This does everything except VGASpec'd levels... let me know of any bugs.
Cool. :thumbsup:
On a couple of the levels a tried, I got some white boxes that showed up. I'm not sure what causes it; it seems to only happen on the Fire/Hell graphics set, though.
Hmm... I thought I fixed that... and I've found another possible bug too...
Edit: Strangely, "All the 6's" from the Windows version of Lemmings has multiple terrain pieces that have both the "remove terrain" and "draw under" flags set, LemEdit seems to ignore the first in these situations.
White boxes should be fixed now.
Dude, I am impresserated. This would be good for the level ranking thing we're going to use for the level list order for the remake.
Is it possible to
1) Remove the excess black stuff before and after the level
2) Bring up level data (skills, time, save, etc)
3) Comments + some kind of votey ranky thingy,
Cause if it is, and easy to do so, then its done;)
1 -> not too hard
2 -> easy
3 -> time consuming
but at the moment, I need sleep :)
Hey now, I'm working on #3. I also have #2 done :P
I'm not sure how taxing the script is, but when I get the database for the remake up, would it be possible to run the entered levels through the script to display the picture? Would it be better to run the script once when the level is submitted and store the generated picture?
Quote from: Shvegait on November 13, 2006, 12:31:26 PM
Hey now, I'm working on #3. I also have #2 done :P
I'm not sure how taxing the script is, but when I get the database for the remake up, would it be possible to run the entered levels through the script to display the picture?
It's possible as long as the server has GD2 available.
Quote from: Shvegait on November 13, 2006, 12:31:26 PM
Would it be better to run the script once when the level is submitted and store the generated picture?
Yup, on levels with lots of terrain the script can cause a CPU spike (of less than a second on my machine), so I wouldn't want to generate the image every time. :wink:
What did you write this in?
Anything new?
Just did a small update...
* removed the 'only draw over terrain' red-and-yellow object drawing, which was buggy and not in the Amiga port anyway
* fixed drawing 'only draw over terrain' object over other objects