Lem3Edit (http://camanis.net/lemmings/files/editors/lem3edit-alpha-0.3.zip) 0.3
so, now that I've added simple save functionality, I'm making a new topic for Lem3Edit :)
you still have to do everything using the keyboard except selecting and moving objects
and if you want to change anything except objects, you'll have to grab a hex editor and some documentation (http://it.travisbsd.org/lemmings/files/docs/lemmings_3_level_file_format.txt)
but it's useable, and my easter break is over, so I dunno when I'll get around to adding more to the interface
Hmm, I guess the reason for the lack of feedback is that the Chronicles is one of the less popular games in the series...
In fact, I personally haven't even completed it.
Anyways, as far as I tested it everything seems to work fine nice work so far, Mindless!
However, if you place one object beyond the level boundaries that are defined in the *.dat file, the whole level will be screwed up: I tried in the first level of the shadow tribe (for reference, the change I did only changed the byte at address 0x007c in Temp101.obs from 0x90 to 0xa0) and it caused the graphics to screw up, random blue terrain pieces appearing everywhere, and after nuking the palette in the following screens being screwed up.
Guess it's a problem of the user if he places objects out of bounds, but I guess it's noteworthy nevertheless.
alright, I'll make sure to add warnings for objects placed outside the level
Could this editor complete the original Lemmings Chronicles' project of making 3 more games with levels for the other 9 Lemmings' Tribes? Or it would work only for creating more levels for the Shadow, Egyptian & Classic Tribe of the Lemmings Chronicles?
Or it is just very soon to answer that, hehe :thumbsup:?
I didn't notice you can add a marquee in your replies to the topics... :laugh:
Quote from: Ron_Stard on September 18, 2008, 02:02:34 PMCould this editor complete the original Lemmings Chronicles' project of making 3 more games with levels for the other 9 Lemmings' Tribes? Or it would work only for creating more levels for the Shadow, Egyptian & Classic Tribe of the Lemmings Chronicles?
This specific tool is only for level editing.
However, if we have any pixel artists willing to work on the sprites, I can develop the tools necessary to create new tribes.
I tried to download this and got a 404 error. ???
E: The link goes to the old lemmings file portal. That's why :XD:
Quote from: Clam Spammer on September 26, 2008, 08:17:22 AMI tried to download this and got a 404 error. ???
E: The link goes to the old lemmings file portal. That's why :XD:
Nah, I had to make a quick (hopefully temporary) server jump back to the old host (still using the new URL, but the old one should still redirect)... it went better than last time, but I missed a couple things. It should work now. ;)
I can't seem to do anything with it (it downloaded fine though). How do you start making a level? Do you have to edit an existing one (and if so, how do you open it?). Is there anything else I should know before I start?
(I'm assuming you've correctly placed the data files)
the 'start making a level mode' is pretty useless right now (since you can't yet insert an initial object, instead you clone objects and then change their IDs)
to edit an existing level, you have to run lem3edit from the command line using the syntax in the README like lem3edit 1
to edit level 1
It opens for a moment, then closes... I downloaded the game from the archive (previously I was using the version from Abandonia) but the same thing happens.
that would indicate that you don't have the data files in the right place (and you should see an error in the command window). lem3edit should be placed in the same directory as L3CD.exe
There's no error in the command window. It seems to launch the program (the same one that opens when I double-click the .exe) but it flashes on the screen for a moment and disappears. The files are unchanged since I downloaded them from the archive, with the lem3edit files in the Lemm3 folder.
This is what shows up in the "stdout" document after I run the program (minus the legal bit at the top):
src/graphics.c:18 GRAPHICS/FONT.DIN
src/level.c:17 LEVELS/LEVEL001.DAT
src/tribe.c:17 GRAPHICS/TRIBE000.PAL
src/style.c:17 STYLES/DATA000.PAL
Is there anything missing here?
those are all notices of missing files (which should not be happening if you have your directory layed out correctly (http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/2406/screenshotgd7.png))
Oh... those are missing files? My Lemmings 3 folder seems to have all the same files as yours. Are the files in your graphics/levels/styles folders the same as the ones that I would have downloaded?
they should be. if you've got the files in the right place, I'm out of ideas as to why it wouldn't be able to find them. sorry :(
I just tried to run this on another computer and had the same problem again... :(
still no idea... no one else has had the same problem :/
Possibly incompatible with long filenames or ones with spaces in them?
By renaming some files to match those listed in the "stdout" file (the one that appears when I run the .exe, not the one posted above), I managed to open a level in the editor by just double-clicking the .exe - no messing around with the command window. I've also figured out a way to open egyptian levels (and presumably shadow ones too).
EDIT: Changing the LEVELXXX.DAT file for a level to LEVEL000.DAT seems to be enough to make it work without using the command window - even for egyptian and shadow levels :XD:.
Hopefully now I can start making some levels of my own :)
Thanks Mindless for trying to help me out - much appreciated :thumbsup:
This is a great utility Mindless, and wonderfully simple to use (aside from a little difficulty getting it to start :XD:). Well done :thumbsup:
Is anyone else making levels for Lemmings 3 (or lemmings 2 for that matter)?