Custlemm is largely a thing of the past, so now it's the Lemmix levelpack topic. Hope you're not too upset by this (I can change it back if you really want

Our levelpacks are available for download on the
Lemmings File Archive. (Mr K. - can you please put a link to this site on the front page?) If you make any new levelpacks, this is the place to put them.
Eric Lang's fantastic Lemmings level editor and player, Lemmix, can be downloaded from
this site.
I agreee for it to be Lemmix instead of Custlemm. I unfortunately had to be left out of the old thread simply because I couldnt use Custlemm in Windows Vista. But now the problem for me will be getting used to how it all works with level packs
I have a new level pack underway, with 4 levels done so far. It will include "A step too far?" which I posted in Dullstar's fangame thread, and will contain levels that could be part of a new fangame if we ever make one. In other words, I'm making easier levels now

I still have some ideas for "glitch levels" of the sort we've become used to lately, but I think I'll put those aside for now.
I vote it be a hybrid thread, "DOS-based File Format Level Pack Topic" or something. Lol.
Because on non-Windows platforms, it's easier to play games in DOSBox. Can't be one-sided here, as not all of us run Windows. (Where's Covox to finish up his Tundra anyway?) I play levels in CustLemm in DOSBox on my Mac, using a front end.
Custlemm is dead.
I can't even get it to work that well, really. Its only use these days is for Linux.
Does Lemmix run in WINE, perhaps? Just a thought.
The level editor part? Maybe, haven't tried it.
The playing levels part? No. It doesn't work.
As mentioned on the welcome thread I've decided to have a look at my old level pack and finally get around to updating it.
There were several levels with complex solutions that were a nightmare when it came to backroutes so I've removed them from the pack. The five that are left are ordered according to how likely I think it is that there are backroutes, with the least likely first. Hopefully none of them will have any of course!
Hope you like them.
The name of the topic works for me. It wasn't easy but I get used to it - Custlemm was WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and liked it for this feature very much. Of course I see now it's far better.
I'll have a try with the new packs, but currently making my pack (95% completed)... and playing Clam's tame challenges...
Fleech what's those circles that is covering a small part of the level?
Fleech what's those circles that is covering a small part of the level?
They are terrain pieces, and their function is to fill gaps, usually. Not the most decorative...

But maybe it's an autograph

Fleech: sorry, I feel I backrouted... some of them

I'll send you some fresh replays when I can.

Would you give me your e-adress?
Custlemm is dead.
I can't even get it to work that well, really. Its only use these days is for Linux.
Not quite dead. Don't assume something isn't used because you don't use it yourself.

But yeah, useful on Linux, BSD, Solaris, OS X... I even have it on my Wii.

I try out the levels on that these days. xD
Fleech what's those circles that is covering a small part of the level?
They are terrain pieces, and their function is to fill gaps, usually. Not the most decorative...
But maybe it's an autograph 
Fleech: sorry, I feel I backrouted... some of them 
I'll send you some fresh replays when I can.
Would you give me your e-adress?
sb687 <at> hotmail <dot> com
I'm not sure why I keep putting circles in my levels, I don't even like them.

Thanks for trying them. I do try to find the backroutes but I don't seem to be very good at it! You should have seen how many geoo* found when I first uploaded them.

(* I think it was geoo. It was a couple of years ago so I can't really remember.)
I sent them, check your mails.
I'm not sure if there are no more leftover utilities or backroutes - that was just a skimming.
I liked the 5th level but don't know how could I save an extra lemming.

4th was a pain because of the enlargemented steel areas but the main idea is interesting and hard to find despite its simple look.
EDIT: only 1 pixel above the steel piece? Nothing then, it's completely ethic...
Once I finish Epic02, which isn't done yet, there's going to be a level that can stump you if you don't look around. Normally, it wouldn't work, but there's a catch, if you can find it.
Do you know your steel physics?
@Fleech - I found your old pack on the Lemmings File Portal a while ago. I'll check out the new version when I get a moment.
@H0ru5 - How many of the Tame challenges have you done? Do you have replays?
A quick update - despite being very busy recently, I've built another two levels in the past week, which means my next pack is 60% complete.
Thanks for the replays H0ru5. Without wanting to give anything away to everyone else:
1st - intended solution.

2nd - ditto.

3rd - oops. I can fix that.
4th - the general idea was right, but your actual solution was quite a bit different to the intended one. I liked it though and it's not a backroute as such, so I'll leave it in.
5th - backroute. I think I know how to fix it, but you said you liked it so I'm not sure if I should just leave it alone. Maybe I'll make a seperate version and you can decide which one you prefer.

I've had a go at fixing a couple of the levels I removed so I may upload them after I've tested them a bit more.
I'm off to try those Tame challenges.
I still can't figure out how the Tame 01 challenge is possible. Anyone know how to do it? I'd at least like proof that it can be done.
I still can't figure out how the Tame 01 challenge is possible. Anyone know how to do it? I'd at least like proof that it can be done.
It's possible...

It's the easiest from that 20...

@Clam Spammer
Actually I did 8 of them: 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18 and 19. I didn't want to send them yet because I'm on hot trail to solve more and having archievements like getting out in "Now you're stuck", 49 lems in "Finger? What the hell!" 46 lemmings in "Put it all on the line"... "The squares fight back!" seems to be solvable with time too... I'll continue it in the proper topic when I can say more

And I was starting to think there was no interest in the Tame challenges...
And I was starting to think there was no interest in the Tame challenges...
Interest always was - time wasn't...
Just did "Blue & Gold", don't know how could it last so long.
@Fleech - I've just played through your levels. Like I said, I had played these before, so it didn't take me long to find the solutions again.
Do you want to see my replays too?
Yes please if you could. I'm almost done fixing the backroutes that H0ru5 found so hopefully you won't have found different ones!

I had a quick skim through the Tame challenges. I managed to solve the three easiest ones, think I'll need to put a bit of time into the rest. Some obviously use tricks/glitches that I don't know about but I'll give them a go.
OK, I've sent them.
Which three Tame challenges did you solve? It would be good to know which ones are the easiest from another point of view
I wanted to ask the same... but 1, 10 and 16 - I guess.
1, 16 and 20.
I should stress again that is was just a quick skim so there may be others that I would find easier if I had a proper look at them. I'll have another go later.
EDIT: ok, I've just watched your replays. First was fine. Nice solution for the second level, although not the intended one it's actually harder so I'll leave it in. Third level is very much a backroute. Fourth was a more backroute-looking version of what H0ru5 did. I'm going to have to fix that now. Fifth was similar to his as well, and again a backroute.
Backroutes can be annoying, but can be good at the same time...
I've played through the revised version of elfpak01. I'll send the replays now. Here's a quick rundown of the changed levels.
"Miniature (part I)": Quite a different approach required with the extra line of terrain over the exit. I used every skill here.
"Gyps Isles": If anything, the second trapdoor made this easier...
"Miniature (part II)": Only a small change required now the steel glitch route has been removed. Possibly not a backroute any more.
"Miniature (part III)": Completely different solution here. This requires a bit of luck to pull off, but not too difficult to get given the number of possible variations (in other words: pick a release rate and see if it works).
"The house of the lost staircase" and "The specialists": I completed these with small modifications of my previous solutions.
"Morning Coffee": 100%

. Very difficult to achieve though.
@Clam Spammer: can I use some of your levels in the community ran Epic Lemmings Fangame? You're awesome at making insanely hard levels, which I am not.
You're all welcome to submit levels, too.
Insanely hard levels are one thing, insanely hard levels that require use of glitches are quite another. Most of my levels so far have been made for the master level solvers in the community, rather than a general audience, so I personally don't think they would fit as they are. And remember, if we make any changes to the game mechanics, then levels that used glitches will become impossible (I know already that Lemmini makes a lot of my levels unsolvable

). And besides that, half of them have dumb backroutes. I might yet make improvements to some levels and re-release them, but others will have to be left out due to their glitchiness. (Unless you really want glitch levels

My upcoming level pack will be more suited to a fangame project, so I'll submit those once they're ready.
Update: 7 levels done, another one functional but lacking decoration.
"Miniature (part I)": and there's another way, but this one is clearly faster.
"Gyps Isles": I thought I found an elegant solution. Still it is. I'll reposition the entrance on the right above the steel.
"Miniature (part II)": Yeah, it's not a serious backroute.
"Miniature (part III)": A serious but brute backroute. I can do nothing against it... if you like to mess with release rate

"The house of the lost staircase": intended
"The specialists": erm, not intended
"Morning Coffee": 100%? Nice find.

Fortunately I can fix that with ease.
I don't know yet who's levelpack will be the next target, but I just started to check the updates on camanis... I would be glad if I could review them, but first someone must accomplish mine in the review topic according to rules.
Maybe we should leave your levels for a while, since they're still a "work in progress". When I chose your pack for reviewing, I thought you had finished with it and moved on to building new levels. And besides that, our only other reviewer has some difficulty with your levels...
How about you choose a pack, and we can start reviewing that one now. We can come back to yours once you have a "final version" sorted out
Yeah. No more unfinished levels reviewed.
How about you choose a pack, and we can start reviewing that one now. We can come back to yours once you have a "final version" sorted out

That would be good... I didn't thought it was worthy for a review yet.
Are you going to choose a new pack for us to review, or should I? Anyway, back on topic...
My new level pack, ClamSpam05, is done! You can get it
here, and I'll put a link in my sig too.
These levels are designed to have many different solutions, in the spirit of the original game (minus the hero builder levels

). They're also considerably easier than my previous levels, and don't use glitches (in the regular solutions at least). As with the preview level, "A step too far?", you have a choice in each level - go for 100%, save skills or time at the expense of some lemmings, or just reach the minimum percentage and move on.
In addition, each level has a "challenge". They are as follows:
A step too far? - 100%, no builders
MORE WEE CREATURES! - no bombers
Works on so many levels... - no diggers
Lem Squared - no floater or basher
Play Bridge - 100% with builders only
The endless steps - 87% with bombers only
Altitude Training - 4 miners
Web 3.0 - no floaters or diggers
Circus lemmings in training - 100% without using the blocker
Guns Blazing - no bashers
I am happy to contribute this pack to the Epic fangame, or any such project that goes ahead. And of course, feedback is welcome
Elfpak02 is completed right now! You can dowload it in this attachment.
This is the beta stage, if no backroutes are found, I'll upload it to the Camanis site too, so feedbacks are more than welcome.
There's nearly a half year's work in it. Please progress slowly!

And enjoy!
There are still major problems in Elfpak01 and you moved to 02 already? Wow.
There are still major problems in Elfpak01 and you moved to 02 already? Wow.
There are still major problems in epic01 and you moved to 02 already? I must laugh.
There are major problems in ClamSpam01, 02 AND 03, and I moved on...

I'm sorry to say I've completed elfpak02 already. Though I'll admit the new Miniatures kept me guessing for a while

I'll email my solutions and comments.
I edited out these problems, did I not?
If anyone disagrees, redownload the pack, then criticize.
I can't edit out a problem I don't know about.

I believe the problems with the current elfpak01 should be covered in Lemmix Level
Our friend Yawg has just uploaded a new levelpack too. It's raining levels!
Just thought Id mention I have my levels packs uploaded already. Most of them are Original graphics, but some are from Oh No more lemmings

See my Van Clan topic for more info.
I've been working on my levels in silence for awhile, so I figured it was time I became a bit more vocal in the community

. Just a heads up, my 4th level pack is in the works and it's more polished than the last three. Only a couple more levels needed to round it out, and I put in time on it every day.
Welcome to the forums!

I look forward to seeing the new pack.
How would you like it if we started up the
level review thread again, with some of your levels? I can't guarantee it will take off (we really need more people to do reviews) but it might be worth a go.
That would be great, I love getting feedback on my work. It would also be a good motivation for me to go back and fix the levels that I already know are broken or back routed ...
Have you had a look at the
glitch thread? There's some useful stuff in there for level designers.
Most of my created levels were made using lemmix. I like lemmix better than Custlemm, and I always played my levels on Lemmini before updating it onto the Lemmings level pack downloads.
Gosh, I'm surprised that this hot thread hasn't been updated for two months. I'm putting this thread to the top for new users.
This thread was a sticky on the old forum. That way, we never had to bump it.

Although now all the level pack discussion has moved to the fangame and review threads...
Finally got around to play the rest of ClamSpammer's packs, and solved all but one (sent you the solutions via e-mail, unless I confused your address with BulletRide's).
"From the Brink" of Pack 04 somehow got me stumped, it looks like the bomber is the only way to get out of the starting boxes, the bashers used elsewhere as well, yet there are 4 blockers.
"The Floodgates Open" is a very unique puzzle without glitches, where you have to go through possible pathes and timing for the 6 worker lemmings to get them not interfere with each other. I think I abused a digger there digging down at the side of some terrain, as I got one digger left.
"Builders Cracks" was pretty tough.
I went right for the challenges in your latest pack, and some were pretty interesting, some others not as much. But I like the idea of having two difficulties for each level. It looks like you had both versions in mind right from the start, or did you design the challenges first and then simplified them for the regular levels?
For the Xmas08 pack, I think I backrouted the last one pretty badly.
btw, I agree, this one could be stickied again...
Wow, thanks

I'll PM you with comments, as per usual.
Have you had a look at the glitch thread? There's some useful stuff in there for level designers.
I think these are the exact sort of thing you'd want to avoid... could be useful for de-backrouting, I guess, but I don't consider my levels to be validly backrouted if the backroute uses a glitch (however, they're fair game for minimum skills challenges, etc).
Avoiding backroutes in custom levels was my main motivation for starting the glitch thread. That's the reason I mentioned it here - new designers don't know about all these glitches, and they end up making levels that can be backrouted very easily by some glitch.
I can see how this could have been taken the wrong way, but so far it hasn't. (As far as I can tell, anyway.)
But then, as I said before, you haven't truly solved it if you've used a glitch (unless, of course, the level requires one, which is pretty lame in the first place).
Your point of view is understandable, but I'm afraid I have to disagree. If we can abuse glitches in the original levels, then surely it's okay to do the same in custom levels.

Just be grateful we have an opportunity to fix our levels if they have backroutes - the original designers didn't

It looks like you had both versions in mind right from the start, or did you design the challenges first and then simplified them for the regular levels?
(forgot to answer this part earlier)Actually, I didn't consider the challenges until the levels were built. I did try to make levels that would allow some freedom to find ways to solve them, rather than forcing a particular solution. Then I looked for a clever solution to each level and set the challenge conditions to force that. Which explains why some challenges were interesting and some weren't - it's just a fluke that some were
Yes, but we can also solve the original levels without using glitches. Which is one of the reasons why, in the skill variety topic at least, I mark glitch solutions as such.
I present my first new official Lemmings level in over 3 years:
No glitches are required in the solution, if you find a backroute, please tell me. The intended solution is:
First two lemmings dig immediately upon exiting. The other six must exit the pit and walk into the holding area on the right. Bash to the left from the pit, when the first lemming breaches there should be a large gap between the two lemmings. Have the front lemming build to the pillar on the left across the small pit from the lowest point on the arch, and make the back lemming a climber. The front lemming should turn, have him mine after crossing the arch but before the traps. The climber needs to mine down from the wall facing right in a specific spot so he breaches the wall at the same time he turns around hitting the steel. After making the lemming a miner, make the other lemming a basher when he's low enough to collect the crowd. The climber, after turning, needs to build into the rock formation near the top of the level, then bashes all the way through that top section until the area right in front of the exit, then builds above the wedge to the exit. Saves 100%, should have abour 40 or so seconds left.
My solution reads somewhat differently to yours.
I don't know how to open custom level replays in Lemmix
You're making levels in Lemmix now, aren't you? If so, then what you need to do is start the playtest mode, press shift+R, and select the replay file. If you get problems, go to
this thread and see if that answers your questions.
That's what I was just trying -- I'm getting the "invalid replay header different mechanics" error when I shift+R the test mode in the Lemmix editor.
How do you switch the editor to "custlemm" mechanics? Or is that in the thread and I'm just too dense to notice it

edit: Nevermind I figured it out
I knew putting that triangle at the end of the ext's platform would haunt me -- I love to put things like that in my levels to try to hide the real route expect like 99% of the time it actually opens up an easier route, hahaha. At least that looks like a fairly simple to fix backroute -- even lowering the height of the collection pit on the right would do it.
Thanks for finding that, though.
As long as we're throwing individual levels in the ring, I'd like to find out if my latest level (which will Ideally end up in my 7th level pack) is as airtight as it appears. General feedback (comments unrelated to the hordes of back routes Clam spammer and Ccexplore will most likely find

) is welcome too.
cc's on holiday, so you're stuck with me. (I'm sure you won't mind

That's a tough level right there. I found a solution that doesn't use the miner, but I'm guessing this is intended. Thanks to the miner one-way bug (if nothing else), this level appears to be safe.
As for general comments: it's a nice clean design, the steel and one-way arrows look fine (these have the potential to be
really messy if not used well), and the ceiling decoration is a nice touch.
(I wonder where you got this idea from...

Wow, that didn't take long at all. Though I wasn't really expecting it to stump you at least

. I realized you could do without the miner earlier today, but couldn't come up with a clean way of forcing its inclusion in the solution. I've found that the basher timing is slightly easier if you use the miner, however, as a result of the shape of the tunnel.
The idea actually came to me after reading something someone mentioned in another thread about builder/basher interactions, but I'm pretty sure I may have encountered it at some point in someone else's level.
Perhaps it was one of yours?
I did make a level where bashers interact with other skills in an unusual way, but not with builders. Maybe the level you're thinking of is geoo's "Everything you don't need".
Leviathan made a level called "How to evacuate a gold mine ?" (BASHBEND.dat) to explicitely show off this basher behaviour; as well as tseug, who obscured the solution a bit and required making use of builders for that effect. I also made one for Cheapo once.
But I really like this one, as it is very clean and nicely designed and the idea very well embedded into the terrain so that barely one builder is required in the end.
I knew putting that triangle at the end of the ext's platform would haunt me -- I love to put things like that in my levels to try to hide the real route expect like 99% of the time it actually opens up an easier route, hahaha. At least that looks like a fairly simple to fix backroute -- even lowering the height of the collection pit on the right would do it.
I found a few more backroutes making use of your red herrings.
(After the first solution I read up the first line of your description to check back, which was already a big enough giveaway to make me find the intended solution. This is why my solution '2' is not attached, as it is the intended solution.)
So let's see...
1) is very similar to Clam's solution. The same fix I made for that one should work there.
3) is hilariously awesome. I never expected that way or a variant of to be possible. Again, though, that doesn't seem that hard to fix.
4) is quite clever. I like solution 4 and might not bother to fix it.
Also the intended solution may be possible with 1 digger if a floater is used for the purpose of the other one (EDIT: 1 digger confirmed possible for intended solution) -- in that case I don't know if you can repeat 4 with a single digger, but I'd not be that surprised.
I'm just happy no "Let's Go Camping" style backroutes were possible. At, least, I don't think...
Thanks for showing me all those routes.
Hi, I loved Lemmings when I was younger and yes Custlemm has gone down but I got two levelpaks completed, with a third in the making. How do I upload them to the Lemmings file archive?
I'm incredibly slow at making levels, yet I don't want to wait for ages to release a complete levelpack, so here you'll get the first 2 levels I made for my next pack.
And here's the twist: No glitches! You heard right, no glitches are required to solve these levels.
I don't think they are overly hard, but as the creator it's difficult to estimate. Hope there are no backroutes, but I'd sure be interested in replays/descriptions if you solve these levels.
Nice, downloading.
For my current levelpack I'm going for zero glitches in the entire pack, also. Which is funny because like every level 10 in my past packs have been mega-glitchy and unfair

EDIT: Solved About to Break, nice level. I didn't use the bomber, is this intended?

For some time now I've been looking for a good way to use the trick required for "One step off", but I just haven't been able to build a decent level around it. This, however, is very good.
I hope you used it twice.

I didn't put too much effort in hiding the use of it, I hope it wasn't too obvious to you.

