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Messages - BBP

Aside from the control scheme which is tricky to master, there's absolutely nothing you could have against Grim Fandango, one of the finest true adventure games. It runs well using Residual VM.

I'd like to complete my Sierra catalog first, then maybe onto my Tim Schafer games... Beyond that I have the X-Files full motion video game from the mid 90s...
Aw, that lovely Chester you posted pictures of? Sorry to hear about that...
Lemmings Main / Re: BBP vs Lemmings
April 02, 2018, 03:22:55 PM
Sorry to hear that...

I'm busy trying to figure out the best way to solve Legend Of Smelly Belly, how to lure out the bottom Weasel...

EDIT: Found it! Easier than I thought!
Lemmings Main / Re: BBP vs Lemmings
March 27, 2018, 07:49:13 AM
Oof! What happened to your CD?

IIRC I attempted to exchange some of my files before with somebody but that didnt work:
Lemmings Main / Re: BBP vs Lemmings
March 26, 2018, 06:49:30 PM
Mmmm... a lot of the bugs I've found so far (save the fall height issue) are because the game can't really figure out where the edges are.
Since the gameplay is essentially 2d I wonder if you could make a wrapping 2D version of the game...
Lemmings Main / Re: BBP vs Lemmings
March 26, 2018, 08:48:22 AM
In Waste Not Want Not pt 2 my athlete Lem goes rogue and walks through walls and on thin air.
Lemmings Main / BBP vs Lemmings
March 22, 2018, 09:00:24 AM
Recently I was lucky enough to find both Lemmings 2: The Tribes and Lemmings 3d, but before I start on those I want to finish Lemmings Revolution first.
I was so happy it worked with the newly made patch and all that. I can now actually see the colours and the film at the start. Because of the lay-out of the screen I once accidentally deleted my savegame. A friend then wrote me a batch file so it automatically saves a copy when I fire up the game.

My Lemmings Revolution copy is the one published by Dutch company Dice Multimedia, it was boxed together with Holiday Lemmings. It had a working High Dive (the level that was broken in other levels) but it also had an incorrect fall height, making Tanks A Lot and My Finest Moment impossible to work. Half of the Water Lemmings die falling into the tank. I thought the new patch fixed that... :(

Couldn't help but notice the Water Lemmings look like regular Lemmings when they crash-land... :lemming:
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Worst game ever?
March 10, 2018, 01:05:38 PM
I've played my share of outdated games in my life as a Sierra fan. I've played through some crappy stuff because I liked someone in the cast. I've played live action adventures as a guilty pleasure.

None of those could be as embarassingly bad as Mozart, the Conspiracy of Prague.
Mozart the bomb-defusing superhero.

"Quick, we need to go to the Prague opera house, or else the bomb explodes!"
"No, let's play cards first."
(cue luck-based mini card game)

Best worst part was when one guy was credited with {needs translation}

Here's a video. Music's great though!
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Video game genre
March 05, 2018, 04:28:56 PM
I love the good ol' adventure games, particularly Sierra's ones. Shooting games I hate. And 3D games because they tend to make me seasick. :sick:
General Discussion / Re: Greetings!
February 20, 2018, 08:53:57 AM
Hi Scotty, nice to meet you! :)
I got Lemmings Revolution to run with the patch, it runs great! :thumbsup:

Besides that I occasionally play Crank and Robot Unicorn Attack Heavy Metal.
General Discussion / Re: Cute :3
January 12, 2018, 10:16:51 AM
Here's a cub I snapped at the zoo:

General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
December 26, 2017, 12:24:20 AM
Teehee, cute! :thumbsup:

Wishing you all very happy holidays!
General Discussion / Re: Hey guys!
December 15, 2017, 04:17:37 PM
Hi Crane, nice to see you!
:D It works! I used the 1991 Xmas Lemmings adlib.dat file for this!

I'll check it out to see if I can use the music from the Lemmings demo... :)