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Messages - Zekethelemming

Honestly thought that this was gonna be a Pink Floyd themed tile set, still looks great though.
Level Design / What makes a good level
July 25, 2023, 05:36:16 AM
Hello, new level designer here, I just want to know, in the community's opinion, what makes a good level.

Should levels have one, or multiple ways to solve them?

Should creators be lenient or stingy with how many roles you can give Lemmings?

How hard should a level be?

What themes do you like or dislike?

These questions as well as many more are what's been on my mind as of recent.
Quote from: ericderkovits on July 24, 2023, 07:21:39 AM
The most current editor used for new formats is 1.40

download here:

Thanks dude :thumbsup:
For context, I am using NeoLemmix_V12.12.5 and NeoLemmix Editor 10.13.13.

NeoLemmix editor creates levels with the .lvl file, whereas NeoLemmix uses a strange .nxlv file type. Is there something I'm missing? Was there some new version of the Editor that just dropped? If you guys know anything about that, it would be much appreciated if you were to tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
Doom, I love Doom.