I rather concentrated on getting a clean design.
And yeah, the bomber is not required in the first level.
Actually, the last level in my previous packs each required a glitch not well known back then. I still have that level "Inversive Surplus" using some obscure mechanics; but I could put it into this pack as it has an elegant backroute siergiej on the previous incarnation of the forum found. So it could be still considered glitch free, yet not break the pattern of the last level.
I hope you used it twice. 
Umm... no. Just once, I'm afraid.
sry for yelling
Another new level completed! (Yes, it's another "squeeze through the trap so only one lemming dies" level.

) Those of you who have played the
Official Lemmings Companion levels may appreciate the title...
I've been posting my levels in the fangame thread lately, and I have no idea what's going on there and no one seems to have noticed my new/remade levels. So, I'll post them here like everyone else. Attached is a pack containing my 4 recently built levels.
Downloaded them, I'll see if I can make any progress with those. Still nothing from me on geoo's other level, I just don't see it yet

Pack 10 of mine may be out sooner than I thought. I've already got 4 levels and have ideas for a couple more. Backroute testing should be interesting, though. And, despite years of time off, my inability to make levels that don't have straight pieces everywhere is still present. YES no dirt/rock/snow levels from me EVER
YES no dirt/rock/snow levels from me EVER
Oh, come on...

By the way, you're more interested in the brick and marble sets aren't you? I'll give you a challenging snow level right here.
I think you missed the point. Insane Steve isn't saying it's impossible to create good levels without straight pieces, just that he can't (as in, it's difficult for him). I definitely understand this since looking at the few "levels" I recently made in the level design game, you'll notice how I too had tend to use lots of straight terrain pieces--in fact, practically lines lots of times.
It kinda makes sense if you're building a level based on ideas of various paths you want your lemmings to take, and of course the simplest path from point A to point B is a straight line. Curved terrain pieces can also more easily get in the way of certain things like climbing, and it can take a little more experimentation to place curved pieces together (unlike straight rectangular pieces that you can pretty much just tile across and down).
I'm already going to start a 4th pack
I guess I've got a preference for straight terrain as well, as is pretty noticable from my levels...
Umm... no. Just once, I'm afraid. 
Hmm, I've had another look, but I can't find anything else but my intended solution (creator's blind eye?). Could you give a hint on what you did? (I suspect you used the trick in the lower part, and somehow did something else for the top.)
Also had a glance at (and solved) your new levels, three seem pretty familiar

, though there's a new skillset to RABBIX now. The last one is pretty timing-heavy

I like minimac's new level; managed to save one more lemming than required, but the solution has got quite a few interesting elements.
While digging for my checklist of solved custom levels, I found a lot of very old sketches for level ideas

, downside is that a lot of them are incomprehensible, as often I just noted down a few words, and perhaps a tiny sketch

@Insane Steve: Didn't you also have a few leftover levels from ages ago which were supposed to go into pack 10?
Hmm, I've had another look, but I can't find anything else but my intended solution (creator's blind eye?). Could you give a hint on what you did? (I suspect you used the trick in the lower part, and somehow did something else for the top.)
It's probably easiest to explain it with a replay.
The first three levels in my pack are mostly graphical improvements, plus a couple of backroute fixes, so of course they're not going to play too differently. The new one is probably the sort of thing I wouldn't want to play myself, to be honest, but still I liked the idea and wanted to make something of it.
So I watched that replay and that's pretty much the same "main trick" used as one of my 10th pack levels I made yesterday hahaha
yet I still couldn't beat geoo's level with it.
oh well
Haha, fun story.

It's probably easiest to explain it with a replay.
Ah, I assumed you did the lower part the intended way and not the upper one. I somehow ignored that the lemmings could get pressed into that tight space and thus a timing-based solution for the lower part possible. I hope I can throw off that timing by widening the gap to 24 pixels again.
My intended solution for that bottom part should be clear now, anyway.
Yeah, the underlying idea to your fourth level is actually pretty nice, just remembering/adjusting positions for timing is a bit of pain.
I'll give you a challenging snow level right here.
A bunch of random marble terrain pieces? Did you make this level in Oh No More Lemmings mode?
Anyway, I managed to reconstruct the actual level and solve it (after running into a nasty twist near the end... good one

A bunch of random marble terrain pieces? Did you make this level in Oh No More Lemmings mode?
I certainly did, but when the level gets played it should turn into snow (in your case).
Actually I know something you missed: If you have the DOS OhNo More Lemmings downloaded and extracted find and open the file Lemmixstyles.ini and then open up the folder. After that, copy the address and then paste it onto the Common Path under style_1. It should work by viewing the Lemmix map in the correct style.
Wow, that worked. Thanks
Has anybody been interested in playing my levelpaks? I got three so far
I might be interested in your 3rd set. I'll put up a review eventually.
I might be interested in your 3rd set. I'll put up a review eventually.
Cool. Maybe review it on the review thread after the current pack review is finished
Cool. Maybe review it on the review thread after the current pack review is finished 
I've put some of them up in the Lemmix level reviews.
By the way, one of them is open review, and the other is a game. I wonder why...
Cool. Maybe review it on the review thread after the current pack review is finished 
I've put some of them up in the Lemmix level reviews.
By the way, one of them is open review, and the other is a game. I wonder why...
I noticed. I have no idea about open review and the other being a game. So far below is created levels or ideas for my 4th pack.
Divided Loyalties (Three trap doors, maybe look like a challenge)
A beautiful view (Nothing special, just the crystal set with some design of my own)
Mission Lempossible (One way system, how you going to get through that? bombers? diggers?)
Artwork gone wrong (An upside-down exit and trapdoor, with some upside down terrain?)
Boom Boom Pow (Only bombers to get through the obstacles to the exit?)
Time to get wet (Waterfalls! but you going to have to break through terrain if you dont want to get wet

Amnesia (Tops of houses protruding from terrain, but which one is the exit?)
This is my new level pack. Only the first 6 levels are certain to work, so I need to test the last 4. I forgot to load 'em up in CustLemm first.There have been errors in the pack, but they have been fixed now. Here's a quick way to tell your version. Look at Level 8 (Overlooking Something?). If the trapdoor is high up (high enough for a splat start) you have the old version. In the new version, the trapdoors are much lower. help or wondering if your solution is a backroute?
Level 1 - Quick Review
Make the first lemming a climber and a floater. After clearing the big obstacle, make him a basher at the rough wall. Build at the edge, and use digging tools (bashers, diggers, and miners, bombers are less reccomended but usable) to get through the last obstacles.
Alternate solutions backroutes? No.
Level 2 - You can't get through the steel!
Make the first lemming bash at the wall, then use a builder when you are past all the steel. Now have a lemming dig, and make it build to stop it after a while, and bash to the exit.
Alternate solutions backroutes? No.
Level 3 - Pillars in Space!
Make the first lemming a floater, and use builders to get up to the top to save the lemmings. Use of builders in fairly straightforward, if you didn't know, you can build up to the exit to make it usable. It may be possible to get the floater stuck in a wall, and to make it a climber, although I am not sure whether this will be faster or not. Either way is acceptable.
Alternate solutions backroutes? Yes.
Level 4 - Death and Dying all Around
Make the first lemming a floater. When he is moving left, make him a builder under the trapdoor to negate the splat start. Now make a lemming a bomber to explode a hole through the ground. Bash through the wall, and assign 1 lemming a climber. Bash through the bricks (you may want to build up to the wall a little first), then build to the exit. Assign four lemmings climbers, and make them blockers in the appropriate places (where lemmings cannot get up by them selves). There should be one blocker per block too large for lemmings to step up to. Make sure they are on top (see attached screenshot). Make them bombers to free the rest of the lemmings. Note that it is a splat start in both Custom Lemmings and DOS Lemmings.
Alternate solutions backroutes? Yes, UNLESS they contain a majority of the solution elements.
Blah blah blah, on the next levels, the focus is mainly to find a route using the skills given, so any route that works is okay.
That reminds me of something: On the lemmings file archive all level packs are used for Custom lemmings. Personally, I don't like that idea anymore. I wish that the level pack downloads were split into different categories like: Levels which are specifically used for Oh No more lemmings graphics or Holiday lemmings.
If the LFA hoster (Not sure who it is) would propose something like this, I would be able to put some more of my levels on the archive without having to do it the long way.
Oh yeah, before anyone says anything about those levels in my pack, I'm working on the list of what's a backroute and what's not. Some levels in this pack are supposed to have multiple solutions.
That reminds me of something: On the lemmings file archive all level packs are used for Custom lemmings. Personally, I don't like that idea anymore. I wish that the level pack downloads were split into different categories like: Levels which are specifically used for Oh No more lemmings graphics or Holiday lemmings.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean. Are you referring to level packs that need to be played in the ONML program rather than CustLemm, because it uses ONML's graphics set numbering rather than CustLemm's? (eg. Brick is set #0 rather than #5) The rest of this post assumes this interpretation.
I think it was like that because most levelpacks are set up for Custom lemmings to begin with, for the obvious reason that Custom Lemmings had been set up to offer all 9 graphics sets together, and the ordering of levels in the levelpack translates directly to the order they will be played in the actual game.
Remember that before the days of Lemmix, if your levelpack is to be played in DOS Lemmings, ONML, or Holiday Lemmings rather than in CustLemm, you can't just copy the levelpack file directly to one of the levelXXX.dat or dlvlXXX.dat files. Well you can, but people will have a hard time finding your levels, because in those games, consecutive levels usually don't fall into the same levelpack file (eg. Fun 1 and Fun 2 are stored in different files).
So really, you should be designing your levels from the outset with CustLemm's graphics set numbering, so that they can be played most easily by everyone. Don't assume everyone use Lemmix.
(eg. Fun 1 and Fun 2 are stored in different files)
While they're not side-by-side in the file, they are both in LEVEL009.dat, along with all the other training levels. For the most part though, consecutive levels are separated.
At any rate, converting a level made for ONML to run in Lemmix/Custlemm isn't difficult. All you need to do is change one byte in the .lvl file. (Specifically, take byte 0x001B and add 5 to the number there.)
URGENT! Level 8 in my pack doesn't work. I have a splat start where a splat start should not be. Until I get to fixing it, lower the trapdoors before playing.
issue has been fixed.
Think you can a remake pillars in space it looks more of a wtf level
sry dullstar
It is a wtf level. He posted it in another thread earlier. (And I know which level he made it from too

That reminds me of something: On the lemmings file archive all level packs are used for Custom lemmings. Personally, I don't like that idea anymore. I wish that the level pack downloads were split into different categories like: Levels which are specifically used for Oh No more lemmings graphics or Holiday lemmings.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean. Are you referring to level packs that need to be played in the ONML program rather than CustLemm, because it uses ONML's graphics set numbering rather than CustLemm's? (eg. Brick is set #0 rather than #5)
Exactly right.
It is a wtf level. He posted it in another thread earlier. (And I know which level he made it from too
I forget if I mentioned this, so Clam Spammer, let's see if you know. What level is it?
HINT: I used this basic template two times in my first two packs, epic01 and epic02, but whether they were in the same or different packs I do not remember. There were minor differences between the templates of the levels, though.
Also, all the errors in Dstar01 I know of are fixed. There may be some remaining though! BUt all the ones that make the levels impossible are gone. And now "There are many ways to go" has multiple solutions like it should!
If you have downloaded the level pack before the time of this post, you have an outdated version! I will repost the download link!
I forget if I mentioned this, so Clam Spammer, let's see if you know. What level is it?
spoiler, highlight to read:
"Attack of the killer toddlers". First level of epic01.By the way: even though this isn't a normal level, may I suggest putting steel objects over any steel terrain that comes up when you switch tilesets?
Never crossed my mind.
Think you can a remake pillars in space it looks more of a wtf level
sry dullstar
I think he's saying that it looks like a WTF level. Anyways, Giga, I might remake it in my personal fangame (without as much decoration, I'm afraid, I'm trying to make smaller levels that would work even in Genesis limitations).
Good point dull star
I'm pleased we have this thread to post levels for Lemmix use, rather than having to start a brand new topic.

Anyway, I have created a great big bunch of new levels suitable for Oh No More lemmings graphics because I was thinking of an ONML remake, with the difference being new levels. I know some people downloaded "A place to climb" but I'm wondering, should I be putting this level in a level pack along with the others? I've improved on some of my older levels. The exit for "Paid for stamina" and the trap for "The squeeze machine" now work, and I made a harder version of "The creepy tentacle monster".
So, here we go then. 38 new (and old, some fixed) levels specifically designed for ONML graphics only. All glitch free. Set 3 is considered to be the most difficult of the lot. I've finally noticed a backroute in the Booby trap. I'll post a replay in the Custom level review game (I will ask you why later).
Edit: I've made "Two piping rounds" in the third set more difficult by taking away a builder, a minute and also, you need 100% now. This should get rid of another solution. PM me for any comments for any level.
Hahaha, this is awesome, because I'm planning an Original Lemmings remake (with new tutorial and Fun-style levels) myself. Of course the later levels will be my earlier stages or Lemmings 1 remakes of the ONML set levels I have.
Yea, definitely put A place to climb in there, that's a good level.
Yea, definitely put A place to climb in there, that's a good level.
Well, it's already there in the first set: Level 7 is where you find it.
I played a few of them, beaten 2-6 of set 1 so far, here's replays of all but 2 because I forgot to get it.
1.4 seems a LOT (like, exactly) like a level I made a while back
1.4 seems a LOT (like, exactly) like a level I made a while back 
Argh! Wishful thinking, it does! It is one of my favourite challenges out of your levels, which makes me want to start a new topic.
You haven't done Level 1 yet? Here's a solution I intended:
Let lemming 1L climb left. Build over the gap. After he crosses the steel dig a little bit the mine to free the lemmings from the right side. Inside the miner's tunnel let someone mine left and bash when under the steel (This saves the left side). Now build a stair to the left to cross the 2nd miner's gap, and this will get all of them to the exit.
I still must ask how you can make the Tentacle Monster level any harder.
The original level had 2 each skill with 8 builders. The new and improved level had cut a builder and a basher. The blockers and bombers kept the same value, but all the others disapppeared.
When I created the possible ONML remake I placed these levels so that they alternate between brick or snow to rock or bubble, just like the Tame levels. I would keep some of the old ones in there, apparantly.
Continuing from a discussion in the
review game topic. I'm posting this here since it's relevant to my own levels.
I've come to realise that bomber timing that's intended to add difficulty to a level just ends up being annoying. I played my level "The Endless Steps" just now (in L++, since I was curious to see how my levels play with different mechanics), and it was painful. Previously, I responded to complaints about bomber timing by saying:
Yes, it's bomber timing. Learn to live with it. It's not like a single mis-timed bomber is going to force a replay anyway - there's plenty more bombers to cover your mistakes.
The problem is, the nature of the terrain on this level is such that if you put a bomber in the wrong spot and it explodes just after falling off a step, you need to time at least two bombers right to fix the problem. So what I might do is change the skillset so that you get enough skills to help with the timing on every bomber, but not blockers (or builders, miners, bashers...) since that would make it too easy. What I propose is:
Remove the blockers, and give 10 diggers instead.
What do you think?
A couple more minimac level replays, one for the windmill (one of the best levels in the packs imo, it's challenging but not too challenging) and one for a level that just seems like this is too easy for the skillset given.
I finally got some time to look into minimac's ONML sets (well, only the first one for now), and I'm pleasantly surprised. Right the first level took me a few minutes to find the solution, and is, together with 'The Crystal Walls' and 'A place to Climb', my favourite one of them. There are quite a few more puzzles similarly as good, like 'A big boot', and only a few that I didn't find that interesting. The last one didn't look too interesting at first sight, but then turned out to be quite a bit more difficult than expected.
In case you're interested, I got replays for my solutions to all 16 levels.
I'll sure have a go at part 2 & 3 when I find some more time.
To Clam: I didn't find that level too bad when playing in Lemmix, but I'm pretty certain I used savestates there. Diggers seem to be a decent solution for that issue, only the final drop can be done differently with them.
I have a nasty backroute in my level "An alternative route" I'll upload the new version of the third set later on.
While I haven't been terribly active here in the past month or two, I have tried to keep up with the comings and goings, and I've noticed a disappointing dearth of new levels (not to downplay the people that have kept up releasing). So I just thought I'd maybe give this thread a kick and let you guys know I'm about two levels shy of my next level pack. I've put a couple of the levels up for troubleshooting and feedback in the past, and put a LOT of revision and time into this one, so hopefully it won't be quite the backrouted disaster several of my older packs were.
tldr; I'm still actively interested in lemmings, and I have a new pack in the works.
Finally got Yawg06 together...check it out and let me know what you think! It will probably be the last pack I release for quite awhile, as I'm planning on reworking existing levels and possibly pursuing some style-change remakes of original levels. Anyway, let me know what you think if you take the time to try these levels out. A couple are what I would consider throwaway levels (the first one, namely

) but I think there might be a couple gems in there as well. Enjoy!
I've built
another Xmas pack to celebrate the festive season. I wanted to make a full pack of 10 levels this time, but I'm right off Lemmings at the moment, so you get a mini-pack of 4 levels again.

Merry Christmas everyone!
I've had a go at Yawg's latest pack, every now and then a few levels whenever I had some spare time, and finally finished them all. The fact that it took me that long is not solely to be attributed to me not having that much spare time; the levels are also pretty challenging!
I have to say apart from the interesting solutions, the levels are also visually very pleasing. Especially 'Mass Lemmicide' and 'Duality' both look downright amazing, while I'm used to rather ugly looking brick style levels.
However these two are not only nice looking, but also feature pretty nifty solution elements. The blocker placement in 'Mass Lemmicide' is rather evident, but in addition to this there are a few more tricks to find. I ended up with a builder to spare, but I'm pretty certain it is supposed to make on part in the solution more convenient to execute. Despite really loving 'Catch 22' with its clean design and well executed main idea (as already stated upon its initial release), I dare say 'Mass Lemmicide' is my favourite level of this pack. 'Catch 22' also has that little downside of the tight time limit making the solution only work after some trial-and-error release rate tweaks (unless there's some cleaner way around this which I haven't found yet). 'Duality' might possibly be somewhat more open-ended solution-wise due to the higher amount of overall skills, but it took me quite some thought to work out a solution, which ended up using a few non-standard tricks. I wonder what the intended solution might be...
After my personal top-3, now a few notes on the other levels:
'Serendipity' seemed a bit too trivial considering the overall difficulty of the pack; I suspect having found a backroute there.
I think I got a different solution to 'Niche' this time, which took surprisingly few tries to execute. Despite the general idea being rather evident, there's still the details to work out, which are not immediately obvious.
'Tilt' had me stumped for a while with the actual solution being conceiled pretty well. It required a lot of precising and timing in the end though, which I didn't like about it.
'Turn it around' required to be saved 0/40 lemmings, obviously a mistake. I assume you are supposed to save all lemmings there.
I sent you my solutions via PM.
Overall a really enjoyable and challenging pack, which I'd recommend to play for experienced players.
Also had a short glance at ClamSpammer's XMas pack, the first level was the only one I managed to solve at once. Will have a proper look at the other three when I get some more time.
Even if theres are original
Thank minimac for making these
Genesis level
Thanks for the awesome review and the replays geoo! I sent you the intended solutions and some notes on each level.
@ Yawg, I'll definitely play your levels soon. I've gotten back into poker so I haven't been playing as much Lemmings recently.
I have been making levels, though, because I want to make a 120 level "pack" of my levels similar to nadima's recent pack. A lot of my recent levels have been Cheapo conversions (though aside from geoo and Proxima I'm not sure how many people have played them) -- so far I have functionally working replicates of "Having Your Cake...", "Obscene Polarisation", and "Tribute to Benny Hill" but with different names and slightly different terrain sets (and for Tribute, a much lower time limit, 32 minutes is a bit excessive

I just made a new level but I'm not all sure where in difficulty it'd fit in my packs. Right now I have "Rhapsody" as Mayhem 1, "The Duct Rise Lemmings." As Mayhem 9 and "Jumping the Shark" as Mayhem 20*, for the curious if you have an idea as to how hard those are relatively. Where would this fit given those benchmarks?
I have a fairly tricky solution to it but unless there's a hilarious backroute other solutions will not be fixed.
*If this seems too easy, remember this is more for non-Lemming forumers, and there's no other "reverse basher/digger stairway" levels in any of the levels I plan to add to this.
I may return to my old mappacks to eliminate the backroutes, but for now...
Here is the beta for elfpak03 which is based on an unusual idea (you'll see what i mean unusual

). I hope i didn't reinvent other's levels... Enjoy

Critiques welcome.
Here are my seven Giga packs
Giga pack 01 favorate ones are all work and no play.. and out away from the crowd
Giga pack 02 name here is based off watch you step (part 2)
Giga pack 03 of the levels are Nuke based
Giga pack 04'll see a NES level in there
Giga pack 05'll like avast ye arteys
Giga pack 06 pack Part 1 Look at the first level my fav is Lemtendo DSi
Giga pack 07'll see another NES level in there Birthday pack part 2
Finally got around to playing various of the recently released levels.
Insane Steve's Bomb Shelter (5th private revision, after a dozen of backroutes):
Took me a while to get below 7 builders, but after finding the main trick (which I actually already used in a level of mine, yet it took me that long) I managed to even get down to 5 builders.
First level of the pack was a
ice (
nice typo) puzzle of moderate difficulty, but the second one, 'Spiralling Snowstorm', was awesome. Very clean and efficient solution, while with any approach not making use of details of the level you'll end up at least one (usually multiple) builders short.
Last one ended up not quite as insane as I initially suspected, execution turned out doable. Kinda beat me to using that idea in a level...

