Lemmings Forums

Lemmings Boards => Contests => Topic started by: IchoTolot on September 29, 2024, 01:53:12 PM

Title: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: IchoTolot on September 29, 2024, 01:53:12 PM
Welcome to another contest of the Lemmingsforums! This time the three rules have been picked by Armani, this time.

A few words to new participants and forum members: If you haven't entered before, I strongly encourage you to try - even if you don't win, it's fun to participate; and we have had cases where first-time entrants have won before! There are three choices of rules given, you may enter one level for EACH one of the rules.
You may either use new format NeoLemmix, or Lix.

edit by kaywhyn for clarity (October 29, 2024): It's likely not necessary since this is a very smart bunch/community, but just to make sure so that there's no confusion, for this:

QuoteYou may use either new format NeoLemmix...

Here, this refers to the latest stable NL version that was out at the time Icho made this topic. So, even though 12.14RC was released during the submission phase, this means v12.13.0 is the one to use if you decide to submit NL levels! RC/experimental NL builds aren't allowed, only the stable version of NL!

If you have more than one entry, they may (but do not have to) be for the same engine. Please make sure you tested your level for basic solvability before submitting and be sure to also submit any custom tileset you are using, so others have no problem playing your level. ;)

Pre contest testing: You can choose 1-2 persons who do a bit of pre-testing for you, so that the biggest backroutes and screw-ups of your levels can be detected before the playing phase. I cannot control this so it's only a guideline, but still I would prefer not everyone knows every level before the playing phase starts. ;)

Here are the rules on how the submission deadlines work:
- Initial submission phase deadline will extend such that it's 72 hours from the time of the last submission, up to the 5th submission (inclusive). After this it no longer changes no matter what.
- Update phase deadline will not extend over the initial dead line!
- Even if you missed the cutoff date for the initial submission phase, late entries are accepted until the update phase ends. There is no penalty for a late entry, beyond that people are less likely to spend as much time on the level before voting begins.

And here is the new ruleset:

Rule 1: Dr Lemminggood's Latest Inventions
(added by kaywhyn for clarity:) For NL, you must use NL v12.13.0 or you won't be able to make an R1!

Make a level that uses at least 2 types of newly introduced objects. The 5 new object types are:
- Portal
- Assigner
- Deassigner
- Neutralizer
- Deneutralizer

For Lix: Make a level that uses at least 2 types of lix-exclusive objects (flinger button and air stream for example).

Since these are very new features, there aren't many tilesets with new objects yet. Here's the full list of tilesets that have new objects in them:
tilesets with new objects
dex_autumn - Portal
dex_circuit - Portal
dex_mosaic - Portal
dex_rust - Portal
dex_palace - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
lt_space - Portal
willLem_special - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
eric_special - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
namida_lab - Portal
namida_systemtest - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer

Rule 2: Purity and Industry

Make a level under the following conditions:
- You can only use destructible terrain pieces on the left half of the level.
- You can only use steel pieces on the right half of the level.
    - Can also be top/bottom, doesn't have to be just left or right!
You don't have be perfect and split the level exactly 5:5.
As long as you stay within the spirit of the rule, different ratios like 4:6 or 6:4 are also acceptable.

Rule 3: Living in harmony

Make a level with either
1) only classic skills&objects + custom tilesets
2) only non-classic skills&objects + official tilesets

For Lix: Make a level with classic 8 skills without any lix-exclusive objects (as all tilesets are custom).

Further clarification:

If you are going to make a level with 1)only classic skills&objects + custom tilesets,
- You can only use the original 8 skills from Lemmings 1 and only original object types: Hatch, Exit, endless trap, fire, water, left/right OWWs.

If you are going to make a level with 2)only non-classic skills&objects + official tilesets,
- You must not use any of the 8 original skills or objects! This results on you having to rely on locked exits and pre-placed lemmings! (hatch/exit limiter is not enough here!) Also no water, fire, endless traps and left/right OWWs.
- Here, official tilesets refer to any tilesets from Lemmings franchise: L1, L2, PSP Lemmings, etc...

Submission phase ends November 29th 2024 at 00:00 UTC.

Ruleset in detail again: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2246.0

Send me a personal message with your level/s and if needed tileset/s to participate. It would also be nice to also tell me the rule which each level satisfies.

Please use the following naming format:  User1_Levelname_R3V1.nxlv ---> Level "Levelname" by User1  for Rule 3  Version 1 of the level

Prize selection:

- Pick next contest's rules (the author of each level in the top 3 gets to select a rule)

Entries so far: 16

- ericderkovits (3)
- Armani (3)
- IchoTolot (3)
- Colorful Arty (1)
- Gronkling (3)
- kaywhyn (3)
- Crane (1)

Rule distribution:

Rule 1 - 5
Rule 2 - 5
Rule 3 - 7
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: NieSch on October 01, 2024, 07:34:22 AM
Quote from: IchoTolot on September 29, 2024, 01:53:12 PMRule 1: Dr Lemminggood's Latest Inventions

Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: IchoTolot on October 02, 2024, 11:58:27 AM
I will be away from 3.10 until 6.10.
You can still send me entries - I will only respond when I am back again though.  ;)
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: IchoTolot on October 09, 2024, 11:50:32 AM
Just received the first entries.  :)
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: IchoTolot on October 28, 2024, 07:36:42 PM
Roughly one month to go and I also got my first entry ready.  :)
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: kaywhyn on October 29, 2024, 05:21:48 PM
Just posting to notify that I've amended the OP to clarify the NL part of Icho's post that if you submit NL entries for the contest that you need to use v12.13.0, as that is the latest stable version released at the time of the creation of this topic! Even though 12.14RC was released at some point during the submission phase, remember that RC/experimental NL builds aren't allowed! It's probably not necessary, but just to make sure so there's no confusion and because, you know, it's best not to assume things sometimes :P

Along with the above, added a clarification for R1 that for NL you must use 12.13.0 stable or you won't be able to submit a NL entry for the ruleset! ;) That's because the 5 new objects were added to stable NL starting with 12.13.0

Finally, added some clarification from Armani for R2 in that it doesn't have to be left/right, it can also be top/bottom! :)
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: IchoTolot on November 16, 2024, 02:00:17 PM
Reminder to keep working on your entries!  ;)
Title: Re: Level Design Contest #31
Post by: Colorful Arty on November 24, 2024, 02:13:29 AM