Quote from: Simon on April 03, 2017, 08:12:34 AM2024 version of Simon's post
Play custom levels
Download a level pack, e.g.:Our level pack board offers even more exciting levels.
- Lemmings Reunion by IchoTolot has the classic 8 skills, starts easy, then becomes challenging. Runs in NeoLemmix, a custom Lemmings engine.
- Lemmings Omega by namida has new tilesets, extra skills, teleporters, unlockable exits, zombies, ... Runs in NeoLemmix.
- Lix community pack is bundled with Lix, a free Lemmings-like single- and multiplayer game.
NeoLemmix has the most packs. Lix is the second-most popular engine. SuperLemmini and Lemmini haven't seen many packs recently. Some old user levels in the .lvl/.dat format need vanilla Lemmix or CustLemm.
Create levels
For NeoLemmix:For Lix:
- Download the NeoLemmix level editor.
- Run the editor, select "File" -> "New level".
- Right-click into the empty space, select "Insert Terrain" or "Insert Object".
- Choose skills and other settings in the dialogs under "View".
- Select "Tools" -> "Play this level".
Share your cool levels on the forum!
- Download Lix, it contains a level editor.
- Run Lix, go to Single Player, and select "New Level" near the bottom right.
- Click the tree button to insert terrain in the empty level.
- Add hatches and exits, and visit the "Skills" and "Constants" dialogs.
- Save, exit the editor, then play the level from the singleplayer browser.
-- Simon
Glad to see people keeping Lemmings custom game level making alive. Keep up the good work!