Interesting idea there, and kinda good choice of the level, as it's not builder-reliant, not overly long, and yet allows for a variety of paths. And you came up with varied and quite non-trivial solutions to it. Didn't like the one going up from the bottom that much though, and my solution is accordingly ugly.
Notably I didn't feel the difference in any of the levels of that name, as my solution of the previous level worked for the follow-up in both instances.
I sent my solutions to everyone in private.
A few of Giga's levels look quite neat design-wise.
Made two more levels for my next pack, they are the second and third in the file.
C&C welcome, and if you suspect you found some backroutes, I wouldn't mind to know.
Cool, some new levels.

Recurrent Sacrifice: Great dynamic puzzle. While I don't like having to experiment with timing in order to solve a level, I still enjoyed this.
Just as You'd Expect: I found a pretty horrific backroute. Shouldn't be difficult to fix though.

I haven't looked too hard for the "real" solution yet.
Solutions via PM shortly.
Haha, I checked for the top layer and the wall to be thin enough, but I didn't check the edge of it.
Fixed that (I hope), below is the new version.
Yeah, the timing for those relies on some experimenting, but it's pretty much impossible to avoid with this type of level, even taking the slowest trap available. Glad you liked 'Recurrent Sacrifice' nevertheless.
As for 'Christman can't wait', I suspect you did still use some kind of containment at the start? As doing it on the fly I guess it's pretty much impossible the clean up the mess this leaves...
Actually, now you mention that again, maybe that is a "backroute" of sorts. Must do something about that...
The level as it is may be doable without any blockers, though I'm not 100% sure.
I had a bunch of cool level ideas, with fleeting thoughts of a full 10-level Xmas pack, and then I went and started up a new challenge thread. (I blame Adam, he egged me on

) So all you get is a few poorly thought out, barely playtested and completely undecorated levels.
Also, the levelpack archive is down so it's attached to this post.EDIT: the archive's back, go download it from there.
Merry Christmas!
Here's an alpha of what I've been working on so far, just so you all can get a sense of how clueless I actually am. (and hopefully tell me where the backroutes are; I get the feeling that there's one in the fourth level, but I can't find it) Only five levels, all of which I started back in 2006 or so, except for the fourth, which was originally a one-screen pile of boring with the same basic puzzle idea that appears on the lower bit there. (There was also an incredibly stupid crystal level that consisted mostly of a web and some builder wankery, but I didn't include that, and I recall having more levels than are in the pack that I dug up so I'll see if I can find those and make something hopefully half decent out of them also.) I went back, cleaned them up, and made them so hard that I can only beat them about one time out of ten, but considering I just started playing again after a hiatus of a few years, that probably doesn't mean all that much.
And yes, I'll definitely change the level names before this gets an actual release. I didn't bother to change them from what they were in 2006. Might throw in some useless decoration on the side also, since I know my levels are more than a bit
Garyish. The fourth level is just ugly all around; anyone have any ideas for how to fix that?
(edit: checked out some other levels here and it turns out that I am horribly unfamiliar with a lot of ability combinations or whatever, so I'll have to learn a lot more about the engine before I do anything else here)
All of my packs are for lemmini apart from a few levels which work in lemmix (They have .lvl format). My first pack got deleted due to hard disk drive problems but it wasn't very good. I know a few backroutes but can't think of a way to stop them. EDIT: I forgot that pack 2 was also on the lemmings archive in all lemmix form.
For level 8 in pack 2:
You don't need to do anything with the lemmings from the top entrance. Make the first lemming from the right entrance a blocker and have the next two build over the gap, have a lemming on the bottom build stairs so the ones from the middle two don't splat, and then bash through the wire thing holding the rest in. This is easy enough to fix by making the saves required 8 instead of 7; is that (send a lemming up to bash through the thing, time a bomber to destroy the wire thing) the intended solution?
That was the intended solution. It was designed to trick you into thinking you have to save them.
The level editor part? Maybe, haven't tried it.
The playing levels part? No. It doesn't work.
Bit out of date now, but the compiled Lemmix Players work fine apart from a glitchy mouse cursor, at least when I tried it. No idea about playing them in the editor.
Since the levelpack archive has died again, I should repost my Xmas pack - permanently this time. For what it's worth
bump because why not
I want a gauge of how hard this level I wrote not long ago is, I think it's one of the more difficult ones I've designed but I don't like the precision required to pass it
what say you?
edit: go down one reply that level has the correct steel areas
Well, I think it's silly that you forgot to put in the steel areas.

I'll get back to you once I actually manage to solve the less silly version of the level.
Well, I think it's silly that you forgot to put in the steel areas. 
I'll get back to you once I actually manage to solve the less silly version of the level.
oops, let me fix that
level is not meant to be quite that silly
Solved it, and it actually didn't take me too long to figure (I guess I'm familiar with the techniques used here already). Assuming my solution is the intended one, the first precision move is still ok (at least with savestates; I dunno without, it's not too far from the beginning and you can try to remember the positions). However the last part to the exit is just horrible to do, even with savestates. You could cut it down to use that trick only a very few times, and allow to sacrifice more than just one blocker.
The steel placement is also a bit wonky. I think it only needs to be aligned by 4, not by 8.
Ah, so
that's how the last part play out. I had considered using those skills, but the obvious mental picture of what happens led me to think you'd wound up with a trail of unsavable lemmings; didn't see it could actually play out that way instead like in your solution.
Having played around with executing the key concept a little more, here's an observation:
I find that if you are provided more blockers, so that you can proceed less efficiently but keeping the blockers close together (ie. pretty much as close as the game would allow), it actually seems to become a little easier to execute. Though unfortunately, thanks to the alignment of blocker fields, this only works best when you started mining in particular x positions (though the nice positions repeat every 4 pixels horizontally, so your luck is not too bad, and you can tell after a few moves whether you started at a good position or not).
Just my personal experience, your mileage may vary.
Nonetheless, overall I have to agree with geoo, it's nicer concept on paper than it is to actually execute.

There are ways to make it less painful, but doing so also tend to water down the overall effect somewhat.
Yea, geoo's solution is the intended one, and I'll probably cut down the number of iterations of the last step when I revise it. I was surprised you got the first part so fast -- I don't think I've seen it used in a level before.
It's already been a while since I played these levels, but let me comment on ClamSpamXmas10 and gronklems2 anyway:
Clam's levels show off a couple of interesting techniques that can likely also be useful for doing challenges. The solutions are not that difficult to find, but the underlying ideas are nice. Execution is a bit difficult at times though (Wall hacks especially). I kinda like those builder placement puzzles, but I preferred Builders' Cracks over this one, as it was more, well, puzzly.

I didn't find the first 7 levels of gronklems too difficult, though I liked the first one quite a bit and the third one for its simplicity. Not sure whether my solution to Scaffolding is the intended one, as it's pretty short.
#9 was a nice placement puzzle, as I guess is #10, but my solution to the latter feels a bit glitchy.
#8 Had me tricked for quite a while, in the end I came up with a rather nice solution though, I wonder what's the intended one.
My solutions are attached:
You backrouted all my levels apart from the second and third one.

The solution for level four is a lot better than the intended one. I'll get you a replay of level eight soon.
I've also just finished just finished my fourth level pack but it's lemmini only again. I might convert the levels that actually work in lemmix to lvl format for you though.
Are Lemmix packs incompatible with custlemm or something? It's just that I don't have windows in order to use lemmix....
This is the origin of why it's called the "Lemmix" level pack topic:
Custlemm is largely a thing of the past, so now it's the Lemmix levelpack topic. Hope you're not too upset by this (I can change it back if you really want

That said, Lemmix supports non-CustLemm formats such as Lemmini, so some levelpaks are playable in Lemmix but not in CustLemm, but most should work fine in both.
Finally got around to putting my levels together into a pack: of these (specifically, Crystal Village and The Great Outdoors) probably aren't worth playing in anything without a fast-forward button because I'm horrible at level design. One of these days I'm going to find a way to disable that feature in Lemmix or something.
I had a got at your levels, and enjoyed it for most part. I fear I backrouted a bunch of them though. (Yeah, Crystal village was pretty lengthy, and my solution is just plain brute force, which usually works if you got plenty of skills. The Great Outdoors was short though

Favourite two are definitely "With all Deliberate Speed" and "Unidentified Lemming Object". For the former I tried various things before I got them all up within the time limit. The latter required to conserve builders, and not ignore the walls (which I did at first

). The amount of Lemmings to save it really well chosen, and I also like overall design of the level a lot.
Ball Pit: Intended solution. There's a backroute, though (finlay found it a while back), but I doubt I'll bother to fix it.
City of Satan: Backrouted
hard, but my intended solution reeks of backroute (depends on some rather tricky timing) so I don't have much of a problem with backroutes here. I might move that chain, though.
Crystal Village: Oh wow, that's an embarrassing backroute. I'm definitely going to fix that.
Lem Dunk: Close enough; I made that when I was like 12, so the intended solution has been long forgotten and even I solve it a different way each time. The bit with the diggers in the pillar under the entrances was clever, although the digging on the bricks at the bottom was part of one of my solutions. And you don't need to dig to build to the exit.
Prison Break: Oh, for the... I guess this is what I get for not knowing any glitches. I doubt I'll fix that one, especially since that part should be easy enough to figure out without glitches anyway.
The Crusher: Close to intended.
The Great Outdoors: The most tedious intended solutions get the worst backroutes. Another one that I'll definitely fix.
The Limit: Pretty close to the intended solution. (I will also admit that I really don't like this level, and if I redo the pack, I'll probably nuke it.)
Unidentified Lemming Object: Good thing I have another puzzle in here, because I'd feel like even more of an idiot for leaving in a way to backroute around the originally intended puzzle. Although, come to think of it, I really don't think there's a way to pull off the intended puzzle without a backroute at all. Also, it's possible to get 98%.
With All Deliberate Speed: Better than the intended solution, although I might take it out anyway.
So yeah, you backrouted six of them, and I know of a backroute for one more. As if it weren't already obvious enough that I'm really bad at this game.
Some attempts at fixing backroutes:
CRYSTAL2.LVL = Crystal Village
GRASS2.LVL = The Great Outdoors
HELL2.LVL = With All Deliberate Speed
Here is my 5th pack fo lemmini. I need somewhere to put them now lemmings heaven is down/dead.

EDIT: Its back up now!
I'll assume this is an appropriate place to post this. I uploaded a level set if anyone is interested (called TM1) 5 levels are originals by me. the others are sort of remakes of levels from Revolution.
I'd like to make many more in the future. (hopefully make them harder too).
they're more of a test than anything by me to see how this all works. the first one utilizes glitch to work. Although the way it turned out i had to place the steel in such a way that makes it...
well I'll talk about it if anybody is interested. let me know if you have a problem playing them. It's probably mistakes I made, I'm just learning to use this.
And I figured out the steel problem [that i posted about in help]. I just made many small pieces of steel instead of making one big piece. Thanks for the help.
also I wanna say thank you to the creators of this program. when I was a lot younger I use to draw my own levels on paper. Now I can do it for real.
I'll assume this is an appropriate place to post this.
Well it's not at all obvious from the board layout, but the best place for new levelpacks is the
Lemmix Levelpack Topic.
Overall these are pretty solid puzzles, not too trivial and using some nice tricks. I like level 5 especially, it's quite a bit harder than it appears at first. It could possibly be compressed to reduce the time spent building though - this tends to bug players, especially since the original levels were very builder-heavy

As for the Revolution levels, I can't really comment on how well they're remade since I haven't played the originals.
On the technical side, I noticed levels 3 and 4 have objects outside the level boundaries. This happens when you put an interactive object (entrances, traps etc) too high, or off the left side of the level (y<0 or x<-16). If you notice one of these disappearing between saving and loading, that's why - the editor incorrectly interprets the position as being way off the bottom or right of the level. You can find these via the the level list (F9).
alright after I add more levels and spruce it up a bit I'll post it there.
thanx for the comments as well. Any criticisms or advice on making levels more harder/ or interesting is welcome.
here's my small level set: added a few more but forgot to fix the objects outside of boundaries

but it doesnt effect the gameplay as far as I know. if anyone plays this and finds a problem let me know. (or suggestions too)
btw, I played some other people's levels here. sweet jesus. They are hard!

wow, good work. those'll take some time to figure out. I got here kinda late...
You didn't happen to pick up a pack called '
1tseug', did you? That set is notorious for being insanely hard

The objects outside level boundaries don't matter, as long as you play the level in Lemmix, which most people do. It's only a problem if you play in CustLemm (and even then it might be ok, I forget since I hardly used it).
I was playing ISteve10's and I'm working on the first level. is this a good place to ask for hints?
then I was looking at Gronklem's #1. An invisible level!

that's a good idea tho.
Ah, yes. This is a good thread to ask for hints, and I have written helpfiles for most of my sets (All but 8 and 9 I think). Let me see if I can pull up the hints file for ISteve10, one second.
Edit:: Found the file.

darn, I thought of the idea behind "I am AT" (what does that title mean btw?) but once again... I'm late to the party
I also am trying ClamSpam01, 'fall and die". I feel like I'm almost there.
AT was the alias of the guy that headed the development of the Genesis/Megadrive version, that's all. It was the Japanese company Sunsoft that developed it. You see his name during the end credits if you complete the last level.
I'm playing through Insane Steve's level sets. On 1 right now, (I decided to go in order) and beat the first 3.
I wonder, Insane Steve, if my solution to number 3 ("It's not that easy I'm afraid") is intended or not:
make first lem a climber and bomber to leave a hole in the thin platform on the left side. Make second lem climber and build up to the thin platform, then mine away some more of the thin platform to make more room then build a second time to get up it. Wait till he gets up climbs up and over to the other side then when he turns around mine him down to free everybody. This solution saves all but one.
There's a few ways to do that level, but to my knowledge all of them use the first step of the climber bomb then build to the platform.
I'm up to set 2 level 6. My favorites were Watch Ye Step and Flugtag. Very nice.
The only one I skipped over/couldn't solve was 'why can't they just run?'
Is a stuck climber part of the solution? If not then I'm really lost.

EDIT: I forgot you wrote a hint file somewhere, but that's only for ISteve10
on 'Betcha can't save just one' is a stuck climber glitch part of the solution here too? I solved this level btw, I saved just 1.
[the leftmost one gets stuck in the wall on his right and climbs up to the exit there and bashes to it]
I actually have hint files for all sets but I think 7 8 and 9. If you go to you'll get them.
Set 1 level 10's intended route is unfair, but there is a way to do it properly if I recall correctly. Actually most of the level 10s in my sets require obscure, unintuitive behavior to pass.
Betcha Can't Save Just One is supposed to be done differently, I didn't know that terrain setup would behave like that when I made the level.
It isn't nuke glitch it is it? (for" Why can't they just run?") I thought of that but kinda seems pointless to create a
user-made level like that unless you intended these to be played on a real DOS box version. I tried nuking but I can't even really see if that works because the lemmix tester doesn't tell give you a win screen (or can you tell if a nuke glitch worked in the percent on the bottom bar?) Idk how/don't feel like putting the level into the Lemmix player.
the stuck climber glitch comes really close... Even if it's not the solution I wanna keep trying for it that way. I really don't mind "cheap" levels btw, there actually refreshing. A little lateral thinking is good for the brain

thanx for showing me that link btw, good site.
IIRC I solved that one before I even knew about the nuke glitch, so it's certainly doable without

. (I solved all these packs a couple of years ago

) There's a more-or-less 'normal' solution, using another well-known trick.
The nuke glitch isn't implemented in Lemmix, or the Lemmix Player either AFAIK, so you have to work out the glitch percentages yourself if you use these
After reading your notes I realized I found an alternate/ much less annoying solution to Watch Ye Step!:
>>>set release rate to 99. let 5 lemmings go then block. the five will go and 4 sacrifice themselves in the trap for the fifth. Make the fifth climber and let him go all the way to near the exit. Then dig, build to turn around and mine down so the miner tunnel is near the corner of the terrain near the traps then bash so he's bashing away the top of the floor. Let him go all the way to the left to free everybody else. He will die. You loose 5, the maximum I think. But the save requirement didn't really "help" me because 45. 90% seemed like a arbitrary requirement.
Can I remake this level for Lix? I really liked it a lot.
for Why can't they just run, I 90% sure it can be saved using a stuck climber, I basically almost did it, I just need to work out the fine details.
-set RR to 50~60. Ignore the top section.
-lem 1 bashes then quickly builds to bash only a sliver in the pipe. he turns around and make him build left.
-lem 2 walks up into the sliver--make him build, he then turns around and do the same
-lem 3 walks into the sliver--make him build & he gets stuck. Make him climber. He'll begin climbing up inside the pipe.
-at this point the left facing builders are usually almost done, continue to build them so they hit the ceiling and turn around.
-lem 4 has to build in the sliver to continue making the hole smaller and build when he turns around
build him also.
-get lem 5 stuck once more then make him a climber also.
-have lem 6 bash through the pipe and raise the RR to 99
-the first stuck lemming should be near the top now and make him bash to the right when he's close enough to the top to open it up. Make him a builder fairly soon to stop.
-have the second stuck climber bash a little lower to open up the bottom and free the top. She should stop bashing when he falls.
-all the lemmings should have a clear path to the exit. All the other builders should hit the ceiling soon.
[In Lemmini, it takes more builders to make the hole smaller for the climbers. (Because the basher makes a larger hole before you can stop him). But I liked using that anyway because you have directional selection to select the climber going up. You
have to bash to the right]
I'm curious what your solution is Clam
I found a slightly alternate (very slightly) solution to "Becha can't save just one". But it uses no glitches and saves a few skills you intended.
-do what you did until after the first bomber hole in the left lower wall. Instead, have the lemming that climbs up it, bash or mine left to leave a path for himself and the one in the second section. Then they can both climb up to the exit area of the third section and bomb and build. So I used one less builder and basher. Totally I used; 2 builders, 2 bombers, 1 basher and 1 miner
I played it in Lemmini. I used only one basher at the start: he kept bashing through the pillar after the steps. I think that's behavior exclusive to Lemini. It doesn't happen in Lemmix.
this is another good candidate to remake imo. No stuck climber glitch in Lix. The layout and title really fooled me.
"The Magician's Secret"
I have a strong feeling this isn't the solution but just let me know if it is or not. (or if I'm even close) your hint didn't help me much.

-get a climber stuck in the wall by trapping him with builders in between two of the jagged ledges. then build him to get him stuck. (normally he won't get stuck just climb up to the next ledge but trapping him would require a possibly a ridiculous amount of precision. Then mine down to save everybody. I tried this a few times but didn't come close.
also, sorry for calling your level pointless.

