just as a replacement for the soundtrack. I'd love to hear some feedback about it. Any (constructive) criticism is welcome! And most of all: have fun with it!
