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Messages - keiya

Closed / Re: Player Bugs / Suggestions
January 04, 2015, 02:57:48 AM
Eh, it doesn't need to be pixel perfect, I just want a version that doesn't change gameplay in ways that change normal solutions in significant ways, that doesn't require me to write down passwords. (Think zdoom, not Chocolate Doom, if you're familiar with Doom source ports?)

Actually is source available? I could try to do it myself... and probably fail but learn something along the way.
Site Discussion / Re: Posts from
January 03, 2015, 11:29:54 PM
Kyevan is me.
Closed / Re: Player Bugs / Suggestions
January 03, 2015, 10:35:21 PM
There should probably be some sort of, like, warning or something before you get to A Task For (Blockers And) Bombers that there's major mechanical differences. That was very confusing and unpleasant.

(Also a version with Lemmix physics but the save feature would be nice but that's a little more of a request :P)
Lix Main / Re: Digging on steel to turn around?
November 30, 2013, 10:35:27 AM
In that case, the bug is in the tutorial map. Changing either is fine, but the actual mechanics and the explained mechanics should probably agree" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />
Lix Main / Digging on steel to turn around?
November 30, 2013, 10:16:03 AM
According to the tutorial levels, you can dig on steel to turn around. This, uh, doesn't seem to work, meaning many of the Lixs on the top part of that map are doomed to walk off the edge and die.
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings for Android?
November 30, 2013, 04:44:24 AM
FreePascal's development version supposedly has JVM target support. You might be able to wrestle Lemmix into working on that, then through the JVM->Dalvik conversion. Maybe. It depends on a lot of variables, like how much Lemmix uses Delphi libraries that FreePascal doesn't support, how finicky FreePascal is feeling on a given day, whether the .class files it outputs are ones that the Dalvik compiler would be happy chewing on...

There's also apparently support for targeting Android in Delphi XE5, but that uses the Android NDK, and from what I hear newer versions of Delphi are a mess to start with.
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings for Android?
November 30, 2013, 03:07:12 AM
If you check out the Lemmini source there's the beginnings of an Android version in there, but I didn't actually look at how far it's gotten.