I was right then but it doesn't work in Lemini
Heh, didn't notice the above post until just now. It's funny how we both had the idea of remaking "Betcha can't save" at close to the same time. (EDIT: And damn, is it annoying when a post referring to the previous one goes onto a new page!)
I've also made a 2P / 4P version, which TM and I tried out last night, and it works really well!
Magician's Secret: No, that's not the solution. Highlight: You're correct that you have to use the stuck climber glitch, though.
Finally, I'd like to announce my first level pack, which I've called "TMChallenge" as it was based on an idea TM suggested in the reverse levels topic. On ten levels from the original game, the exits have been moved into the decorative terrain. Skills and stats have been kept the same, with the following exceptions: Tricky 13 gives 20 of each (and not 50 builders); Tricky 22 requires 81% saved, allowing you to use all 15 bombers; Mayhem 25 requires 100%; Mayhem 29 gives 8 minutes. I had to fix Mayhem 29 a little, moving two terrain pieces by a single pixel to make it possible to complete. All levels are now completable, and all except the obvious ones are 100%able. (If you already downloaded this pack from the reverse levels topic, please download the fixed version from the database.)
I've just been playing the pack
Eymerich02, which geoo recommended on the IRC last night. Completed all except 4 and 7. (I manually corrected the three-entrance levels before playing; I assume this is correct procedure.) Are these two definitely possible? Also, does anyone know who "Eymerich" is? Some of these levels are really good, and might be candidates for remaking in Lix.
I've just been playing the pack Eymerich02, which geoo recommended on the IRC last night. Completed all except 4 and 7. (I manually corrected the three-entrance levels before playing; I assume this is correct procedure.) Are these two definitely possible? Also, does anyone know who "Eymerich" is? Some of these levels are really good, and might be candidates for remaking in Lix.
Well I know their
Youtube and they made a few levels in the lemmings heaven contest which were very good and has an account there, but other than that I don't know anything about them.
Ah, so Eymerich = Ellischant.
Attached my solutions to 4 and 7. 4 had me stumped for quite a while as well, as for some reason I thought you couldn't release a blocker with a miner from the same lane (and I think it also depends on the alignment of the blocker modulo 4).
And my solution to 7 feels pretty efficient, I like this one a lot.
Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
I played almost three weeks ago Thick Molasses levelpacks 1-4 from Lemmings Level Database and found those pretty interesting. There were some levels which reminded me of Lemmings Revolution (Show Trial), tseug's levels (Conundrum and Icing on the cake), Pieuw (A Towering Tower), ONML (A Fearful Symmetry), Martin Zurlinden (A Soulful Bounding Leap!) and Insane Steve (Hard Times and 6 Gaps, 5 Builders). There were also nice remakes of Fun10/Taxing9, Fun8/Tricky22 and Fun9/Tricky26. Brute-forceish, endurance levels were included too, such as Send in the Clowns and Ouch Me Head (which is actually a title of one Revolution level also, I think), but mostly I enjoyed some neat puzzle levels here. Special Relativity I mentioned already in , but I liked also the hectic In my time of dyin'. Solution of Lemmings in Motion was fun and I had to try Tinker Tailor Soldier Lemming a couple of times before I found the solution, to my mind level is always successful when it has very simple solution but it still can stump the player.

There were other nice levels, but these four levels made me particularly glad.
I passed 38 levels, I didn't find a way to solve TM2 level 10 "As complicated as it looks". There are 20 builders, and I counted that at least 12 builders go for the lemmings on the right and the lemmings on the left need at least 10 builders. I can't see how to save more builders. Another one I haven't beaten is this Havoc15-looking A Fearful Symmetry, TM3 level 6. My best solution needs one lemming more to be saved, it uses both the blockers and the bomber, when required is 18/20. Maybe someone has interesting solutions for these levels?
thanks for the remarks.

(I'm thick molasses btw, I changed my name cause I got really tired of it and it's too long)
"as complicated as it looks" may indeed be impossible. I think I forgot to actually check that I just quickly thought 20 was enough builders without actually thinking about it. sorry.

However 'A fearful symmetry is definitely possible. (I'll check anyway). The solution is deceptively simple

I might start making some new level soon.
I was playing ISteve10 and I finally got more than half way done. I did however find a few backroutes and I am by the way, playing the "revised" edition. However, I wouldn't get too upset because none of these were easy to find and still had much fun playing them. I attached replays of all of them. I liked how every level in this set seems to be tougher than the previous one. And so far it's held true I'm at This is a gate level and it's the toughest yet.
If I can beat this whole levelpack maybe I'll move on to geoo's which are even harder I think. It would be nice if people still discussed their level packs for people like me who still play these.
For, The Duct Rise Lemmings I found two: the first "easy one" is a clear easier method but the second 'hard' one is harder than the intended solution.
On Empty Space is hardly a waste, I also found another (other than the one I uploaded) which I think is only possible on Lemini and it's extremely difficult. It involves building up to the left exit platform from the left using only two builders and you bash once at the top and he's high enough that he stops. It's extremely difficult to build at the right spot to make this achievable.
I still don't quite understand the intended solution even after reading it in your help file.
Awesome! I'll put these solutions on my netbook and have a look next time I'm on it (probably while screwing around when I should be paying attention to physics class hahaha). Thanks for uploading them; glad to hear you're enjoying my pack. Maybe I should get to work on ISteve11.dat after all...
As for Empty Space's intended solution:
The idea is that the middle lemming needs to mine in a pixel precise spot directly over the dividing wall between the two rightmost chambers under the starting spot. A miner on a platform of that thickness will dig out four pixels, and the wall between them is two pixels wide. By mining in exactly the right spot, you can make one pixel gaps on both sides of the wall with one swing. Using the middle lemming allows seven lemmings to fall in the middle chamber (where you can assign floaters to them and get them out by bashing from the left) and seven lemmings to fall in the right chamber (where they can fall safely and be assigned climbers to exit the pit). The 15th lemming is your worker.
This is probably the most backroute prone level in the pack. I'm not sure if anyone actually did it the intended way their first time actually
Nice solutions möbius! You managed to backroute "The duct rise lemmings." which I watched from Steve's Youtube channel before I played custom levels, so my solution for that level was the intended one.
Today I tried "98... 99..." which was the only Steve's level I hadn't passed yet and now I nailed it! My solution again wasn't the intended one, so I'll send replay of that and some other solutions of mine soon for you Steve, if you like.

So, now I've beated all the 100 levels and I'm with great excitement waiting for ISteve11 !

I liked how every level in this set seems to be tougher than the previous one.
I noticed this too! Quite a few levepacks have a steady difficulty curve, which makes playing a levelpack more enjoyable to my mind. The only level in ISteve10 which felt unplaced for me (but only a little!) was Jumping the Shark, which I beated after the levels 1-4.
If I can beat this whole levelpack maybe I'll move on to geoo's which are even harder I think. It would be nice if people still discussed their level packs for people like me who still play these.
This is one of my favourite topics in these forums and I'd like too that there would be more action here. Geoo's levels are the very hardest levels of the Lemmings Level Database for me, so take a look at them if you want some insane challenges.

I've now played almost half of the levelpacks from the database and rated the difficulties for them, check those out.

And I could also recommend some nice levelpacks with different difficulties and so!
However 'A fearful symmetry is definitely possible. (I'll check anyway). The solution is deceptively simple
Hehe I beated that level like two months ago but it was a quite cunning level.

So möbius, your other levels are all for Lix? Maybe I should get more familiarised with Lix and play it more.
I myself haven't ever seriously done level editing stuff although that was my dream when I was a little kid, but nowadays when making levels is possible, I don't feel to have enough will and time for that, and I haven't get used to Lemmix editor for example. But I love to play other lemmings people's levels and I find it fun to review and talk people's levels, like I did very briefly about möbius' levels last July. Maybe it is ok to write that kind of stuff about different levelpacks in this topic and I'd like to do more that some time.
woah, Steve has a youtube channel? [smack head] I looked for videos of some of those levels long time ago and couldn't find them.
As for Empty Space's intended solution: etc...
what the hell I mustn't be using the correct style (Custlemm style?) or something because my lemmings die when they climb from the right most chamber (going left) and fall into the middle chamber. In any case it was still a really tough and good level.
Hehe I beated that level like two months ago but it was a quite cunning level.
So möbius, your other levels are all for Lix? Maybe I should get more familiarised with Lix and play it more.
thanks. Some of my levels in Lix are copies of these. (Though some have fixes/differences) Lix is nice that there aren't a million glitches and some new features. Of course I really like the graphics of Lemmix so I like both.
I didn't know where else to put this, it's as good as any I guess. I plan on playing Bullet's levels sometime soon. Somebody (I'm assuming you Akseli?) rated his as pretty hard.
By any chance have you beat Tseug's level Oh no not again? That one is infamous as being incredibly hard for unknown reasons. (I'm kind of obsessed with it)
If you ever make some levels keep in note that some of the people here, notably ccexplore and geoo are savages when it comes to puzzle solving and backroute finding. So if you need to find backroutes go to them.
I'd like to try and make some good levels using the lesser used terrain like snow or bubble
woah, Steve has a youtube channel?
Ha, there's only one video and that's The duct rise lemmings.

I can't remember how I ended up there, probably through a recommendation of some other Lemmings video.
I plan on playing Bullet's levels sometime soon. Somebody (I'm assuming you Akseli?) rated his as pretty hard.
Yeah, I rated them five stars.

They're definitely the easiest 5 stars packs, but I still found them to be harder than those packs which I've rated 4 stars, and I decided to follow Simon's advice and rate packs so that there would be approximately equal amount of each ratings. So, I find BulletRide's packs like 4,5 stars. ;D I can possibly change my mind and lower some of them to 4 stars, though. Anyway, they're quite tough and many levels use tricks. I've also thought of writing here some kind of a review of BulletRide's packs, we'll see.
By any chance have you beat Tseug's level Oh no not again? That one is infamous as being incredibly hard for unknown reasons. (I'm kind of obsessed with it)
Actually, I originally registered to these forums when I found tseug's levelpack and I wanted to see solutions for those levels from Tseug's levelpack topic, so the same thing happened to me which happened to you: I watched ccexplore's replays of those levels last winter and I was like 'Whoaaah!!' but after that I decided that I would never again spoil my fun like that and I'll try myself to solve levels. That was then when I was just starting to play custom levels and so.

But now later when I played Tseug's pack I passed "Oh No, Not Again!" quite trivially without using climber or floater and keeping RR the same all the time, replay attached.
If you ever make some levels keep in note that some of the people here, notably ccexplore and geoo are savages when it comes to puzzle solving and backroute finding. So if you need to find backroutes go to them.
I'm fully aware of geoo's, ccexplore's and also some others' skills, what I've read and seen during these months on these forums, I always get amazed when I see some solutions of them for example, in the Challenges board. For instance, geoo's "Tame 13, 1 builder, 100% saved" challenge is totally out of this world. I've myself done backroute testing for some people already, too! That's great fun.

- - - - -
By the way, does anybody know any lemmings level download sites other than the next ones?
1. The Lemmings Level Database The Lemmings File Portal Lemmings Heaven Garjen Software
heres the one I used to go to: had links to LemEdit but not Lemmix or Lemini or Custlem- which I couldn't get to work which is why I never found custom levels until recently..
Bullet's packs
are hard. Man, I'm stymied at the first level.
Alright I'll have to start making some new levels and good ones, with no "filler" levels
and, btw, you caused some stir with that replay, good job!

(I wouldn't call it trivial because only a few people solved it even that way)
oh one more thing: always brings up some virus message when I click on it so be careful.
That's the place I originally downloaded my first time custom lemmings levelpack, Martin Zurlinden's awesome pack, but there are no more custom packs there?
Here's one site I found some time ago: here's one nice levelpack: idea what's with Garjen, I don't get virus messages and I've downloaded a lot of packs from there. :O
You played BulletRide's "The Underground Secret"?

I had lots of troubles with Bullet's levels last spring and I came back to them when I was more experienced. That level uses a trick, and when you master that trick, that helps you a lot in lots of other levels. The trick is so useful that you might even see all levels differently than earlier after getting use to it! That's what happened to me. ^^
It was exciting to find that solution for "Oh No, Not Again!", because I had some kind of an impression that that level is in generally considered in these forums to be one of the very hardest levels? No idea if that solution works in the Lix remake. :b I guess you are interested, so I made two other replays of tseug's levels. I saved one builder in Slipping, but the solution seems so obvious that I'd guess it has been found already.

I also saved three skills in More Steel Works. But seriously, I don't want to take full honour of these solutions, they're based on ccexplore's solutions and I give full respect for him.
Nice work on those two! It's still hard to understand what makes them so difficult, well any level really, because after you know the solution is seems so easy. Thanks for the advice on Bullet's levels, you're not kidding; its hard. Although, I should probably play Clam's levels as I said I was going to play his a long time ago...
Anyway, I'm consolidating all of my levels into fewer packs, removing the levels that weren't very good. I updated the database with "mobius1" (see link below) and removed all of "TM's packs". I also fixed them up a bit. It's nothing really new for those who already played them. But after these two packs I will be making a new pack.
I also made a hints file for anyone whose interested which is included., I will be uploading video replays of all my levels to youtube (see link below). And if anybody would like to see replays of any other level (of mine or anybody's) that way I'd be glad to do so. (If it's a level I solved already that is!) also attached here just for convenience
Hey Akseli,
you seem to be really active lately, and you're doing pretty awesome work! It's a bit unfortunate the level designing community is in a bit of a lull right now.
I myself haven't ever seriously done level editing stuff although that was my dream when I was a little kid, but nowadays when making levels is possible, I don't feel to have enough will and time for that, and I haven't get used to Lemmix editor for example. But I love to play other lemmings people's levels and I find it fun to review and talk people's levels, like I did very briefly about möbius' levels last July. Maybe it is ok to write that kind of stuff about different levelpacks in this topic and I'd like to do more that some time. 
It can't hurt to try out designing a few levels, can it?

I think the Lix level editor is quite a bit easier to get into than Lemmix. Level designing can be pretty fun and rewarding if you have some good ideas and people playing them. I think for a level designer, getting a review and discussion is the best thing that can happen. It lets you know there's someone appreciating your levels, and also give feedback what they like and what they don't, something to learn from. I know from myself that I immensely like reading someone's review on my levels, it's really rewarding. Definitely don't hesitate to review levels, I hope I'd find the time to join into discussions. Of course, reviewing levels from someone who's still active here would be nicest, but of course also levels by some other designer can be discussed.
This is one of my favourite topics in these forums and I'd like too that there would be more action here. Geoo's levels are the very hardest levels of the Lemmings Level Database for me, so take a look at them if you want some insane challenges.
I've now played almost half of the levelpacks from the database and rated the difficulties for them, check those out.
And I could also recommend some nice levelpacks with different difficulties and so!
From my old levels, some are pretty elegant, but some also rely on glitches a lot (and are near impossible if you don't know the glitches), so looking back at them with the additional experience in level design I gained over the years, I think the packs aren't too nice except for a couple of levels.
It's awesome you're playing so many levels and rating them. Don't be afraid to use the 'Fun' rating too, even though it's subjective of course. For me, there are way too many levels to play through by now, but there are probably some gems hidden there, so finding them is what the fun ratings could be pretty useful for. I sure don't mind recommendations either.

Actually, I originally registered to these forums when I found tseug's levelpack and I wanted to see solutions for those levels from Tseug's levelpack topic, so the same thing happened to me which happened to you: I watched ccexplore's replays of those levels last winter and I was like 'Whoaaah!!' but after that I decided that I would never again spoil my fun like that and I'll try myself to solve levels. That was then when I was just starting to play custom levels and so.
But now later when I played Tseug's pack I passed "Oh No, Not Again!" quite trivially without using climber or floater and keeping RR the same all the time, replay attached.
Haha, I had the same experience with a different game called Supaplex. There was one amazing levelset which I watched the solutions to before seriously trying, and I remembered some of them later, so I regretted it and swore to myself to never do that again. So when I came to playing Lemmings, I didn't do the same mistake again. (I do watch challenge replays every now and then though, as there's way too many for me to ever do, and even though some solutions are pretty elegant, I feel that there's not someone else's level design idea intrinsic to them, so on average I think they are more technical and less elegant.) I have a clean slate here, not watching any replay before solving the level, and so far I think I've managed to solve every level I've seriously tried (except for ccx' Lix level Brickout, which I'll have to wait out on until the backroutes are fixed).
The solution you got to "Oh No! Not Again" happens to be the same one I found when I first solved the level. The difference is that it took me over a year to find it! I think ccx struggled with this one for quite a while too. We're still puzzled why it is so hard, because it seems so simple once you know the solution.
Hehe I beated that level like two months ago but it was a quite cunning level.
So möbius, your other levels are all for Lix? Maybe I should get more familiarised with Lix and play it more.
Lix has over 400 levels by now and counting, by RubiX, Clam, and from the community pack. What I think is remarkable about them is that they've been made with a lot of experience from designing previous levels. So I feel the levels we got for Lix now are of really good quality! I find the usability and customizability a bit better than in Lemmix too, and as I said I think the editor is a bit easier to use.
Then there's also Cheapo, for which a lot of good levels have been made too, including my alltime favourite levels set, Insane Steve's pack of 90 levels, which taught me how to play Lemmings at a high level. Really good difficulty curve, every level was challenging when I first played, but at the end I was a lot better at solving levels and some levels seem comparatively easy, looking back.
With the advent of Lemmix and now also Lix, Cheapo has fallen into oblivion though, no-one designs levels for it anymore, but there's still good levels to play.
By the way, does anybody know any lemmings level download sites other than the next ones?
I think you've listed all of the ones I remember off the top of my head. But I think I still have quite a bunch of levels lying around on my computer, some of which you'll probably already have, but probably also some that are hard to find by now, I remember Shvegait's, Ben Conway's or tumbleweed's for instance. I'm happy to dig through these a bit for you if you want and bundle them up; perhaps they could also be put on the levelpack database at some point, so everything is in one place and they could be rated.
well I solved Underground secret... but I'm worried it's a backroute. Since I didn't use the climbers or floater. And it wasn't particularly new to me, [creating steps using bashers] Although I admit, there aren't many levels where that is required. I think I've only seen it really used in challenges.
One solution my level "too far to walk" uses it. The title fits though doesn't it?
I attached a reply to look at. I'm guessing Bullet isn't here anymore? But you know the solution, Akseli so you can tell me

edit: also just solved the next level
Thanks geoo, your reply made my day!

Actually I've already tried level designing a little and I've made two random levels but they aren't completed. The main thing was that I wanted to try how Lemmix level editor works, and I feel myself a little clumsy with it and it takes a lot of time to make even one single level from me.

I downloaded Lix last summer and played the tutorials and some easiest levels, but I'm still so fond of original Lemmings graphics and the basic 8 different skill set so I haven't played Lix too much. That's why, if I want to design levels, at least at first I definitely want to do levels with Lemmings graphics, but I promise myself that I'd play Lix properly sometime and try its level editor, too. : )
I have Cheapo also in my computer and I've downloaded few levels for it. Again, I wanted to find out how Cheapo works, but I didn't get really excited of it. However, Insane Steve's Cheapo levels are something I absolutely want to play. A couple of months ago I've asked Steve to send me all his levels he can find from his computer and now he's been trying to collect those.

I'm also interested in levelpack recommendations here. Ben Conway's and Tumbleweed's levels I've downloaded from Garjen, but I haven't heard of Shvegait's levels, so I'm interested to play those! Oh yeah, and some levels (although mostly same levelpacks than in the aforementioned sites) can be downloaded from this page in Lemmings Universe:öbius, both of your solutions are same than mine.

If you think about that basher midstroke-trick, it can be used in surprisingly various levels and places. For example, I used it in your TM2 - The Hard Way, is that the same level as "too far to walk"?
Very nice möbius that you put videos of your solutions in your Youtube channel.

I don't know if BulletRide has ever been here, but he has an account in Lemmings Heaven (BulletRide) and in Youtube (BulletRidej). There hasn't been action in neither of those for years, though.
Also, it came upon my mind, that is it totally wrong if Lemmini level packs are discussed in this "Lemmix Level Pack Topic" as well? For instance, Gronkling's great levels from Lemmings Level Database are for Lemmini. And I'm very fond of some other stunning Lemmini packs, too, which I certainly want to review sometime!
Yeah, some things in the Lemmix editor are a bit strange, but you get used to it at some point. It's a bit unfortunate that you cannot play levels generated in the Lix editor in Lemmix. It works vice versa though, as Lix supports the original L1 and L2 graphics. Of course you don't have to use the new skills in Lix, but I've grown quite fond of them by now.

