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Messages - PsychEyeball

Lemmini / Re: Pea Soup, lems drown on 3rd pea
June 02, 2016, 05:37:23 PM
Okay, so that's just overall weirdness relating to the level then? I just remembered not having this trouble on the original Lemmini, the Windows 95 version or the Amiga game I briefly checked out just so I could make sure things were working okay.

In the end, I did find a workaround, it was just a weird occurrence and I felt like it was something worth reporting.
Lemmini / Re: Pea Soup, lems drown on 3rd pea
June 02, 2016, 03:36:10 PM
Hurrah, another update! Looking forwards to playing Oh no! More Lemmings again with it.

Also, concerning my problems with Pea Soup earlier, I managed to get a clearer demonstration of the problem I was having. I unfortunately didn't save the replay (I was too in shock when it happened) but I managed to get it on video: (This should start you where it happens, otherwise skip to 13:17)

It just feels too weird for this to happen.
Lemmini / Re: SuperLemmini 0.102b
May 31, 2016, 04:08:30 AM
I found Lemmini to be really strange when it comes to assigning skills to a giant mass of lemmings and it was my big gripe about it. That, and the way it handles steel as an absolute barrier, which makes Wicked 1 a pain to complete.

I waited so long to do a Let's Play of it because while my first contact with Lemmings was the DOS version and the SNES version, I only completed the game way later in 2001 while playing the Windows 95 version. While it was fine for the time, it didn't age too well, the UI is hard to capture well and the fast-forward is busted. However, it did have action replay and I owe it a lot. I don't think I could beat Lemmings without it or its ability to assign skills to lemmings going in a certain direction.

Honestly, I have mad respects for the people who won the game with any of the other versions without these luxuries because I don't think I could do it!
Lemmini / Pea Soup, lems drown on 3rd pea
May 30, 2016, 03:23:39 PM
Hello Tsyu, I've been making a Let's Play of Lemmings and I've been using SuperLemmini in order to showcase the game, due to its options set and faithfulness to the original game. It's been working out really good, although I came across two levels where SuperLemmini didn't work out as well as in the rest of the game.

First level is Mayhem 14 - Pea Soup:

The third pea where you must build to is the smallest on the bunch, but the hit detection on it seem really strange. Unless you land in the middle of the pea itself, Lemmings that fall on it will often drown through the pea/boulder. I can get the lead Lemming to fall on it, but if it happens, the ramp that I must dig through will often lead the other Lemmings to a watery/pea death. I checked out the Amiga version of the game to make sure and the Lemmings didn't drown when they fell on the boulder.

Second level is Havoc 20 - Look Before You Leap!:

It turns out the hit detection for climbers in SuperLemmini is more forgiving than in the original game. If there's a tiny bump in the way of a wall, the climber will manage to climb through it whereas he normally would hit said obstruction and fall back down. This makes this stage almost impossible unless you succeed in making your way down through the level with only 9 bombers (which is possible, but highly improbable to pull off) because the climber will climb out of the pit you made for your Lemmings and either fall off the left or be eaten by the lizard, making you lose one of your bombable Lemmings. It is possible to make a pit where the Lemming won't climb out from, but it's incredibly finnicky and hard to achieve... at least way harder than in the original game.

Just thought these replays may help you figure out the issues I'm talking about and help you in the development of SuperLemmini.

If you're interested in watching my videos, you can view my Youtube playlist here:

Keep up the good work on SuperLemmini!