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Messages - toodlebug500

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collection
July 30, 2015, 03:29:38 PM
Agreed namida, the Master System version is great. And from what I've played of the Game Gear version I'd be inclined to agree with you, if only my Game Gear worked properly, then I could actually play Lemmings on it, as it is I get a few levels in and it turns itself off.
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collection
July 29, 2015, 09:44:59 AM
I'd say if you find it cheap, it's considered a reasonable port despite the flaws and it's not a particularly expensive game by any means. I'd certainly recommend it over the Game Boy Color version, which is apparently worse, more expensive and doesn't have any of the original music!

I'd agree with you on the merits of the Game Boy, it's a fantastic handheld, especially the SP. If you're interested, my friend Mat does reviews of Game Boy games over at

My favourite portable Lemmings would have to be the PSP version, it's very nice indeed!
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collection
July 27, 2015, 11:11:49 AM
Thanks for checking out the collection :)

That is said Magazine cover! Taking that issue camping with me today, never bought it when I originally saw it but once I started collecting had to pick it up, also the recent Lemmings Ports book, which should arrive in the post today but I don't think it will arrive before I leave sadly.

I've been playing the Game Boy version recently and I can't really recommend it. At first it seems ok but as the levels get more complex the game's flaws become more apparent and make the game rather difficult to play. For example there's a delay when assigning a skill to a Lemming, which can make things rather tricky. Also the Builders and Miners have a different angle which they build and mine at respectively, which will take some getting used to. The visual depictions of building and mining also refresh in chunks, so rather then seeing each step of a bridge being built or a mine being dug you suddenly see that the lemming has built serval steps or dug further down than you expected.

So there's a lot of adjusting to do and things are rather small and tricky to see and when several Lemmings clump together they start to disappear.Despite the issues it's playable and the musics fine but the core gameplay takes a bit of a hit in the downscaling, particular levels are just really hard to play.There's also less Lemmings on screen.
Lemmings Main / Lemmings Collection
July 24, 2015, 12:14:51 PM
Hey all! Really happy to have found a community of Lemmings fans! I first played Lemmings on a friends Atari ST and my first first Lemmings game was actually the CD-i version, which I played to death. I picked up Lemmings for Windows with Paintball eventually and hadn't played the game for a while before I recently rediscovered it again (not that I ever actually forgot Lemmings, who could!).

I think it was the cover of a recent issue of Retro Gamer that sparked my interest again, shortly after I found myself playing the PS3 version one afternoon and fell in love with the game again, I began to research the different versions of the game and thought it was about time that I bought the Amiga original for my A500 that I'd picked up a few years prior. I then caught the collecting bug and starting hunting out the different versions of game for all the consoles and computers I own. Being a keen gamer/collector of all things retro already, this became a massive undertaking due i part to the amount of systems in possession. I've been enjoying immensely over the past few months now collecting the games and it's been great to replay the games on the different formats and compare and contrast.

Here's my collection at present (excluding merchandise).

Lemmings Game Collection by Tom Parry, on Flickr

Really looking forward to chatting here about one of my favourite games of all time.
