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Messages - DanielOakfield

Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
September 05, 2024, 03:41:45 PM
I added a few more 4p levels and fixed a few symmetry issues. The file is updated in the original post!
I need to clarify my idea, I didn't mean that once one has mathematically won the nuke should start automatically, I suggested that once there's a winner (doesn't matter how many players) it should be notified in the match, then it's up to the players what to do with that information... maybe it could just show a small icon somewhere, happy to study possible UI solutions if that's something Simon would like to implement.
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
August 30, 2024, 12:38:10 PM
Added a few more levels to the original post. Some are 4-player levels, which seem to be preferred by you guys :)
Edit Simon: Split off topic: Some ideas.

I play 4K hardware full screen (the only way it goes 60fps), and the text is so big that many words are truncated, having a selection of big and small would be enough.

UI text: Here are two screenshots of the problem, check the version number, or the number of the skills in the edit screen only showing one digit.
Lix Main / Some ideas
August 19, 2024, 01:54:41 PM
Here are a few random ideas, I wouldn't call them requests as I know how busy Simon is and how many more parts require more high-priority work, but I'd like to leave them here as food for thought!

  • First place is absolutely certain: Alert or Terminate

  • Stats and high scores, for the single player it could show a top 10/20 of whoever sent in the highest number of lix and in the quickest time; for multiplayer, it would be great to have for each map an incremental number showing the wins of the players who are going to play (player X 9 - player Y 3). This info could be stored locally shown in the lobby once the level is selected, and just linked to the player names, it's something people who often play together can enjoy I guess, to understand better where they need to improve. If I never won on a map against a specific player, maybe I have to change my strategy.

  • Editing the number of lix and rate per Hatch, right now it's set for all the hatches in an equal way, I'd like to have the freedom of deciding the behavior of each single hatch, for instance, one could be sending maybe only 1 lix out, and the rest need to be rescued as they are all out at the same time in a box.

  • Portals, I try to replicate the effect with many jump/hair flows... but having a real-time portal would open many more possibilities.

  • Focus/lock mode on a selected lix. Once a lix is selected to start a skill you only click on the skill/hotkey, without the need to select the skill first and click on the lix (similar to highlight mode as suggested by Flopsy). Maybe the arrow keys could select the next and previous lix, following the spawn order.

  • UI misshapen at 3840x2160: Text too large and abbreviated, too few buttons

  • Championships and cup challenges, would require having a login system, so I am pretty sure it's a massive task, but why not dream? :D

  • Neutral Lix would be great as many are asking, but I know it's not happening soon, but still, I wanted to support the cause.
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
August 19, 2024, 12:38:57 PM
Hi Simon,

I replaced the file in the original post, here's what I modified

  • Renamed all the files as per the standard requested, small caps no spaces
  • Shrunk the map that was giving the VRAM warning
  • Changed the background color in maps with hidden traps, so that everything is visible
  • I changed the author to Hyperlodge
  • Added 25 new levels :D (more will follow at some point)
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 29, 2024, 01:21:01 PM
Thanks so much, Simon for taking some time to check the maps!

I appreciate everyone's playing style is different, and can't make everyone happy ;) I like diversity so that in some maps I am terrible, in some others I have my strategy and I win more easily :lemcat:

Yeah, I believe I stopped hiding parts, some levels are a few years old, but I kept them as they are for their historical value ha!

I'd be delighted if you could include my levels, of course, most of the maps are 2p; I generally do symmetrical maps so if multiple goals are present they can be played well 2/4... and so on.

Please feel free to rename the files as you need, they are not in any specific order, I will name any future levels using the naming convention (I already have a bunch more ready)!

Look forward to playing with you :cute:
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 21, 2024, 06:57:33 PM
Little update, I added 10 levels to the file in the original post!
Enjoy and have a happy Sunday
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 21, 2024, 02:10:05 AM
Thanks for the welcome!
Look forward to playing with you all :thumbs-up:
Lix Levels / Re: Chicago-Themed Terrain
July 20, 2024, 02:01:58 PM
This set would be a great addition to the game, what has happened? Any news?

There are a lot of free-to-use tilesets out there too, which I used to make some levels. Plus some custom made. What are the policies for sending new tilesets for the official release Simon?
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 20, 2024, 01:43:43 PM
That's cool, I think I'll post our next sessions so anyone who wants can join! The more the merrier!
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 20, 2024, 01:34:48 PM
Yes, we are childhood friends and have been playing multiplayer Lemmings since Amiga (1992)!
Quite a few years back we found Lix and as an online multiplayer version with a level editor, we were instantly hooked! We still play very often.
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 20, 2024, 01:26:17 PM
Ah yes, indeed that was me :cute:
Lix Levels / Re: Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 20, 2024, 01:13:26 PM
Possibly, when was it?
Lix Levels / Competitive Multiplayer Levels
July 18, 2024, 08:14:59 PM
Hello everyone, after playing Lix and lurking on the forum and IRC channel for many years I am finally releasing a selection of 140 183 levels created, mainly 2P, many with unlimited functions.

I have roughly another 100 but they use custom tiles so it will take some time to convert them.

Edit: I replaced the zip file with a new one with 10 additional levels
Edit2: I replaced the zip file with more levels, naming following Simon's request, and amending some of the levels as requested