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Messages - ResearchStudent

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Survey Results Follow Up
June 18, 2018, 07:34:36 AM
Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago I posted asking people to participate in a survey for my Masters project. Thank you to everyone who took part. The Lemmings forums are definitely the friendliest forums I've spoken with during this survey, and I'm incredibly thankful to everyone. As promised, here's my results.

So first, a bit of demographic stuff. In the end I got 3576 responses, with is incredibly. What's even more amazing is that only 37 of those weren't usable for one reason or another.  In total 2950(83.36%) of the responses were male, 512 (14.47%) responses were female, 66 (1.86%) identified as "other", and 11 people did not respond (0.31%). In total, 1664 (47.02%) of respondents were from the United States, followed by 403 respondents for the United Kingdom (11.39%), 217 (6.13%) from Canada, 157 (4.44%) from Germany. A total of 39 respondents left the question about country blank, and a total of 87 other countries make up the remaining 31.02%. 2309 (65.24%) respondents played alone, while the remaining 1230 (34.76%) played with others. The majority of those played with others online, with 1090 respondents doing so, or 88.62% of respondents playing with others, and 280 respondents playing with other playing in the physical world. Some respondents played other people both online and in the physical world.

The aim of the survey was to see how two previously validated questionnaires work together. The questionnaires were the Immersive Experience Questionnaire (IEQ), and the Player Uncertainty in Games questionnaire (PUGS). The theory was going in that the scores would correlate in a bell curve, so as the immersion score increases, the uncertainty score increases, until about half way when the immersion score should start decreasing while the uncertainty score continues to increase. I thought this as too much uncertainty should make a game unenjoyable.
However, this wasn't the case, and there's just a steady, slight linear correlation. Which is great as the theory's partly right, immersion does increase as uncertainty increases, however it's also interesting that there's no drop at all.

Thank you again to everyone who took part, as well as the lovely mods, and just for being so nice. In total I only had 1 person who used Lemmings, or specifically NeoLemmix, in the survey, but I know more people than that from this community took part, and so I want to say thank you again.

Frances :lix-smile:
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Research Survey
June 04, 2018, 08:47:30 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll update it now :D
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Research Survey
June 03, 2018, 12:38:01 PM
Hi, I'm a research student who's currently studying player experiences in games. I'm currently doing an online survey and really appreciate responses. There's also an optional £20 Amazon gift voucher draw at the end of the survey as a little thank you for taking part.

Survey link:

Thank you so much to the amazing moderators for letting me post here.

If anyone has any questions I'm more than happy to respond :D