The new lix character has grown onto me as well by now and feels pretty authentic, even though I was a bit skeptical at first. Quite some time ago when Lix was still L++, it had the original lemmings character graphics, but by now it'd need quite a bit of adaptation of the bitmap to get these to work again.
Here are some Lemmix levelpack I found, which aren't on the levelpack database, and which I think you might not have played before:'s been a while since I played most of them, but I remember Leviathan's pack as pretty challenging (LEVIPAK, they use a few glitches here and there though), and shvgait's should be pretty good too, if I recall correctly (they are even older). Hubbart you might now, they are rather easy, but stand out through really beautiful looks. Weirdybeardy has most of his levels on the database, but the two in here I found that are not on there. Twigpack I don't remember, but I included it for completeness. STT03 is just a single level, but it's pretty tricky. It was the final level of some pack with mostly easy levels if I recall correctly, and due to that at some point we thought it was impossible. I just checked though that it is indeed possible.
I also have an assortment of individual levels, my level organization is a bit of a mess though. I upload the entire batch though if you want.
I remember back when BulletRide was on these forum (or a previous incarnation), and I had a lot of back and forth with backroute finding and backroute fixing with him. They are definitely really enjoyable and challenging. I haven't seen him in ages though. With Fleech/SgB the backroute back and forth was even worth. I think I have 10 versions of his levelpack. The first one actually contains 9 levels, while in the final one on the database only 5 remain. I'm not sure why exactly.
For cheapo levels, the ones I'd definitely recommend are Steve's levelset, obviously, Proxima/Michael's Preview sets, and Why Bother by the purpletraitor I think, which is a pretty unique set with interesting techniques. I got a lot more, even though I lost a bunch almost a decade ago in a crash. Tell me if you want me to send you what I've got.
The Lemmix/CustLemm level pack topic is a bit of a tradition, but I'm not even sure whether it's such an idea anymore to mingle all people's levels into a single topic. I think for discussing Lemmini levels, it might make sense to open a new topic, or even a specific topic for Gronklem's levels. There hasn't been too much interest in Lemmini on this forum (it was more of a lemmings heaven thing), so I haven't seen many levels for it, but I think I saw a bunch of nice ones, next to Gronklem's I also recall pieuw's. I'm not sure when I'd come around to trying Lemmini again, but having some recommendations to start with would be nice.
The extensions of Lix over L1-like behavior were mostly to make its multiplayer a better game. The project doesn't strive to be a replacement of Lemmix, their physics differ in lots of places. If you prefer a well-known and never-changing set of rules for singleplayer puzzles, then I encourage you to play L1-style levels in Lemmix.
Exporting Lix levels to Lemmix is a little difficult. L1-style levels must meet lots of restrictive criteria and need steel areas to be defined separately from the steel terrain. Even if there were an exporter that performs all obvious steps, there would still be a lot of work necessary in an L1-style editor to finish the conversion. I probably won't make this in the near future, also the demand seems rather low. The best idea is to remake the levels from scratch in Lemmix.
-- Simon
Also, it came upon my mind, that is it totally wrong if Lemmini level packs are discussed in this "Lemmix Level Pack Topic" as well? For instance, Gronkling's great levels from Lemmings Level Database are for Lemmini. And I'm very fond of some other stunning Lemmini packs, too, which I certainly want to review sometime!
oh no, Too far to walk is based off of a level by Pieuw (which is actually based off of another level by Zurlinden

). It's basically a large block that you need to get through and looks very simple but there's not enough time. One of the solutions (the trickier one) is to make a "basher staircase".
Most of my levels from Lix are remakes or 'remodels' of levels I liked or that were deserving to get more attention. At the time a lot more people seemed interested in the levels there.
I've always wanted to look at Cheapo but never had the time. Generally if I can't get it working/or find it in two minutes I give up because I'm a busy guy.

I like Lemmini too. Most of Pieuws levels are for Lemmini. It's really nice that steel glitches are fixed. Unfortunately the difference in game-play however is annoying because you can't get used to any one program; they are all different. If you're playing fun levels it doesn't matter; but as soon as you start getting to advanced stuff every little aspect of the game becomes important.
For example; there's a glitch in Lemmini where if a basher is stopped by steel, either he moved backward slightly or something else and if there's a drop he'll fall. Look up a video by Pieuw called; "There's rashness in the method"
But I do enjoy using Lemmini, if for nothing else, sounds and music and title screens.
If I could code I would make a Lemmings program of my own that would be customizable with options like highlight selected lemming under the cursor.
There are an abundance of certified computer smart people here but most of them seem to come and go and don't stay

If you'd like to review a specific pack, try going to this topic: posted here a while ago but nobody seemed interested to join. You can disregard my post, I reviewed Tseug's level but it's probably not a good pack to start with plus It's not really fair that I looked at the solution instead of solving it. And I actually would kind of like to review Gronkling levels. He posted last there so if you want to we can talk about that one. I actually already wrote a review of the first level but since deleted it.
Thanks geoo for those levels!

I had a quick look already of the LEVPAKs, I'll play the others too when I have time. And like I said, I want to get used to Lix and I want to take a proper look of it sometime.

I also have an assortment of individual levels, my level organization is a bit of a mess though. I upload the entire batch though if you want.
For cheapo levels, the ones I'd definitely recommend are Steve's levelset, obviously, Proxima/Michael's Preview sets, and Why Bother by the purpletraitor I think, which is a pretty unique set with interesting techniques. I got a lot more, even though I lost a bunch almost a decade ago in a crash. Tell me if you want me to send you what I've got.
Both sounds nice, I'm interested for all the levels which can be found.

Thank you!
With Fleech/SgB the backroute back and forth was even worth. I think I have 10 versions of his levelpack. The first one actually contains 9 levels, while in the final one on the database only 5 remain. I'm not sure why exactly.
The 9-level pack can be found in The Lemmings File Portal. Fleech itself commented this level decreasing thing on the first page of this topic (Reply #7). :b
I like Lemmini a lot. Sounds, music, directional select, prettier graphics, opportunity to add levelpacks to the "Select Level" menu which shows the levels and also the ratings in the packs, how the player gets access to the next level beating the previous one (no need for levelcodes) and title/winning screens are all issues which I really appreciate in Lemmini. Furthermore, there are extremely good Lemmings level makers who have made levels for Lemmini: In addition to Gronkling and Pieuw, Lacktardo and Dodochacalo are also absolutely among my all time favourite level makers.
What I like in Lemmix: More authentic gameplay, easier use of replays, no lagging like in Lemmini and then these little tricks, savestates, frame by frame replay and game jumps. Both Lemmini and Lemmix has glitches/tricks which don't appear in the other game engine. Lemmix glitches are well-known here due to Clam Spammer's great topics of glitches and tricks, but there are just astonishing glitches in Lemmini whose existence I hadn't a slight idea before getting to know of Gronklems6-levelpack. At the moment I've been helping Gronkling to remove backroutes of that levelpack, which is ... very hard!
Thank you for the nice comments. ^u^
I have the opposite problem than most people with which I'm too used to lemmini so I'm absolutley terrible at lemmix. I can't get used to the weird steel glitches or full screen and the pause/replay feature, so I can't really contribute to a lot of discussion about it. Also it's fun finding glitches that nobody else knows about; lemmini has some incredibly odd ones, usually to do with one pixel walls/gaps.
If you play lemmini I would definately reccomend both pieuw's and dodochalo's packs and lacktardo's levels on youtube. They haven't been released yet though you can find a few of his levels in the lemmings heaven contests which are all great, especially Technoir.
I've started work on my 7th pack as well, which so far seems to be even harder than number 6 (you can have them before I release the whole thing if you message me).
But now that I won't get too off-topic to Lemmini, shall we go straight to the point. I played levelpacks möbius1 and möbius2, and I've attached my solutions for those here! Here are some comments of möbius' levels.
I really liked that these packs include hints files, they remind me of Insane Steve's good old hint sheets. ( There are also those difficulty ratings, and in my opinion, it's always fun to define and compare difficulties. Now that the solutions are on Youtube, it's very simple to watch them from there, so the walkthrough isn't needed to be wrote down. Hopefully nobody still doesn't get tempted to watch the solutions before trying properly to beat the levels. ( I myself haven't dare to watch the solutions yet, these attached solutions are purely my own. Most of the levels were familiar for me from the earlier TM packs, even though some of the levels has been changed a little.
I already commented some levels here ( My solution for "The Exit Is Right There!!" didn't work anymore since the miner had been taken away, but I found now more elegant solution for this. Ouch Me Head is now much more nicer crowd control puzzle than the previous 50-builder version of it. My solution for The Italian Job was the same than earlier, but now I had to use one builder at the beginning due to terrain modification. The other "old" levels I beated like earlier, except Exit, Stage Right, which has been modified freshly.
The levels in which I used all the skills were Askesis, The Picard Maneuver Part 1 and Love and Hard Times. It's great that there are extra skills which can either make the execution of the solution more convenient or then even confuse the player when they aren't needed. Some level makers put in their level only the precise amount of essential skills, so this is neat variability. Levels look rather good, and it makes me happy when all 9 graphics sets are used equally, so there aren't used only a couple of different tilesets, which would make playing a levelpack little dull to my mind. Also, centering levels is a little aesthetics issue, but for me it would look nice if the levels are in the middle of the map. Lemmings in Arms, Ouch Me Head and The Italian Job aren't centered (some other could be more accurate, too) but really, this is a minor issue.
I think I backrouted most of the levels, perhaps notably "The Exit is Right There!!" "Eye of the Needle" and "Conundrum". When I play a level for my first time, I always try to approach it starting with the most simplest solution, and then proceeding to more and more complicated solutions. Especially "Conundrum" was a level in which the simplest solution worked and I passed it immediately. The difficultiest level for me was The Picard Maneuver Part 2, which I had to try well over half an hour. My solution contains pixel precise skill assignments here.
Overall I had fun with all these levels, there were a lot of crowd controlling in various ways and no one level used only one hero lemming in its solution. The level which I missed most from your earlier packs was In my time of dyin' which I remember to be quite fun multitasking. This is the first time when I got to play new levelpacks, tell my opinion about those and attach my solutions here on the forums. Great fun, yeaah! ( I hope that you like my solutions and find those helpful, möbius. (
- - - - -
I noticed that Gronkling replied while I was writing. :b Gronkling seems to know more about Lemmini game mechanics than anybody else I know, and it can be seen especially in his newest levels. They who likes to play with Lemmini, Gronkling's levels are certainly worth of trying. =)
Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
I like Lemmini a lot. Sounds, music, directional select, prettier graphics, opportunity to add levelpacks to the "Select Level" menu which shows the levels and also the ratings in the packs, how the player gets access to the next level .....
how do you do this? I tried once but got an error message then it made me reload the WINLEM files again.

It always says; "missing "levelpack.ini" Well, so far, I haven't found that anybody who uploaded a ini levels folder included that file with them.
Can someone include this please? Do I have to make that file myself? If so how? help!
Once I get this working I'll start using Lemmini more often then maybe I'll make a glitch thread dedicated to it.
Also, how do you make INI files?? Is it with Lemmix? I couldn't even find a place with info on this.
============I'm going to ask this in help, so forget about it here for now=======
thanx for all the comments.
I think I backrouted most of the levels, perhaps notably "The Exit is Right There!!" "Eye of the Needle" and "Conundrum". When I play a level for my first time, I always try to approach it starting with the most simplest solution, and then proceeding to more and more complicated solutions. Especially "Conundrum" was a level in which the simplest solution worked and I passed it immediately. The difficultiest level for me was The Picard Maneuver Part 2, which I had to try well over half an hour. My solution contains pixel precise skill assignments here.
I think you did! Some of them don't really matter however. I was able to fix two backroutes to mobius2. But two others are difficult. I'll have to work on them for a while. And they do need to be fixed, the intended solution to Conundrum and Picard Maneuver part 2 are unique and quite difficult. Proxima invented the one for the latter. Although, I'm not sure about Picard2, your solution might actually be harder. As you said it's pixel precise. The intended is not. But Conundrum definitely has to be fixed.
your solution to Eye of the needle was very tricky! I fixed it by adding a steel block to prevent bombing the edge of the platform.
Jacob's Ladder had a backroute however, that was solved by simply getting rid of 1 builder. I'll update all of these to the portal eventually.
I hope they don't watch the solutions first either, but that's they're choice. I haven't done that at all since watching Tseug's replays, which was a long time ago. Actually I'm very strict on myself now, if I see "spoiler" alert for anything; puzzle, TV show, whatever, I run away and hide.
I'm currently working on Mobius 3 which will be mostly totally new levels. Another reason I'd like to use Lemmini is because I'm a little tired Lemmix crashing and glitching often.
Both sounds nice, I'm interested for all the levels which can be found.
Thank you!
Sorry for taking so long, but here are the archives.
Messy bunch of Lemmix levels: my Cheapo stuff (brings back memories): never really played Lemmini, I don't know, it has always felt a bit clunky to me, especially the controls. So I prefer Lemmix and especially Lix now.
Wow, so many Lemmings levels.

Thanks a lot geoo!

Now I got excited about cheapo also, I already played over a half of the Steve's notebook sets.

Alright, some people might have noticed that many levelpacks in the Lemmings Level Database have got difficulty ratings. I've been playing packs through and here are numbers of difficulty ratings at the moment:
Levelpacks in total: 207
Rated: 176
5 stars: 21
4 stars: 21
3 stars: 43
2 stars: 66
1 star: 25
Not rated: 31
Some notes in general:
- While playing through these packs, I tried to follow the ideas presented
here. I used roughly my latter rating scale.
- I'm not interested in playing the unrated levelpacks in the near future, they look... well, builder heavy and such.

(Except PSP levels, I'm definitely going to play those when Luis will get his packs in a permanent state and won't update those all the time!

) Instead of that I'll probably try levels which I haven't passed yet from the rated packs for getting more precise evaluation of the difficulty of those packs (although they're certainly 4-5 stars).
- The easiest task of course was to rate the very hardest levelpacks 5 stars and the very easiest ones 1 star. I also think some levelpacks between those fit very well in their own category, but then of course there are many packs I can't properly decide whether it would be 3 or 4 stars, for example.
- There are lots of packs which have levels with various difficulties (like from fun to mayhem) and in completely random order. These packs were the most annoying to rate, and I think most of them fell to 2 or 3 stars category.
- I haven't alone myself rated all the levelpacks. For example, Giga's "Lemmings platinum Dangerous Part 1" has 3 votes for the difficulty rating, and the result is a compromise of me and the other voters.
- Now when I have a quite good view of the whole difficulty scale of the levelpacks in the Database, I might do some little difficulty changes here and there, as I've done already during this process.
52% of the rated levelpacks have 1 or 2 stars at the moment. Some notes:
- I actually played the harder packs of the Database at first, like Yawg's, Clam Spammer's and such, after reading originally
some recommendations here. When I gave my first ratings in the Database, most of the packs got 4-5 stars. After that the vast majority of packs was a lot easier.
- I can fiddle around with the difficulties now afterwards and try to equalise the amounts of different ratings to some extent, but I think also that there aren't needed to be too accurately equal amount of every rating, like 35 five stars packs, 35 four stars packs etc.
- Actually there's already some variation in levelpack difficulties inside a certain difficulty rating, and this can be discovered especially in packs with 1 or 5 stars. If I'll increase the amount of 1 and 5 stars packs closer to the amount of medium difficulty packs, the difficulty scales inside those 1 and 5 stars packs would expand radically. That's why I'd maybe like to see less 1 and 5 stars packs and little more differently rated packs.
Anyway, I really enjoy giving my opinions about levelpack difficulties and this process has been very fun. And of course it would be nice if I've helped some Lemmings Level Database users around the world to find now easier and quickier levelpacks to suit their difficulty taste.

About the enjoyability/fun rating, I might rate only those packs which are my favourites. I don't want to rate anybody's pack with few stars, so if I'll someday use enjoyability ratings, I'll use it less than difficulty ratings.
- I'm not interested in playing the unrated levelpacks in the near future, they look... well, builder heavy and such.
(Except PSP levels, I'm definitely going to play those when Luis will get his packs in a permanent state and won't update those all the time!
I updated the 1-10 one and this is the last update. In "Pillar Talking" The small pillar after the biggest one was suppose to be reachable with one builder, if you start building near the edge of the slope. I thought it was no big deal to leave it the way it was, because back then I was trying to make the pillars to be on the same spot where the ceiling is suppose to be, but now I said forget the ceiling and just move the pillar to match the solution. I'm done with updating 11-26 too, so 27 will be in a new pack. Rating these levels is the same as rating the ones from the real Lemmings games, because these were made by the developers and I'm just putting them in Lemmix. I don't mind people rating it, but that's what it looks like, when you do.
Akseli, thanks for your work!
I think your rating scheme is sensible, and I think I agree with most rating of the levels I've played myself.
Looks like I've played almost all of the packs you rated 4 and 5 stars.

I see why you're hesitant rating levelpacks by enjoyability. Sometimes it's also just a matter of taste, and advanced players might not enjoy very easy levels too much even if they're perfectly well designed for beginners.
But I think at least rating one's favourites definitely can give other players an indication which levels to go at, I think I rated two or three of my favourites at some point.
I got two weeks off now, one week I'm visiting a friend, and some time I'll probably spend with lemmings, not sure yet what exactly though as there's so much to catch up with for me.
I'll have some time for lemmings too; so what I decided is to have you guys recommend me a pack and I'll play that one (barring I can successfully). To give you more incentive I'll record myself playing, for amusement.

Just tell me a pack to play and I'll give it a try.
I downloaded cheapo awhile ago and gave up on it. I couldn't figure out how to make it not-fullscreen and the resolution was terrible. Plus I'm just used to the other numerous programs we already have.
OK. How about this level pack. This is a set of 32 levels which I created last year which is what I call the "Holiday Lemmings 95" pack, as it is a Christmas-based set. I don't know why I forgot about releasing this pack last year, but anyway, this should be a nice Christmas present for all lemmings fans.

well here you go. [my Christmas present

] I played through a few of them. So far they are pretty good. They're easy but I only played 4 or 5 so far. (...I should've put Christmas music to it... naw (i don't like most Christmas music))
I see why you're hesitant rating levelpacks by enjoyability. Sometimes it's also just a matter of taste, and advanced players might not enjoy very easy levels too much even if they're perfectly well designed for beginners.
Yeah, I guess that's how it is for most experienced players. However, I personally think that difficulty or easiness isn't related to how "good" a level is. There are difficult levels which I dislike and easy levels I enjoy, for example, due to issues like aesthetics, creative details or methods etc. In the case of rating enjoyability in the Lemmings Level Database, I'd think that it's possible that one star pack by difficulty can earn a high amount of stars for fun rating, if the levels are excellently designed and this levelpack is superior in comparison to other 1 star difficulty levelpacks, for instance.

So, what I mean, a player can look both fun and difficulty ratings at the database and see, that there are, for example, an awesome levelpack for beginners, or a super difficult but boring levelpack or an average fun pack for intermediate players. The reason why I'm not so willing to rate all packs by their enjoyability is that I don't want to insult anybody by rating their packs with only few stars. :-/ I respect all people who have uploaded their levels there for other people's amusement.
I'll have some time for lemmings too; so what I decided is to have you guys recommend me a pack and I'll play that one (barring I can successfully). To give you more incentive I'll record myself playing, for amusement.
That sounds super fun!

I started to think suitable packs for this before minimac attached his one, but it wasn't too easy to decide any pack, because it wouldn't work well if the pack would be too hard and you would just get stuck for levels too long and all that, and too easy packs would also probably be too boring to watch from your video. I was thinking at least ClamSpam05 (but you might have played those levels in Lix perhaps?). Fortunately minimac has got a nice 32-levels pack which I already played through, Christmas theme certainly fits for this time of the year and the levels start from very easy and become tougher when proceeding. I found that pack to be as difficult as the original Xmas levels, and for me, there was one cunning level which managed to hide the solution at first - level 28.

I played this pack in EricLang's LemmixPlayer for Holiday Lemmings '93 with the "LookForLVLFiles=1" thing, so there were sounds, title screens and winning screens etc.
I started to watch möbius' YouTube video and I find this amusing.

I thought that you might even comment out loud all stuff while playing but this is nice, too. I laughed at those texts. :-D Are you going to do similar videos for other levelpacks perhaps, also?
thanx for the comments

Unfortunately I probably won't be talking in my videos. I tried that a while ago and found 1, I suck at it and 2, it's a lot more difficult than I thought and would take a lot of practice and/or fiddling around.
I'll try to play the rest I guess... sometime soon. Despite it being holidays I'm busy anyway.
Four levels left. The next one has a backroute. What a shame.
Well, that's a little disappointing if someone's found a backroute to one of my levels, but which level in particular are you talking about? I also wonder if you can show me a replay of the backrouted method as well.
The one from the PSP special levels, that is called "Gather round break away". This level has multiple routes to beat it, but there's a flamethrower that is close to the exit that is suppose to block you from beating the level quick, but you can build under the flamethrower and reach the exit fast. I don't know if I should put the backroute in the Lemmix version or not.
Oh. I thought you were playing one of my winter levels and noticed a backroute. OK then, thanks for clarifying.
It looks like it's impossible to make the flamethrower stop the backroute, unless you use steel. If you lower the flamethrower, it will burn all the Lemmings and you can blow up the edge of the terrain to build under it, so I'll leave the backroute there. There's another backroute in this level too, making it five ways to beat it.

I'll start playing other people's levels when I'm done with this. It's a good thing I don't have to build "Born a blocker, die a blocker". That level looks big and finlay already made that a year ago.
Finally all 36 levels finished. Some of them are not 100% the same as the original, due to the many difference on the terrains and how the Lemmings work between DOS and the PSP, but their close enough.
By the way, I was wondering about these Sega packs: Are all the terrains there were placed at the same exact spot as the ones from the real Sega Lemmings? If so, that must have been a lot of work and with over 100 levels.
By the way, I was wondering about these Sega packs:
Are all the terrains there were placed at the same exact spot as the ones from the real Sega Lemmings? If so, that must have been a lot of work and with over 100 levels.
The answer is yes, basically they were all placed at the exact same spots as in the original Sega version, but thankfully it wasn't all manual work.
What happened is that I wrote a computer program to mass-convert directly from the level data in the Sega Lemmings ROM to the PC Lemmings/Lemmix LVL format. However, a good number levels are then further edited slightly to account for the fact that on Sega, the level area's width is only like one third that of the PC version's. For example, some terrain outside the Sega level boundaries that are clipped on the Sega would become exposed and visible on PC Lemmings after the raw conversion, and would look terrible without further editing (and merely erasing them can also look very unnatural as well, so it can take some thought and creativity to make it right). Or a water object that is clipped on the Sega version would not have terrain adjacent to it (since that part of the water is outside the Sega level boundaries and thus hidden), and then this "bare water with no adjacent terrain" would be exposed in the raw conversion and look bad.
One person (not me) on the old old forums did most of that sort of hand-editing after I finished the raw conversions, after I explain the need for such editing and my lack of time to do so myself. It was the same person who originally requested for a PC conversion of the Sega lemmings levels. I forgot who exactly, it might be Fleech based on the levelpak description in the level database.
It would indeed be quite a chore if the levels have to be hand-converted one by one. Indeed it wasn't even clear at the time whether it would be possible or not, since some levels' terrain almost look like they require terrain pieces that are not available on the PC version. One of the surprise we learn when I used my computer program is that the Sega version actually uses the same terrain pieces as the PC version, it was just a lot of intricate editing in the cases where the terrain doesn't look like it was built solely from pieces available on PC version.
well here is my long-awaited and anticipated third levelpack. And as a bonus; this one has half as many levels yay! I hope you enjoy anyway, and please tell me of any backroutes!!
attached is a folder with the levels and a hint file
I attached my solutions.
Comments on the levels:
So close yet so far away: Moderate difficulty, but very enjoyable level.
Three's company: I think I backrouted this one.
The Lemming with the Golden Gun: There's not much you can do, and if you've seen the trick before, it's not hard. But to newcomers it's a nice thing to find out.
Crazy A$$: Found this a bit messy, and I think there's a few variations to the solution. Not too fond of the exit trigger hidden behind the trap there, it doesn't serve any puzzle purpose but just to deceive the player.
The French Connection: A solution of pure beauty. Took me a while to see it. You've made a few levels that have similarly elegant solutions that I love. Only nitpick would be that the cut-off piece could have been made a bit nicer looking while remaining straight.
Found another solution to Three's Company that looks less backroute-ish. Under the presumption that you have to save the upper one there' aren't many choices how to get him out of this cell, making the solution not that hard to find, but nice nevertheless.
the only level with a backroute was 2.

(tears of joy

I updated it, now should work better. At least digging into the top of that pole isn't possible anymore.
Thanks for playing.
-unrelated note- Luis found another backroute to going down, from my second level pack so I may be updating that at some time.
A very nice levelpack here again! I'd say your levels are better and better every time. ( My favourite level was definitely puzzling dirt level The French Connection. I'll attach my replays also now because I watched geoo's ones and noticed that I had the same solution only for The Lemming with the Golden Gun. Here are two replays for Three's Company (the original pack), the first one is my original solution for this level, and I made the second one saving the upper lemming.
Awesome work with all 36 PSP levels! ( It's superb to have a possibility to play those now, thank you so much! (
Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
They took forever to make. Especially the evil "Back of the net".

Imagine looking back and forth at the PSP and the Laptop over and over, just to see if you got one area of the level right, testing the distance between two terrains and seeing if the Lemming will land at the same spot as the PSP when he finish building or closer to it. I think I startled working on it on August 2011 then stopped and came back on October 2012. The Crystal theme was used more, but the dirt theme was once again underused.
What I don't like about these levels is the first six levels are easy training ones, which is pointless because the game already has stuff like "Just Dig!" for those. Maybe they thought new players will pick special first and think the first level is too hard. It is the first one on the list to pick after all.

If that's the case, than they should have made the special section unlockable after beating all the original levels. I'm playing other people's levels now.
thanks for finding the back routes. And thanks a lot for the comments guys. I updated the pack now and also added another new level. I couldn't view your solutions to Three's company (Akseli) because either you played the old version or I changed something and mess it up. [I added some decoration]. If there's still a major backroute you can let me know.
I actually made those levels months ago, but the one I just added I made now.
yes, thank you for making those PSP levels. Some of them look interesting. They still don't compare to the Genesis level though, I think. (I haven't played them yet so I should wait to comment)
Even though the PSP has up-to-date graphics, I don't think I would like it better. I guess I'm old-fashioned but I'm really starting to like the graphics of the original game. I'd like to get more artistic in making levels with them.
Are there any levelpacks that has levels with solutions that relies on a glitch? I'm asking because I don't want to play those.
Finally beat mobius2. Well except for the first level, because I beat it with a backroute.
actually, yeah a lot of them require glitches. In many packs I've played, not all but one or a few of the levels inside use glitches, but few of them are
all glitch related. >>>edit: I really shouldn't say most do; I've played much less than half in total.
I've recently started playing bulletride and so far his haven't used glitches however I only got past 2 levels so far (his is pretty difficult).
my levels don't use glitches (but you already knew that). thanks for playing my sets! I can easily fix that backroute to the first one by removing the blocker. (come to think of it I don't know why I included a blocker in the first place...

I recommend ISteve10, Clam Spammer's sets... Insane Steve made notes with most of his sets which lets you know if a glitch is required or not. Those can be found on that grey site. (Serj-Gerjen Something tells me Nortaneous and finlay don't use a lot of glitches but I'm not sure.
here are some recommendations:
I played through PSP Special levels and attached my solutions so that you Luis could check whether levels are working as intended perhaps. I made replays with Dos Original Lemmings style, is that how you're planned for those levels? For example, I noticed that "The Flood" would be easier on Custom Lemmings style, since lemmings won't die falling from that pillar. I tried to find natural solutions for all the levels, and then also some backroutes. There is a text file included in the attachment featuring some comments. Again, just magnificent work you have done converting PSP levels to Lemmix!

There are 11 marble, 8 pillar, 8 crystal, 7 fire and 2 dirt levels in PSP Special. The part of dirt styled levels (2/36 = 5,6%) is terribly small, even worse than the part of crystal levels in L1 (9/120 = 7,5%).

However, I liked that there are many levels with only few lemmings. One level contains 1 lemming and another 3 lemmings, and even 4 levels contain only 2 lemmings! Only one level has over 30 lemmings, so this differs remarkably of L1 with lots and lots of lemmings in every level. Also, levels in general in PSP Special are small and puzzling, whereas original Lemmings is known of high amount of endurance levels having huge layouts and lots of spare skills. PSP Special levels are easier than L1 levels, though. I rated all three packs tentatively with one star by difficulty, because they didn't go up to Taxing rating in my mind (although the last pack is very close to it). Nonetheless, PSP Special levels are what I mean with enjoyable, easy levels.
- - - - -
möbius, yes my solutions for Three's Company were for the original pack like I said.

In my not-backroute solution I released the blocker with basher and mined down to the steel a bit later so that the other lemming gets enough time to build the last bridge. But the major backroutes won't work anymore. Btw, I played The Midas Touch now, I solved it before the update and after that my solution didn't work anymore, and now I got stuck in it for a while, I had wrong points of view trying to approach the solution all the time. Good job, möbius! Attached my solution.

I guess I'm old-fashioned but I'm really starting to like the graphics of the original game.
I think the same way. I also like Lemmini/Lemmings for Windows graphics very much although they're more accurate, and I absolutely love it when somebody designs levels which are stunning looking. I tend to pay attention to aesthetics pretty much.
Are there any levelpacks that has levels with solutions that relies on a glitch? I'm asking because I don't want to play those.
In many packs I've played, not all but one or a few of the levels inside use glitches, but few of them are all glitch related.
geooPkG is the only pack I know which uses glitches in every level (according to the description of the pack, I've played only the first level :DD:D). geooPk0 and geooPk1 use glitches also (correct me if I'm wrong :b). Glitch levels are included in most of Insane Steve's, BulletRide's, siergiej's and Gronkling's packs; ClamSpam04, CSTame packs, JHIsan1 and 1tseug. I'm pretty sure that I used glitches also when solving few of namida's LPDOS Psycho levels, but they could all be solvable without glitchess. There might be others, which I don't remember at the moment, too. When I rated levelpacks by their difficulty at the database, glitch levels increased the amount of stars of some packs considerably. Then there are lots of levels which are borderline glitchy or use tricky game mechanics, I'm not sure if I'd say them glitchy (for example ClamSpammer's other levels).
Insane Steve made notes with most of his sets which lets you know if a glitch is required or not. Those can be found on that grey site. (Serj-Gerjen Something tells me Nortaneous and finlay don't use a lot of glitches but I'm not sure.' nortpack1 and finlay's finpack01 don't require glitches.
I'm currently looking in to it now, just to let you know.
I had a go through the PSP specials as well now, and I definitely enjoyed them! Big thanks for remaking them.
I attached solutions to a couple of levels, just those where my solution saves a lot of skills or feels somewhat remarkable.
I'm not sure about the levels being easier than original Lemmings. Especially if my solution to Back to the Net! is intended, then I dare say it's slightly harder than the hardest of original Lemmings. I general I find the difficulty comparable, it's just that the PSP levels take less time to execute because it's a lot less grinding (I think everyone knows by now my disdain for the majority of the original levels

). I rated them with 2 stars for now (except for the first 10 levels).
No justice for the hero is a really beautiful level, but a lot of these levels are (unlike original lemmings

). I'm a big fan of levels with few lemmings as well.
As for geooPkG, yes, all levels use glitches, more specifically variations of the same glitch.
I think in geooPk0 only the last two levels use glitches, though some of the other use some intricacies in the mechanics that an observant player should be able to spot though. The only level that's really elementary in geooPk1 is level 4 (The way up), though I think levels 1, 2 and 5 don't really use glitches either.
I don't remember BulletRide's levels using glitches, but then again it's been ages and I keep confusing his levels with Fleech's (which I'm pretty sure are without glitches). In tseug's pack, the levels that I would consider elementary are 5-7, though I'd deem 1 and 2 glitchless as well.
I didn't know The Midas Touch was updated, I found a new solution to it now.
With Akseli's attachement, I made a lot of fixing and changes to a lot of the levels, that makes it closer to the real one. The levels were meant to be played in DOS Origianl Lemmings and I don't use Custom Lemmings. Although, using Custom Lemmings could have saved me some trouble in "The run around" because the Climber kept dying from climbing the one way wall and I had to lower it a lot, but I forgot about Custom Lemmings at that time and forgot what it does.
Dig Down, Bash Across: It can be beaten without digger. I just noticed some terrains that I never put that helps you do that.
Bridge Across, Mine Through: Finally fixed that death height, at the top of a finished stair. I didn't know how to remove that back then, without the level looking weird.
Tunnel vision: A miner destorying some terrains behind him when it begins is not possible in the PSP and there's no fixing a mechanic, so I'm just gonna leave it.
Two good friends: I'm aware of the basher destroying two terrains. It can be done in the PSP, but it's hard to find the timing, so when I do it, it's by accident. I realized the brown terrain is suppose to be thinner.
Seeing double! Bashing under the trap was a backroute. The trap needed to be lowered, because it has a different trigger area, than the PSP one.
Not as easy as it looks: Your original solution was a backroute. There were suppose to be a small amout of terrains under the steel, that I didn't know was there.
Wrong points of view: It's not possible to trap the Lemmings with one bomber. This was annoying to test in the PSP. I had to keep guessing when to use the time bombs.

Talk about torture.
A bridge Over Lemmings Slaughter: You can dig at the start in the PSP, but you need two diggers to get 100%, when you take this route, because the pillar is different.
Quicky now: That backroute can be done in the PSP. I discovered it while buildig the level and added it as another way to beat it.
Notch what you think it is! You can beat it without the floater in the PSP too.
Good work Luis with centering PSP levels, how nice they look now! And all those title and backroute fixes.

"Not as easy as it looks" has still the same backroute, steel can be dug enough from the left. Also, it might be useful if levelpack descriptions recommend using DOS Original Lemmings style, like descriptions of some packs do at the database.
Two stars by difficulty is definitely suitable for those last two packs, although "Back to the Net!"and "The stairs are not floored" have more trivial solutions than you found, geoo. Levels like "Born a blocker, die a blocker", "One man does all the work" and "Lemming toast" came to my eye somewhat strongly when I thought about ratings. And of course it's certainly nice that more than just one person evaluates those difficulties.

I guess geoo solved "No justice for the hero" as intended when looking the title and save %, I think that solution is actually nicer than 100% saved!
Okay, I'll try to identify some glitch levels as well. Glitch levels of Insane Steve's packs are at least (pack number - level number) 1-10, 2-6, 2-10, 3-10, 4-10, 5-10, 8-10 (so, many of the last levels) and somewhat glitchy are at least 2-3, 3-3, 3-6, 4-8, 6-10 and 5-9.
Gronklems#1 level 10 uses glitches, as well Gronklems4 level 5, Gronklems5 levels 8, 9 and 10, and Gronklems6 has strange techniques in every level, but really glitchy levels are 3, 8 and 10.
About BulletRide's levels, they're pretty clean, but I'd still say that these are glitches.
Steel digging and starting to build standing on nothing but air.
Moreover, the first level of BulletRide2, The Final Call, is definitely glitchy in my opinion. I used glitches in Fall Guy, pack 5 level 10, but I guess there may be a glitchless solution for that.
I have to take back my words concerning JHIsan1, I just solved strange levels there glitchlessly. I used a glitch in Siergiej01 level 8. Others which I mentioned are so tough packs that I haven't tried them too much. Anyway, now when I think it, I agree with what geoo said in
namida's recommendations topic: All these packs were very enjoyable even though there are some glitch leves along. They might still be worth of checking out due to great glitchless levels, Luis.
I'm not sure about the levels being easier than original Lemmings. Especially if my solution to Back to the Net! is intended, then I dare say it's slightly harder than the hardest of original Lemmings. I general I find the difficulty comparable, it's just that the PSP levels take less time to execute because it's a lot less grinding (I think everyone knows by now my disdain for the majority of the original levels
). I rated them with 2 stars for now (except for the first 10 levels).
No justice for the hero is a really beautiful level, but a lot of these levels are (unlike original lemmings
). I'm a big fan of levels with few lemmings as well.
Akseli's solution to "Back of the net!" is the intended one. The Lemmix version of this level is better than the original one. In the PSP, there are two nets that are colored orange and that tells you where you need to bash, so it actually gives you the solution. "Chain reaction" does this too.
The stars are gone, since I had to fix the levels.
No justice for the hero is a really beautiful level,
I agree, that is one of the best levels in the special section. Even this review said it: first level in mobius1 has a backroute. I would fix it myself and uploaded it to the database and even put his name as the creator, but then there will be two mobius1, since I can't delete the other one.
I found the intended solution to 'Back to the net' now, that was quite an oversight.
I also found a different 100% solution to 'No justice for the Hero' (replay uses the old version of the level).
Moreover, the first level of BulletRide2, The Final Call, is definitely glitchy in my opinion. I used glitches in Fall Guy, pack 5 level 10, but I guess there may be a glitchless solution for that.
Yeah, the behaviour used for Final Call is definitely not totally expected, and it took me quite a while to figure this level for the first time, but then again, it also happens e.g. in Lix, so it's not entirely unnatural. The Lemmix replays I have for Fall Guy all employ a glitch, but I remember solving this level in Lemmini saving 100%. I have a replay of it which I just tried to open, but it causes Lemmini to crash. Yeah, I don't like Lemmini, perhaps somehow changing the setup can fix that.
I don't think building on thin-air is a glitch, I mean, what else would you expect to happen. The underlying issue is that the digger just continues digging as long as there's something to dig away under him, even if it's just a pixel at the very left/right. Steel digging totally is though. The steel handling in DOS Lemmings is horrible.
That's a lot of solutions that I didn't know about in the special levels had. That "No Justice for the Hero" 100% works in the PSP too. I didn't edit the level though, because there was nothing else to fix, so your solution was done on the latest version.
I remember there use to be a website called It doesn't exist anymore. That url now just takes you to a PlayStation website. In the PSP Lemmings manual, it said you can download levels from the Lemmings website, but there was no way to download the two new ones there, because a download link was nowhere to be found. Now that I think about it, what was the point in putting those two levels in a website, when they could have just put them in the UMD? I could have put those in Lemmix too. Maybe they want it to use the website to come up with more levels, but never got around doing it.
The first level in mobius1 has a backroute. I would fix it myself and uploaded it to the database and even put his name as the creator, but then there will be two mobius1, since I can't delete the other one.
In many cases levels can have multiple solutions and that's not a bad thing. Actually, I guess many people think that some levels are even better when they can be solved in different ways. Maybe we let authors to do level editing to their own levels. I also know that möbius wants that this level (Roundabout) can't be solved in only one way, and many of his other levels are similar having multiple solutions.
I don't think building on thin-air is a glitch, I mean, what else would you expect to happen. The underlying issue is that the digger just continues digging as long as there's something to dig away under him, even if it's just a pixel at the very left/right.
I principally meant that last row when a lemming has dug everything around him but he still can be assigned builder, and this trick is needed in some BulletRide's levels.

So, Luis, have you already played many levelpacks of different level makers?
He said that backroute in Roundabout is fine, since the level was suppose to be easy. I'm still playing mobius1. I was busy with other games. According to my solution in "Jacob's Ladder", the level has five Bashers, but you only need two of them and it was a test of trying to pay attention to the Lemmings on both sides. It was fun, even though it hurt my arms, because I wasn't using the rewind feature and no pausing to see which Lemming is the climber.
He said that backroute in Roundabout is fine, since the level was suppose to be easy. I'm still playing mobius1. I was busy with other games. According to my solution in "Jacob's Ladder", the level has five Bashers, but you only need two of them and it was a test of trying to pay attention to the Lemmings on both sides. It was fun, even though it hurt my arms, because I wasn't using the rewind feature and no pausing to see which Lemming is the climber.
Jacob's Ladder is pretty much busted. I attempted numerous fixes to it months ago when I first made it but nothing worked and I eventually gave up. I needs some major changes to ensure the intended solution but I don't really feel like doing that at the moment. I might someday.
I guess I'll play the PSP levels now. They can't be too hard since they weren't user made.
I think it's fine the way it is. I tried the level again and getting the solution to work is easy now and finding which athlete to bash with is no longer a problem, but this is based on my solution. I don't know about the intended one.
If you want to know how the special levels look like in the PSP, you can watch this video: The video contains solutions, by the way.
Forgot to update my latest level pack for this thread.
Here's the download for the forum per Akseli's request. Details about this level pack are
My fourth official pack level pack (code named: Plinto). It's Lemmix AND Lemmini compatible (2 files for each version) Askeli already helped test it a bit but I expect more back routes.
level 4 hook, line and sinker, is probably easier in Lemmix and may in fact be busted because traps don't work good enough.
level 6 Last Lemming Standing, is heavily inspired by Ellischant's level Life as a worm. My initial idea for this level did not work so I tried to find another interesting solution for a long time and finally got one.
It requires a bit of precision but nothing too demanding.
oh, maybe it's worth noting, I reached the terrain limit for the first time creating this level

Level 10 Suspended Animation, is heavily inspired by Yawg's Stranger than fiction.
However these levels are similar in design only, in fact I haven't solved either of the former levels.
My fifth pack will be mostly easier levels designed for beginners (sort of like Clam's 5th pack). So if these levels are too hard for you wait for that one! (it's already in progress).
The level editor part? Maybe, haven't tried it.
The playing levels part? No. It doesn't work.
Okay, this is OLD but I have to say... I personally have run Lemmix on WINE in the past and it definitely works. Sound support is sketchy (but then this also happens on some Windows Vista/7 systems), but the gameplay is perfectly fine. Though I haven't tried test play mode from the editor; I'm basing this on the Lemmix Player.
I played Plinto level pack in Lemmix and sent my solutions to you, möbius. Couldn't there be the DAT-file also, so playing in Lemmix would've been smoother?

I suspect backrouting most of the levels, but I liked very much 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10. And the rest of the levels I guess I backrouted the baddest.

My favourite is probably 'Suspended Animation'. Overall these levels were quite fun to play, and I see that you currently in level designing concentrate on "easy to execute if you know the solution" aspect, because only level 9 needed a bit precision.
'Last Lemming Standing' and 'Over My Head' took me the longest time to solve, and their solutions were a lot simplier than I anticipated. That's always well done if a level can confuse in that way.
Hi, guys! I'm new around here, although I've been familiar with the series for roughly 20 years

I'd like to share my first levels in little preview pack that contains 5 levels. I hope to release a little more in full fledged bundle but it shall take time, I presume

Levels are rather straightforward and not too overdone - very possible that they play like some of the original ones. Majority of them relies on timing rather than puzzles, but hopefully, levels will be fun to get through. Looking forward to read your opinions, pieces of advice and critique

Preview can be grabbed here
Jammer Pack 01 previewLevels use Custom Lemmings set but I'm not really sure if any problems with paths can appear.
P.S. Captcha at this site is really painful. I have to request new pic five times at average.
edit: Oops! Pack needs some update as second level is unpassable. Don't know how it could happen - all levels were tested and solved. Update on its way.
The first level isn't beatable. Nine Lemmings will splat, after coming out of the entrance and floater can't turn around to save. Were these made in Lemedit? I remember if you build a level in Lemedit, than play it on Lemmix, it will look different. I'm not exactly sure, if it effects the entrance. I haven't used Lemedit in a long time.
Thank you

All levels are created with Lemmix. I see that spoiler tag is not available thus I've sent you a PM with solution. I can only tell that all levels are mostly about precision
Thank you
All levels are created with Lemmix. I see that spoiler tag is not available thus I've sent you a PM with solution. I can only tell that all levels are mostly about precision 
We've found our own way to do spoilers. I can't remember exactly what it is, but it involves using a quote tag and a certian color.
Edit: Do this:
Quote from: SpoilersText goes here.
Text goes here.
Great, thx!
You have to set falling lemming to floater and then right at the ground turn him into builder. It's all about pixel-perfect precision and practice. Fifth level contains the same thing. In general levels require greater precision to accomplish subsequent procedures. Sometimes one pixel can change everything
Apart from that levels shouldn't be tough themselves - especially in comparison with other packs I've been trying to play through, you people are really insane!
In many cases levels can have multiple solutions and that's not a bad thing. Actually, I guess many people think that some levels are even better when they can be solved in different ways.
I remember having passed ONML second level from Crazy in different way than intended. I haven't used this floating little platform. Instead, I've climbed at the left wall, dug it almost to the end, switched into builder and instantly dug again. And finally I've built bridge to the top of left wall.
I beat the levels. I think level 4 is the best one.
Thank you

My biggest concern was that the levels are a little uninspired and built in vein of original Crazy/Tricky levels. Still, the very beginning and further levels may be a little more fancy. I will try to avoid time consuming levels with i.e. longish bridges as those combined with pixel hunting turn out really tedious and chore to solve

I aim at few but demanding things to make repetition process challenge rather than boredom.
Yeah, most people are not a fan of those pixel heavy levels, like that first one. As soon as that first Lemming walks another step, when it comes out, you already lost.
Personally - and this is just my opinion - I like levels that are small with a decent puzzle, and mostly built around one or two key points. Take a look at my LP DOS Project pack if you want to see what I mean. Yeah, there's a few large levels in there, but most of them are as described (eg: the main trick in Variety Day is re-using the climber, the main trick in the two No Time To Die levels is working on multiple parts of the path at once - with No Time To Die Part II complicating this by requiring that trick at one point, whereas at another point you need all your workers working on the SAME part, etc).
Couldn't agree more on that

I'm right in the middle of my 6th level - may turn out quite good - I hope at least. 7th one is already finished but it's really tiny with quite unusual (but rather not original) solution.
Hey jammer, welcome to the forums!

I always love to see new Lemmings levels, and your levels were no exception. I gave them a go a few days ago, and I found them quite pleasant for your first levels.

I realized immediately what I have to do in
Click Right In Tick, but that's a nice trick that doesn't appear too often in custom levels. Though I'd guess that it won't surprise the player anymore in the fifth level, where you set the same trick again. :b I love how you filled lots of space with the snow, that makes the entire landscape look appealing.
Decoration was quite successful in
Bomb Your Own Hole, too. The solution is a bit too repetitive in my opinion, but fortunately there's this detail:
The chains seem to show the spots for bomber assignments.
Crystal Clearance was a nice level with few skills. You might want to use "no overwrite" option for exit, so it doesn't seem to be on terrain, if you don't like it in that way (I don't). The same issue is in the fourth level.
Moss And Iron is my clear favourite level of yours, every skill has to be placed wisely, I really enjoyed this level.

As the idea in
Burn Bridges Behind is okay, it's a little too repetitive like the second level. Also, there's no steel at all in this level, and it deceives the player, as the bombers just work flawlessly on the steel.
Here are my solutions for your levels in case you're interested to see them. I definitely look forward to your upcoming levels!
Also, I solved ONML Crazy2 in exactly the same way as you when I was a kid.
Hi Jammer64 (Welcome to the forums as well)
Just noticed your levels up on the mindless website, look good.

I like that there are more people creating level packs that's cool. I tend to like the occasional hero level such as Tim Foxy's levels such as (the swamp) level. (Fangorn Forest)
My dad was the first person to notice the solution when I played the onml crazy level 2, I was so excited when I got that game at christmas and stuck it into the Atari straight away.
I agree with what Akseli was saying in relation to levels having more than one solution which makes it more interesting, I can totally understand editing levels to stop backroutes as in some cases the backroute could make the level a lot easier but nevertheless lemmings is all about having different solutions I feel.
I might try your levels one time Jammer.
I feel it should be that way for *some* levels, but in some of them, part of the fun is only having that one solution and having to work out what it is. My two favorite levels from the original game happen to be one of each - It's Hero Time (which has several solutions) and No Added Colors Or Lemmings (which has only one). What they have in common is that they're both fairly short levels that require clever thinking. You can see that I do the same - in LPDOS, there are a lot of levels with only one solution (such as the final level), as well as plenty with several solutions (including what I consider the hardest level, Psycho 28 - it's actually very open-ended, and yet hard no matter what route you take).
Namida said it well. I meant in that old comment that some levels are even better when they have multiple solutions. Then there's of course these levels that could, for example, rely on a specific trick, and solving a level avoiding the main point of it is not what the creator of the level aimed.
I think Crysilis from my levels is the most like that every-solution-is-fine type of a level for example, it's in any case hard regardless of what path you try to approach for a working solution.
Thanks, guys! Akseli, I'm really pleased that you've found some time to play it and even review each map individually

I will replay your solutions as soon as I get home. Your finding in second level is flawless, that's exactly what I intended and spent much time on setting up gimmicks. Splat trick is no longer present in fifth level - too much is too much and I also plan to add something to diverse the gameplay
I just uploaded my first level pack to the Lemmings database: Nepster01 (which you may also get directly from this post).
Any kind of feedback and in particular any replays are very welcome! Though I did some testing myself, I still suspect there to be an awful lot of backroutes. So don't be too shy to drown me in them

The levels
- are created for Lemmix with Dos Original mechanics.
- do not require any use of glitches to be solved.
- are roughly sorted in difficulty. If you feel some level to be out of place, please tell me.
Hope you enjoy them!
PS: If you wish to play these levels in Lemmini or Lix, please get the levels from the Lemmings database. There it comes with a txt-file containing some comments on solvability.
I played the first three today. They all look very nice. I solved 2 and 3. 1 stumped me pretty good.

I liked #3 best.
here are replays, if they are backroute hopefully not too bad.
Thanks for playing, möbius!
Level 2: This is definitely a backroute.
Level 3: Oops, both sides should be symmetric, i.e. the balls under the right entrance should be 8 pixels lower. Your solution is nevertheless pretty close to one of mine and I would gladly accept it, were it not for reasons of symmetry.
I fixed both issues in the attached lvl-files.
Hi Nepster!
I have tried your pack and I have solved the levels 1 , 2 ( the second version ) , 4 , 7 and 8 until now!
Very nice pack! All these levels contain some very nice puzzles! My favorites of the pack until now are 2 and 7! Also the best looking level of them is ( imo ) 8 ( Brocken Symmetry ).
I have attached the replays of my solutions.
Thanks for your feedback!
Level 1: I did not know that lemmings turn around at the edge of the screen

. So you missed completely the trick I was trying to advertise with this level. I have removed this backroute in the new version below.
Level 2: How long did you need to execute THAT??? I never guessed that anything like that could possibly work and your solution is definitely MUCH harder to pull off than mine. Though it isn't the trick I wanted to be applied, anyone who can think of such a solution deserves to pass the level. So I will not consider your solution a backroute (at least for now

Level 4: Intended solution.
Level 7: Clever... extremely clever... extremely extremely clever

! That's completely different from anything I tried so far and it's a honor to declare your solution to be one of the official ones.
Level 8: This is exactly the type of backroute I wanted not to exist. I fixed this in the version below.
@Nepster: Thanks for your comments !

I have tried the second version of the pack , and I have solved the levels 1 , 3 and 5 until now. I have attached the replays of my solutions.
My solution for 5 ( Travelling Lemmings ) is obviously a backroute ( because it contains the use of a glitch ) . That level gives you the impression that you have plenty of builders , but when you try it , you find that the amount of builders is actually pretty tight , so you have to be carefull of how to use them , so you won't run out of them. It is now one of my favorite levels of the pack ( even if I haven't found the intended solution yet )!
Thanks for trying out the new version, Turrican!
Level 1: This is very close to my solution, but still misses one minor point. I will not remove this solution right now. But if I have to modify this level in the future due to serious backroutes, be prepared that exactly this solution might not work anymore.
Level 3: Another backroute. Though this is a pretty open-ended level (I know at least 3 solutions), there is one property I want to enforce, namely
You have to use different paths on both sides.
Level 5: Your backroute shouldn't be hard to fix. The amount of builders is indeed pretty tight, but sadly even one more builder allows for several backroutes. Your solution nevertheless gave me some ideas, which might lead to non-glitch backroutes. I will have to do some more playtesting the next days.
Another comment for Level 8 (Broken Symmetry): Turrican's backroute still works even in V2.
I'm working on revisions of level 3 and 8 right now. So consider skipping these levels for now.
Edit: Finished revisions now and V3 of my level pack is attached.
Hi Nepster, here are my solutions for your levels!

Please note that I played these levels from version 2 of the pack.
Well done with the difficulty curve, I used most time solving the last level and second most time solving level 9, for example. All of the levels were enjoyable, and I liked this fact in some of the levels, that it wasn't enough to know which skills are used in which places, but you also needed to time them correctly! A really stable set of levels throughout the pack, there wasn't a single bad level, though I don't know if my solution for
Dirt Runner was too straight-forward. I even find it hard to mention my favourite levels because the quality of all of them was so steady and equal, but maybe both Fire levels?

Nice job, Nepster!
Hi Akseli, thanks for your feedback and replays. I'm glad you liked the levels, given that you backrouted several rather badly

Level 1: I really should have seen this backroute while watching Turrican's solution

Level 2: That is möbius' backroute, which I had hoped to remove with V2.
Level 3: Similar to one of the intended solutions. It still works in V3 and is the first non-backroute saving 96%.
Level 4: Intended solution.
Level 5: Nice solution... but I included this possible approach just to mislead the player. For V3 the solution needs to be modified slightly, but that can be done. Expect that you have to find a completely new solution for V4.
Level 6: As you guessed, another backroute.
Level 7: Different from any of the solutions already known to me and more straight-forward. I don't know yet whether to leave it.
Level 8: That's the backroute, I tried to remove in V2 and again in V3 ... and now I realize, that it is still in there

. I really should have done some more testing.
Level 9: Very close to my solution. Unfortunately you missed the idea that was my starting point to create this level. But given the difficulty already, it is probably better to leave the level as it is.
Level 10: Completely different to my solution, but truly ingenious

. I will probably modify the rightmost one-way wall slightly to make the bomber timing easier.
Round 4 is up for backrouting! I tried to remove the backroutes in levels 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8.
I did change level 7, 9 and 10 as well:
Level 7: I removed Akseli's solution in the current version. Please tell me, whether you prefer the new or the old version. I am still not sure myself, which one I do. Turrican's solution is not affected by the change.
Level 9: I had a closer look at Akseli's solution. He replaced seeing one (more) trick by a much more precise execution (finding the correct RR and using the lemming, he loses, up to his last stroke). I usually try to discourage such precision. Therefore I slightly modified the level, hopefully to enforce a solution that is slightly harder to see, but easier to execute.
Level 10: Now you have about 10 pixels leeway to start the second bomber in Akseli's solution.
I plan to include replays of the intended solutions in V5.
Have fun (again)!
I had a look at the latest version of the level pack, and I've solved 5 (well really only 4 so far as I realize, as I'm using CustLemm physics) so far.
2: I quite enjoyed this one, it's simplistic and has a nice and elegant solution.
3: Cool combinatorial puzzle that's not convoluted where you have to break the symmetry.
6: I put this aside at first as it was lengthy. Then it seemed simple but I just realized that my solution uses the CustLemm fall height and doesn't work otherwise, so I haven't really solved it yet. Need to think what I can do with the extra builder. Either way I'm glad there are savestates and fast forward, otherwise this level would probably be very annoying.
8: I wonder whether my solution is a backroute, definitely enjoyed it so far though.
9: Not much of a fan of this one, a lot of builders and there seem to be so many ways to arrange them to get up, it's annoying to figure out what's possible and what isn't.
Not solved:
1: Tried it quite a bit, but haven't figured it out yet. Its simplicity is intriguing...
4: I've tried a few things, one I find pretty elegant, but alas, it isn't working yet. But it's really one with a limited set of skills that looks exciting.
5: Haven't really tried that one yet, seems long and daunting.
7: I tried it a bit and I thought I had it, but nope. There seem to be a lot of possibilities.
10: Looks super exciting, have to try it some more, I thought up a few things but I'm one skill short.
Thanks for your feedback, geoo!
The solutions to level 2, 3 and 8 are intended. For level 6 you are almost there and I agree that FF is extremely useful (though it was one of the first levels I ever made in the old times when there was only LemEdit and Custlemm).
Level 9 deserves more detailed comments: Your solutions is rather different to mine and more complicated (though it can be simplified). But I really don't like how you turned the climber by bashing into the steel. I attached an alternative version with less builders, no steel and the "correct" RR (as it seems quite popular to change it like this, unnecessary as it is

). I would be glad, if you could tell me whether you think this version more fun?
And level 1 turns out to be much more difficult than expected.
I solved 1 and 10 now, and adapted to solution to 6 to work with CustLemm (the latter was a really easy adaptation).
10 is really amazing, I love it! 1 turned out to be surprisingly simple, nevertheless it's quite neat with its setup.
Okay, here's my solutions for levels 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from V4.
My solution for level 5 is not fair, but I included it just that you'd notice that it's possible.
Oneway-walls cancel steel areas.
I like a bit more this solution for level 7 than my first one, this is harder to spot I think.
The solution I used in level 8 resembles a lot that unique trick I used in one certain level in namida's LPII Bonus pack, so I'm wondering if you got inspiration from there or if this is just a coincidence. : ) A really awesome level still!
Level 1: intended
Level 6: You fixed it a little bit different than I did, but that's OK.
Level 10: New solution, but similar in ingenuity and difficulty than Akseli's and mine. So I will gladly accept it. Great work

I hope I may include your solution for level 10 in the replays I will attach to V5?
Level 1: intended
Level 2: Different than my solution and accepted as an alternative way.
Level 5: The problem is not that OWW cancels steal, but that the trigger area of OWW starts slightly above the actual arrows. This leaves a gap of 3 pixels between the OWW and the steal with no restriction to terrain removal. You managed to move the basher into a position, where it checks for such things right in this gap.
Level 6: Backroute. Expect for the next version, that your first basher will stop in the middle.
Level 7: Another great new solution to this level

Level 8: As far from the intended solution as probably possible. Though more difficult than the intended solution, I tend to remove it, as I am not a fan of solutions that rely so heavily on pixel-precise execution (and the change I plan will make it possible to beat this level in Lemmini). As for the origin of this level: I got the idea to this level while trying something incredibly stupid for qbeez's challenge to "With a twist of lemming please" (in qbeez1.dat).
I would like to include the replays of your solutions to levels 3 (for the max saved), 7 (the new one) and 10 in V5. May I do so?
@Turrican: I would be interested to include your solution to level 7 as well. OK with that?
Of course I will mention you all for finding the respective solutions.
I would like to include the replays of your solutions to levels 3 (for the max saved), 7 (the new one) and 10 in V5. May I do so?
Yes that's fine, but please notice that my replay won't work anymore for level 3 because you changed that level a bit after V2, so you need to record a new replay for my solution.
I downloaded Nepster's pack, I have to say, I can't even beat the first level... xD I've acheived 98% (without using the bomber or having any stuck blockers), but that's the best I can acheive so far...
EDIT: Alright, I got it! This was actually only a very slight variation on another of my previous solutions - rather than timing the lemmings that come to the blocker, I was trying to cram it all in with lemming 48 as the blocker and lemming 50 freeing him.
EDIT: Got level 2. Though I'm fairly sure this is a backroute, as it gave me 2 blockers and 2 builders left over.
EDIT: Got level 3. This one was actually quite easy IMO, unless I've backrouted it. It might be; my solution only uses one blocker and doesn't use the floaters, and there's no interaction between the two sides.
4: So this solution all depends on that what I do at the very left is possible, which took me a while to realize. It feels a bit backroute-ish using that though.
5: (Spoilers) Once I realized that I didn't have to bash through the rightmost pillar, this was a lot less fiddly than I thought. I quite enjoyed getting my solution to work afterwards as it was easy to see how many builders you need for each part and I quite enjoyed it.
7: Tried something else and found something with quite a few skills to spare.
9: Ok this was just me being dumb (even on the simplified version I tried quite a lot of things). It seems so easy now. The backward bashing obviously isn't necessary, I just did it for convenience. I think I prefer the simplified version, as the stuff on the right just seems like filler, though then it maybe obscures the main solution a bit (if you're aiming for that).
Now that I've solved each level, I think my favourite is still level 10, that was amazing. (Yeah, feel free to include my solution.)
I quite enjoyed trying to figure level 4, but the solution I found was a bit of a let-down, but I guess it's a backroute.
I generally prefer levels with a limited skillset and fewer builders (like 1-3 and 8 and the aforementioned ones), but especially 5 was still a lot of fun, and I think all of them are great!
@namida: Thanks for your replays. Unfortunately I can't watch your solutions because I always get the error "invalid replay header different mechanics". What mechanics do you use to play the levels? Given what you wrote, it seems that you got intended solutions on levels 1 and 3 and a backroute for level 2 (I can get away with not using blockers, but at least you should have to use all builders).
Level 4: Backrouted, but I have more problems with the very right

. But it's probably a good idea to make this possibility on the very left more visible.
Level 5: Another new solution, but quite neat and near enough to the intended ones that I accept it. If I hear nothing contrary from you, I will include a replay of your solution in V5.
Level 7: Essentially one of my solutions, but you traded using the remaining skills for a messier execution.
Level 9: Intended, though you really must hate the climber as he never survives with you

. I will stick to the simplified version in V5, partly because your first solution showed me backroutes, that will be very hard to fix. The part on the right originally had another function (that you will hopefully see in another level at some time), though it now seems impossible to enforce it in this level.
I use a version of the OhNo player (since those seem to be the mechanics custom levels are designed for) modified to have all 10 styles, combined with LookForLVLFiles. Here:
((EDIT: Removed - see next post.))
If you're using the Lemmix editor, it might possibly work under OhNo mechanics? Although since the Lemmix source I used contains updates by ccexplore, I don't know if even then if it'd be compatible.
I still really need to work out how to make it look at an external DAT file, so we can have a proper Lemmix-based CustLemm...
EDIT: I'm onto something here... actually I have a fully functional replica of how the original CustLemm worked (looked for LEVELPAK.DAT in the same folder, it also looks for custom GROUNDxO/VGAGRx/VGASPECx files but will revert to default ones if they aren't present). Just one more touch I want to make to it...
Here. A Lemmix version of CustLemm, at last! =)
This works the same as normal CustLemm. Slap in a LEVELPAK.DAT file and play away.
It will use custom GROUNDxO, VGAGRx and VGASPECx files if they're provided, if not, it'll use the default ones (using the standard numbering system, with the LPII styles also included as #10 through #14).
It will play those replays just fine, by the way. One thing to be noted, if it ever matters, is that in the few cases where there's differences between CustLemm and OhNo, it follows OhNo mechanics at the moment.
The music, by the way, is just randomly selected from all the Orig and OhNo tracks., solved level 4. This level looked annoying at first, but actually turned out to be very clever and enjoyable.
The database contains now an updated version of my level pack. Apart from (hopefully) removing the backroutes, I replaced level 9 with its slightly simpler version and included replays of the intended solutions.
@Akseli: Your second backroute to level 8 still works, but is much more difficult to execute (e.g. the miner has to be stopped midstroke). As removing it completely would have had other negative consequences, I will leave it at this.
@namida: I got your replays to work using the Lemmix Editor with OhNo mechanics after modifying LemmixStyles.ini. Nevertheless thanks for making the Lemmix Player. Your solutions for levels 1, 3 and 4 are intended and I would be very surprised if you get your backroute for level 2 working in the new version (though it's theoretically possible).
Nepster; these level were good and they seem pretty popular. Would it be okay to include any of these in the next big community levelpack? No idea right now when this will be made, mind you
Feel free to use any of my levels in any way you want.
@Turrican: I would be interested to include your solution to level 7 as well. OK with that?
Yes, of course!
I found a new solution to Time Gate (version 5), though considering it uses RR fiddling again, maybe it's unintended. I waited posting it because I wanted to make an adaptation of the level that is based on a nice solution that saves 8, but I think I'll just attach my save 8 solution (that one's for version 4) instead as I don't have the time right now.
It seems that allowing to free the lemmings on the left and right with a builder was a bad idea as your solution is again a backroute. And you don't need to make an adaption based on your nice solution - this level is already meant to be exactly that (at least when all the backroutes are removed

Another update is coming soon...
EDIT: V6 uploaded on the database.
here's a preview of my upcoming levelset mobius05. "Plinto" was my fourth pack.
I'm trying to make these levels my hardest yet. I don't want to focus on glitches or bizarre tricks but this one level here is supposed to feature a very bizarre trick.
*sigh* in my sleep I realized a quite obvious backroute which I'm not sure how to fix immediately.
I might point out that this level actually should technically utilize three specific tricks, though they are all closely related.
here's a preview of my upcoming levelset mobius05. "Plinto" was my fourth pack.
I'm trying to make these levels my hardest yet. I don't want to focus on glitches or bizarre tricks but this one level here is supposed to feature a very bizarre trick.
Recently, I tweaked/fixed the code of the Android game, and I've loaded your level in the game to see if everything was still going well (I already made tests with Plinto's levels). So here's a screenshot


amazing that these things can work on so many platforms.
Incidentally I think I'm abandoning that level. The idea might be interesting but I don't know how to fix it and don't really care.
Mobius06 is at 9 levels right now (some are old, levels I made exclusively for MobiLems for people who haven't played that or don't have Lemmini) but others are new)
---new levels!!!!---- :party:
I started making this latest levelpack a long time ago but could never finish it. so I decided to upload it now rather than putting it off forever. That's #6. #5 are levels that were present in MobiLems but never released for Lemmix.
Solutions for new levels!!!! :party:
Except for "General Tsao's Lemming", I had two solutions that both failed because of 1-2 pixels, but didn't get closer. I suspect not backrouting "Ascension" and "Five Easy Steps...", I found those two great!
Also möbius, the Lix level contest (, please.
An update on that latest levelpack--
all need fixes but right now I was only able to fix four levels. General Tsoa had a problem; a piece of steel where it shouldn't have been making the level impossible. Sorry about that to any who played. It should now work fine.
The other levels fixed were:
Obstacle 1, cirque du so lemming [not a major fix], Ascension, Cliffs of Insanity
The others are backrouted but I don't know how to fix them yet. Five Easy steps could be fixed but not with old Lemmix's broken mechanics.
note: after this I'm not going to make any more levelpacks for old Lemmix. Anything I make will be either for NeoLemmix or Lemmini/Superlemmini [probably superLemmini]
Solutions to the latest update of Mobius06.
Ascension is a brilliant level :thumbsup:, even though I needed pixel-precise skill assignment.
I had many great ideas for Five Easy Steps, but the final solution was slightly disappointing. But it still took me surprisingly long to find it.
I suspect, that my solutions to Who by Fire?, The First Will Be Last, Cliffs of Insanity and Pearls before Swine are not quite intended.
thanks :thumbsup:
I guess that you found the same backroute as Akseli on General Tsao because it looked the same but I've already fixed it so you're play didn't work all the way. I'm not going to update the Old Lemmix pack anymore. If I do make an update it'll be a conversion to a NeoLemmix pack. Regardless, I intend on putting this pack plus a 7th pack I'm working on into a new SuperLemmini game called MobiLems II.
[Which I may or may not also make a NeoLemmix version for]. this game I'm aiming for 100 levels in 5 ratings like ONML
I've put the community pack on hold for now. Mostyl because I don't have an abundance of time still and there are things i still need to figure out how to do about it [like making custom graphic levels].
I had an epiphany in my sleep and realized a simple way to fix Five Easy Steps. :D I also fixed a few others; First will be last, General Tsao, Obstacle1 and Cliffs of Insanity.
Pearls of Swine I'm not sure if I'm going to edit it at least in the immediate future. That one is another level where I never had a good original plan and released it with multiple solutions. That level was actually the first thing I made for the second contest here; way back last years, the one Adam hosted. I abandoned it in favor of "Pillars of Creation"
-Five Easy steps is a level idea I made or thought of a very long time ago too, actually long before I found the forum. I just never worked out an interesting solution to it until recently.
-General Tsao, like I mentioned in namida's contest; is heavily inspired by two levels; one by Lacktardo and one by BulletRide. I was actually afraid at first that it would bare too much resemblance to those levels but it turned out not, I think.
note: you must use NeoLemmix to play this pack now. It will only work with it.
Quote from: もびうす on March 18, 2015, 12:57:10 AM
I've put the community pack on hold for now. Mostyl because I don't have an abundance of time still and there are things i still need to figure out how to do about it [like making custom graphic levels].
I remember you said you wanted to convert some Cheapo levels. If you haven't heard yet, these tools ( that namida created may help. You can convert the Cheapo styles and Cheapo levels so that they can be used for the newer engines. Or NeoLemmix, at least; I'm not sure how they can be integrated into SuperLemmini.
Although strictly speaking not a level pack, here is: A Level Lix Can Never Have. Have Fun!
Warning: Do not play this level in NeoLemmix! Even though no glitches are required (or wanted), the intended solution only works in traditional Lemmix, while lots of backrotues appear in NeoLemmix.
Backrouted? (CustLemm mechanics, though I think this solution would be equally viable with Orig or OhNo mechanics.)
Backrouted! New version coming soon...
EDIT: ... and here it is! I hope this change is enough.
It is complete.
Hi! I bump this thread to post an older level I have made. I know that the community has been moved to Neolemmix but I've just decided to post the level instead of having it sitting in my hard drive.
The level is called "Unreachable Heights" and it requires the use of some glitches in order to be solved. I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
Hi! I bump this thread again , to post a level that I had modified from the Lemmix version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1 , some years ago . The level is "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo . The level was in the beta the Lemmix version of RotL , but It was about to be replaced , because in order to be solved , it required a Lemmini-only glitch (unfortunately we never had a final version of RotL for Lemmix . It only remained in beta) .
My modifications here , make the level possible to be solved , without the use of that Lemmini-only glitch. It is a non-glitch level now , but also it's intended solution is close to the original one.
One thing to know , is that the level has 4 hidden traps ( at the two open spaces in the left of the level ) . I Tried to make them visible , but unfortunately I couldn't , because in that case , their trigger areas would end being completely inside the terrain.
I have also attached the replay of the solution . Level has been tested on "Dos original lemmings" viewing style , and the replay is viewable on "Dos original lemmings" viewing style.
For next step I will try to implement the feature that the new player EricLang develops , for MP3 support , for both this level and my own level (Unreachable Heights)
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
Here is the Lemmix version of my level "Reachable Heights".
"Reachable Heights" is a modification of my previous Lemmix level "Unreachable Heights" , and it is a non-glitch level . The original level ("Unreachable Heights") was a non-bulder level that used a glitch , but also it used some non-glitch tricks too. So I made a modified version that uses these non-glitch tricks I mentioned . In order to do it, I added builders to the original level, removed the two climbers , reduced the amount of other skills a little, and upped the save requirement by 1 .
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
The unreachable heights is magic. I knew the glitch existed but never saw that working. Added to my collection!
As well as the reachable heights.
Quote from: EricLang on April 03, 2020, 09:48:52 PM
The unreachable heights is magic. I knew the glitch existed but never saw that working. Added to my collection!
As well as the reachable heights.
Thank you for your comments! :thumbsup:
I had the idea for "Unrechable Heights" back in 2013 (including the name of the level), but i made the level in 2017. The end result was great! The level works really well (exactly how I wanted it), and on top of that, aside of the glitch , it uses also two of my favourite non-glitch tricks (I really like non-builder levels)!
Here is my new Lemmix level, called "The Crystal Coves".
I have tested the level in both vanilla Lemmix and Custlemmix. In vanilla Lemmix it works flawlessly , but in Custlemmix the water and the owws appear a little misplaced. I will try to fix this issue the following days ,by releasing a fixed version for Custlemmix. Also the replay for vanilla Lemmix doesn't work properly in Custlemmix and vice versa. That's why I have posted here replays for both vanilla Lemmix and Custlemmix .
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
Also both the replays are viewable on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track of the level :
Quote from: Turrican on April 08, 2020, 01:25:35 AM
Here is my new Lemmix level, called "The Crystal Coves".
Opened this level in SuperLemmini - it looks great, but I'm wondering if it is supposed to include skills that aren't available in SL:
I can see 1 Floater and 25 builders. Given the setup, I'm wondering if there are also supposed to be some destructive skills (Fencers?) for getting through the OWW. If not, the level doesn't appear to be possible!
Quote from: WillLem on April 08, 2020, 06:15:21 PM
Quote from: Turrican on April 08, 2020, 01:25:35 AM
Here is my new Lemmix level, called "The Crystal Coves".
Opened this level in SuperLemmini - it looks great, but I'm wondering if it is supposed to include skills that aren't available in SL:
I can see 1 Floater and 25 builders. Given the setup, I'm wondering if there are also supposed to be some destructive skills (Fencers?) for getting through the OWW. If not, the level doesn't appear to be possible!
First of all , thank you for trying the level :thumbsup: !
The intended solution doesn't use any other skills ( That's all the skills needed for the intended solution ). And also if you perform it correctly , you don't even need to use all the builders.
And I don't have Superlemmini , but I'm sure the intended solution can work in Superlemmini too.
Quote from: WillLem on April 08, 2020, 06:15:21 PM
Quote from: Turrican on April 08, 2020, 01:25:35 AM
Here is my new Lemmix level, called "The Crystal Coves".
Opened this level in SuperLemmini - it looks great, but I'm wondering if it is supposed to include skills that aren't available in SL:
I can see 1 Floater and 25 builders. Given the setup, I'm wondering if there are also supposed to be some destructive skills (Fencers?) for getting through the OWW. If not, the level doesn't appear to be possible!
Just for reference in case you weren't aware:
Vanilla Lemmix is designed to mimic DOS Lemmings physics, including bugs and glitches. As a result, the possible skills are limited to the classic 8 (climber, floater, blocker, bomber, builder, basher, miner, digger).
Ah, cool! Thanks for the hints guys. I've seen the solution now as Turrican's posted the NL version with its replay ( It's as I thought:
The level uses a slightly bigger variation of the Taxing 16 100% trick (I've attached my replay for this here). I can also do a variation of this trick for that level in SL thanks to having more floaters, but unfortunately The Crystal Cove is not possible in SL due to the movement of the lems: by the time they walk off a builder bridge, they're a frame ahead of where they are in NeoLemmix. After some investigation (, it appears that this is also the case on the Amiga, which I believe is the platform that SuperLemmini bases its physics on.
The first replay is for NeoLemmix, the second is for SuperLemmini.
This is my new Lemmix level . It's called "Now you're stuck ( part 2 )"
The level is homage to the "Now you're stuck" level by Clam (but it requres a completely different method in order to be solved , compared to the method , I used to solve the original level).
The level requires the use of a glitch in order to be solved.
Traps appear a little misplaced in Custlemmix ( I plan to fix this issue ).
The replay for vanilla Lemmix doesn't work in Custlemmix , so I have attached a replay for Custlemmix too.
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
Also both the replays are viewable on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
Here is another small modification of a level from the Lemmix beta version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1 , that I have done in the past.
The level is ''The Giant's Leap'' by Gronkling . The modification is : I have fixed the steel properties of the level.
The level requires the use of a glitch in order to be solved.
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
This is my new Lemmix level. It's called "The squares fight back (part 2)" .
The level is homage to the "The squares fight back" level by Clam.
It requires the use of some glitches in order to be solved.
The replay for vanilla Lemmix doesn't work in Custlemmix , so I have attached a replay for Custlemmix too.
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
Also both the replays are viewable on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
This is my new Lemmix level. It's called "Spaces within spaces" .
The level requires the use of a glitch in order to be solved.
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
Personally I don't like glitches at all, I'm glad NL and Superlemmini don't allow them, I think skills should act appropriatly. Also since I converted Pimolems from Lemmini to Superlemmini,
I had to recreate 6 ot those glitch levels. Glitches make it difficult to port levels into NL or Superlemmini(annoying quite honestly). Too bad lemmini and custom lemmix allows them otherwise
glitches wouldn't appear in levels(which would be better for the game).
Quote from: ericderkovits on September 03, 2020, 07:58:08 AM
Personally I don't like glitches at all, I'm glad NL and Superlemmini don't allow them, I think skills should act appropriatly. Also since I converted Pimolems from Lemmini to Superlemmini,
I had to recreate 6 ot those glitch levels. Glitches make it difficult to port levels into NL or Superlemmini(annoying quite honestly). Too bad lemmini and custom lemmix allows them otherwise
glitches wouldn't appear in levels(which would be better for the game).
Personally , I really like glitches! I design also non-gltch levels , but glitch levels are my favourites! Large reason for that is because when I started browsing the forums (back in 2012) , the challenges board is what got my attention the most! Also some of my favourite Lemmings youtubers back in the day were into challenges! Glitches had a major , and often a vital role in challenge and record solutions! Also some of my all-time favourite custom levels of all time are glitch levels ( like "More steel works" by Tseug , "Now you're stuck" by Clam , or "Don't stop me now" by Geoo ) !
Aditionally , I like to explore physics in Lemmings! Most players/designers are here for the puzzles , I am here for the physics! For my glitch levels , I want them to be technical and experimental! I want them to expriment with physics , push them and even break them! I want these levels , to explore what is possible with physics!
So due to their nature , these levels can't be converted to other engines without changing their solution! You have to practically transform them into different levels! But the same thing applies also to non-glitch levels that use tricks that are not possible to another engine , due to differences in physics! Each engine has it's own physics model , so there is always a possibility , that a level that is very technical , to have tricks that don't work in other engines! And sometimes , if you try to convert some of these levels to other engines , you may have to alter or remove a vital trick from them , something that may open the possibility of backroutes on them , or have them with a drastically altered solution , that misses a vital trick of them!
There is one of my glitch levels , that I have also made a non-glitch version of it! That is a modification of my first level "Unreachable Heights" , that I made a non-glitch version of it , called "Reachable Heights"! That allowed me also to make a Neolemmix version of "Rechable Heights" , which I have posted it , in in the "Random level sharing topic" and "Levels by Turrican" threads! "Reachable Heights" is a pretty good level , but it misses the entire first half of the solution of the original level , which is the most vital part of it ( the original level is science) ! I also have made a modification of "All that a basher can do" by Dodochacalo ( the original level used two Lemmini specific glitches , but I turned it into a non-glitch level ) , that I have posted it in the previous page of this thread!
Here is another modification of a level from the Lemmix beta version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1.
The level is "Blocked Bridge" by Gronkling.
The original version for Lemmini , required two different glitches , in order to be solved , and one of these was a Lemmini specific glitch. But in lemmix you can avoid that glitch , by using a non-glitch trick instead , so this version of the level , requires only the second glitch , the original solution required , in order to be solved , which is also exists in Lemmix.
Adittionaly , I needed to add a steel piece in the middle of the level, to prevent a backroute that had appeared in Lemmix , due to a difference in steel physics , between the two versions.
I have tested the level on "dos original lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on "dos original lemmings" viewing style.
EDIT: Link for the music track for the level :
I have added links for the music tracks , for all the Lemmix levels , I have posted!
Here is another modification of a level from the Lemmix beta version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1.
The level is "Perfect Harmony" by Dodochacalo.
The biggest modification , that I did to this level is , I changed the formation of the owws , because unfortunately , there is a limit to how many trigger areas can exist in a level in a Dos/Lemmix level, so in that case , I had to use a new formation for owws.
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
Link for the music track , that I use for the level :
Here is another modification of a level from the Lemmix beta version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1.
The level is Herculems by Dodochacalo. The modification is : I have fixed the steel properties of the level.
I have tested the level on "dos original lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on "dos original lemmings" viewing style.
Link for the music track , that I use for the level :
I edited the Blocked Bridge replay (title had no space and Lemmix could not auto find it). (the second one is correct)
And Perfect Harmony as well.
This is the Lemmix version of my new level. It's called "Excavations in the Cubic Cave"
I have tested the level on "custom lemmings" viewing style.
I have also attached the replay of the solution. It is viewable on custom lemmings viewing style.
Link for the music track for the level:
Here is how the level looks:
Hi Turrican,
I have solved your glitch level "Unreachable Heights" in CustLemmix :thumbsup: Replay attached. Though I managed to save some skills here, my solution should still be acceptable as it shouldn't be possible to solve without the glitch required, and as long as that's used it's likely a fine solution.
Thank you for the suggestion/tip to turn to geoo's pack that explores the "exotic glitch" and its variants you mentioned in your video! :thumbsup: I definitely never would had come up with such a thing, moving an exit trigger, let alone know it's even possible! It's certainly something I've never seen before despite growing up with the Dos port of the game. So far, I've figured out half of geoo's pack, but I'll try the remaining 3 I couldn't solve at a later time :)