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Messages - CindylemSparks

as of late I have been helping out on Tomato Watcher's NES Lemmings improvement patch, and I realized that I'm competent at nes spritework, so I thought to myself... why not improve one of my favorite games from my childhood? and that let me to remember... I once was thinking of redoing the NES port of snow bros, but with an original artstyle instead of the flatified arcade graphics, even if the test was looking solid, I said that maybe that wasn't the way to go, and decided to just cleverly convert the arcade graphics into an nes format compared to the mess the original guys in charged of porting the game have gone to make, it's a solid port don't get me wrong, but it has a few flaws, mostly with the graphics and sound pitches.

here's a mockup of the titlescreen

and what I have changed so far

thoughts? :D
cindy here, congrats on the test release!, I can't wait yall to check this out, we are working hard on making it the best it could be :thumbsup:
thanks for helping!, honestly I tend to get kinda afraid when these kinda stuff pop up, I'm shy and overtly sensitive so stuff like viruses keep me awake :(
NeoLemmix Main / concern regarding neolemmix's website
December 02, 2022, 06:12:38 AM
yo!, I'm brand new to this forum and really I'm here to ask first about this engine remake,whatever you could call it.

I want to get this up and running but both malwarebyte's browser guard and norton safeweb think the site is ridden with "riskware" and malware are those false positives??? I'm to paranoid rn :lem-mindblown: