Lemmings Forums

NeoLemmix => NeoLemmix Levels => Topic started by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 08:02:53 AM

Title: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 29.6)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 08:02:53 AM
Okay. Quite short pack. All level is classic mode Remake levels. I used ready remake boards. This pack use ready Boards but some boards are modified harder. Just extra traps or blocks. Level boards are all classic and familiar games:.
-Amiga Lemmings (120 levels)
-Genesis Lemmings (180 levels)
-Oh No More Lemmings (100 levels)

New skills (includes all neolemmings skills). Sometimes Zombies, neutrals, buttons and extra traps blocks some backroutes. This includes also some my min skill/max-% challenge solutions (idea my SNES score board) and some are even harder version. Its also includes precise time limit solutions and some really different old level solutions where is Zombies or neutral lemmings. This is actually very hard mode with normal lemmings levels.

This pack start quite easy and its become harder at end.  How ever all levels are at least medium difficult. So i´ll recommend you are played at least normal lemmings levels through, because every boards here is a lot harder version than normal lemmings levels. Few last levels are freaking hard ones IMO.

Used some orginal lemmings music. How ever i usually used here some special music.

Evolution my pack
Update June 16 (Orginal Release)************************

Update June 17 (Fixed back route level 26 Path of Evil Twins & changes some music*****

Update June 24 (jkapp76 add new logo and new level list system)************

Update June 29 (HUGE UPDATE) Final Version my Pack*************************
-Fixed two backroutes levels 20 (Quick Zig in LemStreet) & Level 25 Direction complex
-Maded harder next levels: 16 Group controlls (5 seconds less time limit) Level 25 Direction complex 15 seconds less time and many backroutes fixed. Level 28 If they have to fly (Less skills) One less climber and no floaters. Level 29 Mind The Step MASTER-Edition (one less climber) (make it a lot harder)
-Fixed all talisman systems (also fixed broken talisman in last level) and add a lot new talismans. Next levels contains talismans challenges:
Level 5 Infections (3 different talisman challenges)
Level 9 Turn around old lemmings (2 different talisman challenges)
Level 10 Miners & Fencers (1 talisman challenge)
Level 15 Super Lemmings Adventure (2 Different Talisman Challenges) Gold talisman is very hard
Level 18 Reaper Work (3 different talisman challenges) Gold is hardest
Level 21 Snow Work (1 Talisman challenge added)
Level 22 Zombie Lemminggology (1 talisman challenge added)
Level 26 Path of Evil Twins (contains level completion talisman +Time limit talisman
Level 27, 28, 29 (contains level completion talisman only (those level are really hard
Level 30 contains level completion talisman +speedrun talisman (this talisman is fixed) My previous version was broken.

+Name all talisman..
Newest link is added in maingpage and all old is removed.  Okay i think my pack is perfectly ready rightnow.:thumbsup:

If you got some troubles. Just tell me about this.

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: kaywhyn on June 16, 2023, 08:20:22 AM
If you would, can you please properly pack your other level packs, including this one? For example, see your first level pack attached. When I was playing through that pack from a while back, I changed it because it was really annoying to see every level called Level 1 "insert level title," Level 2 "insert level title," etc. This means a levels.nxmi file in the rank folders specifying the order. Note that what's written in the .nxmi file must match what you called your level file exactly, including capitalization, spacing, punctuation, etc.

It's really not that hard to do, so the fact you didn't do that for any of your previous 3 level packs is a bit unusual and that proper care wasn't taken to present them in the best way possible. I really don't want to be doing it myself when I eventually get to your other level packs, as they do take a while to do, but again they're not that hard to learn how to write them. You were also given some advice from others here about how to do this as well, especially when they were a work in progress and you were learning at the time.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 08:35:31 AM
QuoteIf you would, can you please properly pack your other level packs, including this one? For example, see your first level pack attached. When I was playing through that pack from a while back, I changed it because it was really annoying to see every level called Level 1 "insert level title," Level 2 "insert level title," etc. This means a levels.nxmi file in the rank folders specifying the order. Note that what's written in the .nxmi file must match what you called your level file exactly, including capitalization, spacing, punctuation, etc.

It's really not that hard to do, so the fact you didn't do that for any of your previous 3 level packs is a bit unusual and that proper care wasn't taken to present them in the best way possible. I really don't want to be doing it myself when I eventually get to your other level packs, but I will if I have to if you haven't done so before then.

Okay. I have to check out this. Im not perfectly know what did you mean about this. IMO all levels run order 1-30 without troubles like it did all my packs. Did you mean this number 01-02 etc... I think you mean.

I also have check out music files yet. This look some MP3 files take too much spaces.

I´ll try fix those errors. :P Be right back.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: kaywhyn on June 16, 2023, 09:11:23 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 08:35:31 AM
Okay. I have to check out this. Im not perfectly know what did you mean about this. IMO all levels run order 1-30 without troubles like it did all my packs. Did you mean this number 01-02 etc... I think you mean.

The problem isn't with the levels loading, but rather the way your pack is presented when you load it in NL is, let's say, disorganized. Take a look at the download in my post above and compare it to the way you have your first level pack done. In your example, the very first level you have as Step 1 LOL Level 1 Safety Drop.

Now compare to mine. The same level is just LOL 1 Safety Drop. Notice that the level is just called "Safety Drop" instead of "Level 1 Safety Drop." This required that I went into each of your .nxlv files in Notepad and take out the Level 1, Level 2, etc before each level title, which takes a while to do. Also notice in my example that the LOL rank is just called LOL in the main menu in NL instead of Step 1 LOL like in yours. That's what we been telling you with learning how to write the levels.nxmi file. It's not that hard to do. Study those files in the attachment I provided in my post above.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 10:48:29 AM
Okay that sound so fucking messy. If you not put levels order like 01 neo lemmix will organize it wrong. So i have to write levels order to 01, 02, 03, etc.... Then everythings play correctly. Everythings also work very well. Just check out allreplays and every levels play order to order. Its just really hard understand that.

I just crash my entire neolemmix and have to load all over again, when i attempts change things like this. Its not matter very much. I haved just older version. Just updated new one.

BTW i´ll attempts that music files yet. Its still too large and cannot compress it better. You can always use normal lemmings themese.

I´ll put those few music files manually. There will be 3 music files special themes.
Music ZIP 1:

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 10:51:31 AM
Music zip 2/3
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 10:54:41 AM
Music Zip 3/3. Those are just special music. Other levels use normal lemmings themes.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 11:04:35 AM
Okay i´ll need break now. Just working 8 hours with those cursed zips and logos. But as far as can tell those levels played and working well. Also you can use normal lemmings themes or load those special themes manually. That was too big in one file. So i make 3 seperate files.

Im not perfectly understand that Kayhwhyn point. Way too tired try solved it rightnow. Might ask that my brother in end of the next week. He is datanomy and maybe knew more than me. My limited english skills not help that a lot. Its most important, those levels runs order to order IMO as well like its did my three previous packs too. Im not pick up personal trouble about this.

This pack also only contains one difficult setting. You can ask replays about me if you will need help to beat some level or ETC... I just check out all greenmarkded and compelted. So no impossible levels here.

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: kaywhyn on June 16, 2023, 11:05:58 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 10:48:29 AM
Okay that sound so fucking messy. If you not put levels order like 01 neo lemmix will organize it wrong. So i have to write levels order to 01, 02, 03, etc.... Then everythings play correctly. Everythings also work very well. Just check out allreplays and every levels play order to order. Its just really hard understand that.

Without a levels.nxmi file, the levels will simply be organized by ABC order instead of the order you want. In your case, since all your nxlv files are prefixed with level 1, level 2, etc, that's why they're in the correct order. However, the problem with this is that if you load the pack in NL, the player will see Level 1 insert the actual level title, Level 2 insert the actual level title, etc. This admittedly is a bit disorganized due to the cluttering in the level preview screen, as surely you don't want all your level titles to be called something prefixed by "level" and then number.

The way the levels.nxmi files work is that by writing the levels in a specified order in the levels.nxmi file you can get them to be in the order you want, even without the nxlv files all being called level 1, level 2, etc. I can assure you it's not that messy at all. Again, as I have said, please download the attachment in my post above and take a look at how the levels.nxmi files are written. The way they're written your levels are still in the correct order. Doing it this way will show others you took the time and effort to do them properly for your packs. Otherwise the pack currently gives off a bad impression with the way it's presented in the NL player. I'm not the only one who has told you this. Others, including namida and Icho, have told you how to write them up as well. 

You can also see this for your first level pack in my LP that I linked to in your level pack topic:

https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5840.msg97254#msg97254 (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5840.msg97254#msg97254)
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 11:29:20 AM
QuoteYou can also see this for your first level pack in my LP that I linked to in your level pack topic:


Okay i see this your point about your video. That look you are fixed it yourself because its look different than my own version. Just check out my all packs and i am making this level list always with my own way.

That first time i see this topic :lem-shocked:. Hey thanks to played my pack.;)

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: kaywhyn on June 16, 2023, 11:41:27 PM
You can also take a look at other level packs and see how all those text files are written. You'll find that practically everyone does the levels.nxmi file the way I did it for your first level pack. However, what really matters is how you saved your level in the editor, as that is the name that shows up in the NL player when a levels.nxmi file is present. That's what I mean by going into Notepad and taking out "level" and the number before each level title, but I definitely did some unnecessary extra work when renaming each of the .nxlv files by taking out "level" and the number as well. There's nothing wrong with your method of naming the .nxlv files the way you did. 

Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 11:04:35 AM
Im not perfectly understand that Kayhwhyn point.

Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 16, 2023, 10:48:29 AM
Okay that sound so fucking messy.

Please try and be more respectful in your posts in the future. In particular, I take great issue when others misspell my username. I know you were tired, but that's no reason to screw my username up. I also know you're on the spectrum, but again no reason to write my username incorrectly. Yes, it's a username and hence not the same as a person's real name, but it's the same in real life. People generally get mad if someone messes their name up. To do so is essentially disrespecting the person.

Also there's always a way to say things nicely without resorting to swearing, especially when others take the time to help organize your pack and give advice. Again, it's not as messy as you think, and it's not hard to learn how to do either. This way simply takes some getting used to when you haven't done it that way. However, as I said the way you had your .nxlv files named are fine, just the way each level can be presented in the preview screen can be better done, let's say ;)
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 17, 2023, 12:59:06 AM
QuoteThat's what I mean by going into Notepad and taking out "level" and the number before each level title, but I definitely did some unnecessary extra work when renaming each of the .nxlv files by taking out "level" and the number as well. There's nothing wrong with your method of naming the .nxlv files the way you did.

Just wonder why this little thing just disturping you a that much and its make you work all that big job yourself? Its still play all levels orders to orders and etc... Im not even pick up that thing before. I am looking some other packs. I´ll see it now. Im not even notice that thing before you show me and told me about this. Im not still pick up much difference about my style naming levels.

QuotePlease try and be more respectful in your posts in the future. In particular, I take great issue when others misspell my username. I know you were tired, but that's no reason to screw my username up

Did you are just that painstaking? Im not really goes mad if someone write my nick name or even my real name wrong. Its not really matter much about me, expect some important document like identity card or etc... Thats your nickname is painfull hard write IMO. I have dyslexia. I usually used just copypaste if i have to write to hard words or names
correct. Also english is not my native language, so i´ll make a lot errors and also misunderstand things etc....

I´ll also swear when i´ll mind swear. I think there is not childs arounds to hear this. :evil:

Hey man just relax little bit. Just don´t take all that very personally. I´ll might try fix those naming organize system when i have a lot time and focus attempt it. How ever i have 3 full 120+ levels packs done, you are first person who are complain about this. That look my organize system not are that trouble otherones here.

Yes i understand in worldwide community. Here is many type persons and some are very nitpicking and painstaking and got piss off little things like this or things like writing errors and etc... How ever i cannot fix my bad english very soon. Just will hope peoples understand my point, what i mean. Im not are very PRO about computer systems. My brother handled those a lot better. How ever i´ll always learn bit better, but its will always take a lot time learn new things.

I´ll promise look out that naming system later. My two first pack also need some modify about graphic things and etc.... Might make some update versions later and fix this namesystem all levels.

How ever, im not goes make it at this point and rightnow. Its will be hard and long work fix over 300-400 levels names one by one and you seems just are only person who really care much about this. I´ll see this disturp you a lot. My intention is not make players to mad, expect to create hard levels.

IMO my level organizion working very well for me, even its bit different than most other players packs.

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: kaywhyn on June 17, 2023, 01:24:14 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 17, 2023, 12:59:06 AM
Just wonder why this little thing just disturping you a that much and its make you work all that big job yourself? Its still play all levels orders to orders and etc... Im not even pick up that thing before. I am looking some other packs. I´ll see it now. Im not even notice that thing before you show me and told me about this. Im not still pick up much difference about my style naming levels.

Just my way of doing things, and I do care about presentation, especially since I'm in a field where these things matter.

Did you are just that painstaking? Im not really goes mad if someone write my nick name or even my real name wrong. Its not really matter much about me, expect some important document like identity card or etc... Thats your nickname is painfull hard write IMO. I have dyslexia. I usually used just copypaste if i have to write to hard words or names

I'm a real person you know, so of course it's a problem to me when others mess up my username, because that to me is disrespectful. An online forum is no different than real life. By writing people's names correctly, whether a username or their real name, it at least shows respect and care about others. I work in a field where getting the names of both kids and adults is important. Some others in this community have also made the same mistake, but as they didn't know that getting my name wrong bothers me, I gently reminded them to be careful when writing it incorrectly, they apologized for it and made the correction, and haven't gotten it wrong since. At least I always take the time to write other users' names correctly, because again they're real people, and I care very much about respecting others. 

However, I will not tolerate you using your dyslexia as an excuse. You just admitted that you copy/paste if something is hard for you to write. So, why didn't you do that for my username, then?

I´ll also swear when i´ll mind swear. I think there is not childs arounds to hear this. :evil:

There are some minors here. Not that many, but there are some. I'm not one, so I don't mind it, it just came off as a bit rude especially when that was advice you were given.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 17, 2023, 04:39:09 AM
BTW. Very Rude Backroute pick up

Just level 26 Path of Evil Twins, i´ll locked it, but not matter if you are loaded old version, you might want find it yourself, its just backroute and its very cheap one, its otherwise very hard level and one hardest entire pack, this backroute make it very easy to beat, how ever that backroute is not very easy to find, but when you look pixels right you will find it

Level 26 backroute fixed version. Also added link in main page. I am glad i find that myself before anyone else notice that before me. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: jkapp76 on June 22, 2023, 06:20:17 PM
Here's the latest version of this pack formatted to the standard format.

I've been creating tools to auto-format packs like this into a more standard format and tested it on this one.
I posted a couple of my tools in the Level Development page.

*I also included my own logo. This pack was one of the few of M88's I didn't do the logo for in time.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/Very Hard
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 24, 2023, 05:48:46 PM
Hey thanks jkapp76. Thats your logo is much better than my own one. :thumbsup:

EDIT 24.6.23.
Update jkapp76 logo and new list system my mainpage.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 24.6
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 25, 2023, 01:41:23 AM
Just check out jkapp76 update. That was a lot better than my one. Very big thanks about your hard job with my pack. I´ll very thankful all your job.:thumbsup:

I think this system list levels will be favor also kaywhyn and most others, who will hate my system list levels. Big thanks about this.:thumbsup:

If you you like some really hard levels i´ll recommend next ones

Very hard levels
15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28

Extremely hard levels
26, 27,29 & 30 (those levels make you cry and only recommend very PRO lemmings players. So if you not are lemming master, those levels might are too hard to beat.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 24.6
Post by: kaywhyn on June 25, 2023, 05:38:53 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 25, 2023, 01:41:23 AM
I think this system list levels will be favor also kaywhyn and most others, who will hate my system list levels.

I think there's a misunderstanding here, so I want to make sure we're both on the same page. Just to be clear, I never said I didn't like your numbering system for your files. I do agree with you that it's a very nice way to organize everything. Instead, I just didn't like the way the game showed the level info on the preview screen because IMO it's too cluttered with how there's so many words on the screen. Also, in English "hate" is a pretty strong word. Instead, use "dislike" or "don't like" or something similar.

I checked the way Jeremy did this pack of yours with his tool, and it seems like he did it the exact same way as I did with your first level pack. However, the very nice thing is that his tool does most of the work for you, thereby cutting out most of the time spent typing everything. I tried it on some other packs and I can say it works great! :thumbsup: Definitely give it a try for your other two packs whenever you get the chance :)

Also, thank you for the info on the hard levels for this pack! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 24.6)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 27, 2023, 09:37:02 AM
NEXT UPDATE IDEAS (WHEN I BACK HOME)********************************:

Very cheap "backroute" pick up level 20 Quick zig in Lemstreet. I´ll fix it in next update when i´ll back home my vacation.

That was nearly as cheap as level 26 backroute which was already fixed. But luckily its very easy to fix. Let see did i can find otherones. I´ll totally agree Crane. Its really hard avoid make some rough/cheap backroutes. Its really piss off when some backroutes break entire level idea. Its will be fixed

EDIT 2***************************************:
Level 28 If they have to fly will be updated a lot more harder than orginal version of the level. There is no "backroutes" or anythings, but i´ll make it even more tougher. Just less skills and more tricks. I ´ll still think did i want make that hardest possible version or did i want give just talisman about it. Let see what i´ll feel.

Reason That trick at end was really hard to make correct, how ever its not any harder than most Cranium levels tricks, but its really painful and this level is quite painful too, but how ever its still short level.

I´ll look out more updated ideas and make hopefully my last version when i´ll back the home. If i think this level 28 trick is too hard to managed consistent, i´ll might make completion solution little bit easier and might add talisman about this. Let see. :P How ever this solution will be still harder than orginal one. But that trick make it just insane hard. Maybe most rage level ever. :devil:

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 24.6)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 27, 2023, 07:42:33 PM
More list about next updates things.*****************************
Next levels backroute will be fixed:
-Level 20 Quick Zig in Lemstreet (already fix level 26 backroute, that was only one.) New version add more traps and take glider away.

Next levels will be more hard to beat (no backroutes or anything just harder skill limits than previous updates. So more trick and hard timings.
-Level 28 & 29 (no route fix, just harder skill limits) Im not want add talisman with those levels, because i´ll want my 4 last levels are really hard to beat only. Both levels was already quite hard ones, but i´ll add some extra difficulty and challenges, because i can.

Next levels will includes one or more different talisman challenges
-At least (Levels 5, 9, 10, 18 (this level Name Reaper Work will includes 3 different talismans and gold talisman is hardest), 21 & 26) I´ll might look few more levels yet. Level 30 already had talisman. That was only talisman in my previous update.

I´ll might make next update Friday-Saturday when i´ll back to home.

Many nice things will make this pack even better.

Be right back later. :thumbsup:

Level 15 Super Lemmings adventure (2 talisman added)
Silver is quite easy speedrun talisman. Gold talisman is freaking hard skill limit talisman

Much things will be updated end of the week. Hopefully this next one is my pack final updated version. Let see.

Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDATE 24.6)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 28, 2023, 09:31:07 AM
Another backroute pick up level 25 Direction complex.

Level 20 Quick Zig in Lemstreet
Level 25 Direction complex (i also have drop timelimit litttle bit. That my old replay work well both levels.
New versions those levels look like this.
Title: Re: MASTER-88 (Amiga Classic) 30 Levels (Difficutly: Medium/EXTREME (UPDAT 29.6)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 29, 2023, 07:27:02 PM
Update June 29 (HUGE UPDATE) Final Version my Pack*************************

-Fixed two backroutes levels 20 (Quick Zig in LemStreet) & Level 25 Direction complex
-Maded harder next levels: 16 Group controlls (5 seconds less time limit) Level 25 Direction complex 15 seconds less time and many backroutes fixed. Level 28 If they have to fly (Less skills) One less climber and no floaters. Level 29 Mind The Step MASTER-Edition (one less climber) (make it a lot harder)

-Fixed all talisman systems (also fixed broken talisman in last level) and add a lot new talismans. Next levels contains talismans challenges:
Level 5 Infections (3 different talisman challenges)
Level 9 Turn around old lemmings (2 different talisman challenges)
Level 10 Miners & Fencers (1 talisman challenge)
Level 15 Super Lemmings Adventure (2 Different Talisman Challenges) Gold talisman is very hard
Level 18 Reaper Work (3 different talisman challenges) Gold is hardest
Level 21 Snow Work (1 Talisman challenge added)
Level 22 Zombie Lemminggology (1 talisman challenge added)
Level 26 Path of Evil Twins (contains level completion talisman +Time limit talisman
Level 27, 28, 29 (contains level completion talisman only (those level are really hard
Level 30 contains level completion talisman +speedrun talisman (this talisman is fixed) My previous version was broken.

+Named all talisman.

Added update in mainpage. Removed all old version my packs. Added evolution list my pack.

If you got some tech trouble or etc.. Just tell me about this. I just replay check all levels and talismans solutions. All runs well.