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Messages - Yung Gotenks

I can do both days. I'm down!
I can be there for the 26/27th session.
Lix Multiplayer Dates / Re: lix-May 11th & or 18
May 11, 2019, 04:37:04 PM
i can play next week.
Lix Multiplayer Dates / Re: lix-May 11th & or 18
May 10, 2019, 09:53:51 PM
I can do both days, but I would like it if it was on the 11th (aka. Tomorrow).
I approve of this. I think we should host on weekends so we can get as many people as we can. I can also host a server for everyone, since I can do that now.
if i'm not doing anything then, sure.
Sure! I'l try to be there.
Sorry I couldn't be there, I had to go to a family christmas party thing. I was really looking forward to this session as well.. :(
I perfer Saturday, but I can play either day. ^_^
(just so you guys know, my steam name is thegamingboy192)
I can join!
i'd like saturday, but sunday works too.
I know that someone tried to schedule a game as of when i'm posting this (Oct 14th) but that was the day before and no one saw it. I was gonna propose a session anyways. So, i'm gonna propose a session this weekend at 18:00 UTC, the usual time. Should we do saturday or sunday?
Session start in 30 minutes! i'll be in the lobby waiting.
well, we have to do the 15th now. I'm in!